Granada, Universidad de Granada 1964 xxix + 229pp., with handwritten dedication by the author, 25cm., softcover, Latin text edition with translation into Spanish, good condition, R101178
Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Politicos 1967-1968 Complete in 5 volumes: lxx,[8],[380],[16] + xxvii,[380],[10] + xxi,[460],[16] + xxiii,[322],[10] + xxxiv,[510],[8] pp., Fac-simile edition of the 1556 Salamanca-edition, 29cm., bilingual text edition: Latin-Spanish, with an historical and theological-juridical introduction by Vernancio Diego Carro O.P., Spanish translation by Marcelino Gonzalez Ordonez O.P., original softcovers with some usual traces of use, text clean and bright, good condition, weight: 7kg., J101375
Salamanca, Editorial San Esteban 1995 285pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Biblioteca de teologos espanoles" volume 42, ISBN 84-87557-55-4, very good condition, R101386
Reference : R101387
Salamanca, Editorial San Esteban 2000 569pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Biblioteca de teologos espanoles" volume 45, ISBN 84-8260-079-6, very good condition, R101387
Salamanca, Editorial San Esteban 2003 432pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Biblioteca de teologos espanoles" volume 46, ISBN 84-8, very good condition, R10138
".: Lovanii ( Leuven ), apud Hieronymum Wellaeum (excud. Ioannes Masius), 1573, in-folio, 31 x 19 cm, title with large woodcut vignette + (bl, verso) + (14)nn pp + 1054 pp + (33)nn pp (index) + (1)(bl), complete, collation identical to Adams S1477. Bound in contemporary full calf over wooden boards, traces of clasps, corners protected with copper fittings, both covers decorated with elaborate blindtooling, raised spine, joints and spine ends expertly restored, still a nice contemporary binding. At the last fly leaf, the restorer mounted two 15th century strokes of manuscript on vellum used by the original binder. The two strokes were neatly cut in two by this binder. Domingo de Soto (Segovia 1494 - Salamanca 1560) was one of the foremost theologians of his time. He was professor of theology at Salamanca University for many years. He also was called by emperor Charles V ( Charles Quint ) to be his private counsellor in theological matters at the Council of Trent, and also his confessor. This edition was the first to be published in the Low Countries. The first edition of the text appeared in Salamanca in 1555-56. This Louvain edition exists with 3 different title pages : Petrus Zangrius; Ian Bogardus and our copy : Hieronymus Welleus. ( See USTC 411825 )."