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‎Dominique Poirel, Marcin Jan Janecki, Wanda Bajor, Michal Buraczewski (eds)‎

Reference : 65074

‎Omnium expetendorum prima est sapientia. Studies on Victorine thought and influence‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 547 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Language(s):English, French, German. ISBN 9782503596501.‎

‎Summary Founded at the beginning of the twelfth century on the outskirts of Paris, the Parisian school of Saint-Victor soon became an intellectual centre on a European scale: through the international recruitment of its masters; through the wide handwritten dissemination of their works, in particular those of Hugh and Richard; and finally through the extent of its doctrinal contribution to a common European culture, on a large number of points: the importance of acquiring a "general culture"; the need for a rigorous historical approach to biblical texts, open to rabbinic exegesis; a contagious interest in the writings and thought of the pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita; a major contribution to the constitution of a theological discipline; an effort to reconcile fervour in spiritual life and psychological finesse in the analysis of contemplation and its stages. In short, a curiosity for all fields of knowledge and, at the same time, an effort to unify them into a universal and unified wisdom. The Book gathers new studies on original sources concerning Hugh of St. Victor, as the intellectual founder or the Victorine school; several of his Victorine brothers and disciples: Richard, Achard, Andrew, Godfrey, Absalon, up to late and little known Victorine masters as Pierre Leduc and Henri le Boulangier, at the time of the Great Schism (with critical edition of inedited texts); their influences on twelfth century texts as Ysagoge in theologiam or Speculum Ecclesiae, on Franciscan authors including Antony of Padua, Bonaventure, Rudolf of Biberach, and Duns Scotus, on romance literature of troubadours, on Carmelite authors of the sixteenth centruy and -?a?still uncharted territory?- on?Polish culture from Middle Ages to contemporary times. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dominique POIREL A Europe-wide thought: introduction to the volume Dominique POIREL Qu'est-ce que Saint-Victor? I. MAGISTER HUGO Agnieszka KIJEWSKA John Scottus Eriugena and Hugh of Saint Victor : Readers of the Book of Nature and the Book of Scripture Marco RAININI Causa omnium homo. Ugo di San Vittore e la nuova antropologia : fra monaci e canonici sulle due rive del Reno C dric GIRAUD L' cole de Saint-Victor, l'humanisme et la Renaissance du XIIe si cle : autour du livre I du De vanitate rerum mundanarum d'Hugues de Saint-Victor Ineke VAN 'T SPIJKER Non quaerat extra se, qui haec propter se facta credit. Hugh of Saint-Victor's Pedagogy Pascaline MERCURY L'amour selon Hugues de Saint-Victor : un humanisme chr tien. Un amour inclusif : la nature comme voie du salut II. THE DISCIPLES Dennis BRAY Richard's Trinitarian Argument In De Trinitate : An Analytic Overview Montse LEYRA-CURIA Andrew's in hebreo interpretations as a fuller version of some notes in Hugh's commentary on the Octateuch, Samuel, and Kings Frans VAN LIERE The date of Andrew of Saint Victor's commentaries on the Prophets, and the curious case of Ms Mazarine Antonio SORDILLO ?Speculator castrorum Dei?. Philosophy and Theology in Godfrey of St. Victor's Sermons Marguerite VERNET Les sermons in generali capitulo d'Absalon de Saint-Victor : r flexions sur la pr dication victorine de la fin du XIIe si cle Chris SCHABEL Radices et plantationes theologicae facultatis hic Parisius The Biblical Principia of Pierre Leduc and Henri le Boulangier and the Victorine Tradition during the Great Schism III. VICTORINE INFLUENCES Constant J. MEWS An English Response to Victorine thought : Odo's Ysagoge in theologiam Andrea PISTOIA Scripture and Liturgy, an exclusive means to understand the Church Jonas NARCHI Der mystische Abstieg von der Kontemplation in die Aktion nach Hugo, Achard und Richard von St. Viktor und dessen franziskanische Rezeption im langen 13. Jahrhundert Boyd Taylor COOLMAN Masters, Mystics, & Ministers in the Medieval City Gloria SILVANA EL AS La influencia de Ricardo de San V ctor en la noci n de persona de Duns Escoto Mira MOCAN Il pensiero vittorino e le origini della letteratura romanza: il caso dei trovatori Marcin JANECKI Un victorin parmi les carmes : Thomas de J sus (1563-1627) et son De contemplatione divina libri sex Wanda BAJOR et Marcin JANECKI Victorina polonica : la pr sence des victorins dans la culture intellectuelle de la Pologne m di vale et actuelle‎


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