Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, 1 frontispice, 14pp., 782pp., nombreuses figures dans le texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- From the earliest times to A.D. 1750 (man before civilization, Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization, the rise of Greece and Rome, The Roman Empire, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, The emergence of the modern world, The production of food, Production for domestic needs, Extraction and working of metals, Building construction, Transport, Communication and record, Early sources of power, The beginnings of the chemical industrie) - The industrial revolution to 1900 (historical survey, the steam-engine, machine-tools and their products, modern transport, building construction, coal and the metal, coal-gas, petroleum and rubber, the modern chemical industry, electrical industry, printing, photography and the cinema, agriculture and food - ETC**1703/K6
N.Y., Oxford, Oxf. Univ. Press, 1961. Orig. full cloth. XVIII,782 pp. Illustrated.