Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1986, gr. et fort in-8, bradel toile noire éd., 669 pp., 16 planches in-fine. (DM13)
An annotated catalogue of printed books on alchemy, chemistry and cognate subjects in the library of Denis I. Duveen. Suivi de : The Duveen collection of alchemy & chemistry, Supplementing the Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica. The Duveen collection of balneology. New York, H.P. Kraus, 98 pp. Réédition de l'édition de Londres, E. Weil, 1949. Texte en anglais.
Utrecht, HES, 1986 (reprint de l'édition de 1949). In-8, (4) ff., 669 pp. + XVI planches, cartonnage toile de l'éditeur.
On trouve à la suite : Catalogue 62, H.P. KRAUS : The Duveen collection of alchemy & chemistry. Supplementing the Bibliotheca alchemica. The Duveen collection of balneology (reprint de l'édition de 1953). (3) ff., 98 pp.
Duveen (Denis I.) and Klickstein (Herbert S.), eds. - Antoine Laurent Lavoisier - John F. Fulton, preface
Reference : 101397
W.M. Dawson and Sons, Ltd, London - Dawson of Pall Mall, London Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1965 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, under editor's clear blue printed dust-jacket fort et grand In-8 2 vol. - 706 pages
Volume 1. 43 plates (complete) - Volume 2. 7 plates (complete), 50 plates ok 1st edition of the 2 volumes, 1954-1965 Contents, Chapitres : Volume 1 (1954), Preface, Foreword, Contents, List of illustrations, xxiii, Text, 493 pages, 42 plates, 1 portrait of Lavoisier in frontispiece, sum of 4 plates, Lavoisier bookplate on the end-paper - Volume 2 (Supplement, 1965), Foreword, Contents, List of illustrations, xv, Text, 175 pages, 6 plates, one View of Fréchines in frontiespice, sum of 7 plates (706 pages and 50 plates) - Volume 1. Contributions to periodical works - Major separate works - Minor separate works and contributions to separate works - Miscellaneous in other works - Reports by Lavoisier to the Académie on other works - Collected works - Addenda - Name index - Publisher and printer index - Artist and engraver index - Volume 2. Contributions to periodical works - Major separate works - Minor separate works and contributions to separate works - Miscellaneous in other works - Reports by Lavoisier to the Académie on other works - Collected works - Notes and minor text additions to the main part of this bibliography, Corrigenda of the original Bibliography - A selected short-title bibliography of books and papers dealing with Lavoisier's life and work - Index of selected topics - Name index - Publisher and printer index - Artist and engraver index - Denis Duveen is an English expert on Lavoiser and a collector of his works - NB : certainement la bibliographie la plus complète à notre connaissance sur les travaux de Lavoisier near fine set, complete in 2 homogeneous volumes, main text + supplement of this very complete bibliography on Lavoisier's works, dust-jacket are rather fine, with minor wear, the top part of the spine of volume 1 is lightly folded, D.j. very lightly dusty on volume 1 also, it remains clean and complete, inside is fine, no markings, complete of the 50 plates, a rather nice copy
2 volumes in-4, reliure éditeur bleue sous jaquettes imprimées, nombreux fac-similés et illustrations hors texte.
Edition originale des deux volumes de la bibliographie de référence des oeuvres de Lavoisier.Très bon exemplaire, complet du volume de supplément publié en 1965, complet de ses jaquettes.A fine set, in fine dust jackets. Complete with the supplement volume published in 1965. Copie of Professor Pierre Dejours (1922-2009), a Lavoisier specialist, with his signature on each volume.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
London, Dawson & Sons and Weil, 1954. Fort et grand in-8, rel. d’éditeur toile bleue sous jaquette, XXIII-491 pp., portrait-frontispice de Lavoisier, 42 pl. de fac-similés h-t., index des noms, éditeurs, imprimeurs, artistes et graveurs. Sans le supplément paru en 1965.
Ouvrage de référence, rédigé en anglais. Avec une préface de John F. Fulton. Facsimilé de l'ex-libris de Lavoisier au contreplat. Jaquette lég. marquée. Excellent état. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
.: 6. London, Dawson & Sons, 1954, in-8°, 491 pp, some ills. of title pages, blue publisher's cloth with original dustjacket (some soiling and wear at binding and jacket, but still a clean copy with a fine interior.). First original edition (without a supplement which was published some years later).