.: Antverpiæ ( Antwerpen) apud Viduam et Hæredes Ioannis Cnobbari (Cnobbaert), 1652, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (10) nn pp + 368 pp + (2)nn pp (approbatio) contemporary vellum, ex-library with small stamp on verso title, nice copy. Third Antwerp edition. See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III , col. 202 item 29. Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books.
".: 6. Antverpiæ ( Antwerpen) apud Viduam Ioannis Cnobbari (Cnobbaert), 1651, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (14) nn pp + 434 pp , cont. vellum, ex-library with small stamp on the fly leaf, very nice copy. (See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III col. 198 , item 19). With an unidentified ex-libris (pre-1800 woodcut coat of arms) tipped-on to the first paste down. Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books, many with bizarre title like these; ''Treatise on celestial rhetoric or about praying....''."
".: 7. Monachii ( München) 1637, apud Ioannis Cnobbari (Cnobbaert), 1650, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (16) nn pp + 339 pp , cont. vellum, ex-library with small stamp on verso title, nice copy. (See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III col. 199 , item 21 ). Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books, many with bizarre titles like these; ''The golden book on fasting, or the way to keep healthy, the way to a long life....'' Engraved title mentions Monachii 1637 - Antverpiae 1650.."
.: Antverpiæ (Antwerpen) apud Viduam et HaeredesIoannis Cnobbari (Cnobbaert), 1652, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (6) nn pp + 346 pp + (2)nn pp, cont. full calf, raised gilt back, ex-library with small stamp on verso title, nice copy. (See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III col. 202 , item 30). Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books.
.: 6. Antverpiæ (Antwerpen) apud Viduam et HaeredesIoannis Cnobbari (Cnobbaert), 1652, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (6) nn pp + 346 pp + (2)nn pp, cont. full overlapping vellum, ex-library with small stamp on first fly leaf. Very nice copy. With an unidentified ex-libris (pre-1800 woodcut coat of arms) tipped-on to the first paste down. (See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III col. 202 , item 30). Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books.
.: 0. Antverpiæ (Antwerpen) apud Viduam Io Cnobbart (Cnobbaert), 1641, in-16°, 11 x 6 cm, engraved title-page + (10) nn pp + 321 pp + (1)(bl), old half vellum, ex-library with small stamp on verso title, nice copy allthough the upper inner joint starts loosening and the outer margin of the engraved title is cut short a bit resulting in the loss of the digit 1 (of 1641). (See De Backer Sommervogel Vol. III col. 201 , item 25). Drexelius, 1581 - 1638, a Bavarian jesuit, the immensely popular author of 34 religious books.
Antverpiae [Antwerpen], apud Viduam Ioannis Cnobbari 1639 Volume 1 (out of 3): xxiv + 390 + [2] pp., engraved title page, 12x7cm., contemporary full vellum (intact), libr. stamp at verso of blanco endpaper, good condition, Ref.: De Backer-Sommervogel III-199 no.22 & STCV 6688060, R107583
DREXEL Jeremias S.J. [DREXELIUS Hieremias] (& DE SMIDT Franciscus S.J., vert.)
Reference : R108294
Gend, Bernard Poelman s.d. [1796] [8] + 527 + [5] pp., + gegraveerde titelpagina & 5 volblad illustraties buiten tekst, 15cm., eigentijdse vollederen band met gebruiksslijtage en verlies van leder aan randen, stempeltje onderaan gegraveerde titelpagina, tekst helder en in goede staat, cfr. STCV 12902107, deze editie is niet vermeld in De Backer-Sommervogel, R108294