P., Gombert, 1746, un volume in 12 relié en plein veau marbré, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), (petit accroc sans gravité à une coiffe, petite épidermure sans gravité à un mors), 210pp., (les pages 193 à 210 sont dépliantes), 12 PLANCHES dépliantes
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "The quality of DIONIS DU SEJOUR's writings earned the respect of LAGRANGE, LAPLACE and CONDORCET, among others. With his friend and future colleague Mathiu-Bernard GOUDIN, DIONIS DU SEJOUR published a treatise on the analytical geometry of plane curves (1756) and a compendium of theoretical astronomy... All of his works are dominated by an obvious concern for rigor and by great familiarity with analytical mehtods ; if the prolixity of the developments and the complexity of the calcultions rendered them alittle use at the time, their reexamination in thelight of present possibilities of calculation would certainly be fruitful...". DSB IV pp. 107-108)**8779/ARB3