ca. 1910-1958 A nice collection of 290 bound Diptera reprints/papers from the library of Prof. Dr. J.H. Schuurmans Stekhoven jr (1892-1958) who worked mainly on Nematodes, but also on Diptera. They are bound in 13 volumes (numbered 2-14), black boards with marbled covers and paper labels. They all bear Schuurmans Stekhoven’s stamps. This collection contains a wealth on papers by different authors, not only those by Schuurmans Stekhoven himself but also quite a few large papers from Otto Kröber (with nice coloured plates), one volume is filled with papers by F.R. Cole (with his dedications), one volume is filled with papers on Pupipara or Hippoboscoidea, etc.
1827-1957 Including many scarce 19 century papers by Saussure, Kieffer, Laboulbene, Wheeler, Guerin, Walker, Kertesz, Williston, Frauenfeld etc.
1857-1899 Doleschall, Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Dipterologische fauna van Nederlandsch Indië (42 p., 10 pls) / Van der Wulp, Dipteren aus Neu-Guinea in der Sammlung des ungarischen National-Museums (18 p., 1 col. plate) & Kertesz, Verzeichniss einiger, von L. Biro in Neu-Guinea und am Malayischen Archipel gesammelten Dipteren (23 p., 10 figs).