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‎[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - ‎ ‎De Poorter, Nora, Frans Baudouin‎

Reference : 123479


ISBN : 9781912554645

‎Architecture and Sculpture. Rubensâs House. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XXII.2. 2 volumes. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard.‎

‎De Poorter, Nora, Frans Baudouin: Architecture and Sculpture. Rubens's House. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XXII.2. 2 volumes. Turnhout: 2022. Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. together 704 pages, 391 colour and black and white illustrations. Hardback. 27 x 18cms. Catalogue of Rubens's Antwerp house, where he lived from his return from Italy to the end of his life. Volume one features eleven chapters discussing the history of the house from its purchase, contemporary written and visual accounts, such as Jacob Harrewijn's prints, and detailed descriptions of the Italian wing, 'Antiquarium', portico and garden. Includes a catalogue of 44 sculptures, murals and architectural elements, presenting four rejected attributions. Each work is discussed in detail and illustrated in volume two, with three appendices featuring archival documents and photographs, 236 illustrations and a bibliography.‎

‎Catalogue of Rubens's Antwerp house, where he lived from his return from Italy to the end of his life. Volume one features eleven chapters discussing the history of the house from its purchase, contemporary written and visual accounts, such as Jacob Harrewijn's prints, and detailed descriptions of the Italian wing, 'Antiquarium', portico and garden. Includes a catalogue of 44 sculptures, murals and architectural elements, presenting four rejected attributions. Each work is discussed in detail and illustrated in volume two, with three appendices featuring archival documents and photographs, 236 illustrations and a bibliography. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP234.00 (€259.06 )

‎R. A. D'HULST - Marc VANDENVEN - Nora DE POORTER (cataloguers) - Hans DEVISSCHER - N. de Poorter (editors) :‎

Reference : 29066

‎Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678). Volume I Paintings and Tapestries. Catalogues by R.-A.d'Hulst, Nora De Poorter and Marc Vandenven.‎

‎.: 0. Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 1993, in-4°, 309 pp, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper, numerous b/w + col. ills, bibliography. Published on the occasion of an exhibition, describes 100 items. Volume I of the exhibition catalogue, dealing with the paintings and tapestry . A second volume exists which deals with drawings and prints, not present here. Text in English.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )


Reference : 817

‎Eucharist Series . VOLUME I and II / Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. Part II: The Eucharist Series. Complet in 2 volumes.‎

‎Brussels/ London, Harvey Miller - Heyden - Arcade Press, 1978 2 Volumes, hardcover with imprint on back and illustrated dustjacket, 265 x 185 mm., 670 pages and 230 illustrations. **Fine condition ISBN 2800501251.‎

‎The oeuvre of Peter Paul Rubens includes an estimated 2,500-odd compositions and numbers around 10,000 works of art. The Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard was set up to provide a complete catalogue of this oeuvre. At present, twenty-seven of the proposed twenty-nine volumes have been completed. The first volume appeared in 1968, and the last one will be published in 2023. In this, the second part of the series, De Poorter examines all the sketches and paintings that Rubens did for the preparation of the magnificent set of Brussels tapestries representing The Triumph of the Eucharist (preserved in the Convent of the Descalzas Reales in Madrid). It also gives all available information about the tapestries themselve Definitive Raisonnated Catalogue of teh work of Rubens in 27 parts. Based on the material assembled by Ludwig Burchard. Each part written by a well - known scholar.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR225.00 (€225.00 )


Reference : 6713

‎Eucharist Series PART II . VOLUME 1 / Complete work of Rubens.,CORPUS RUBENIANUM LUDWIG BURCHARD. ( vol 1 only )‎

‎, Brussels, Arcade, 1977., Bound, black cloth, gilt spine, originale red dust jacket illustrated in b/w, red slip - case, 18x26,5cm, 510pp part II / VOLUME 1. ISBN 2800501251.‎

‎the Eucharist Series Complete work of Rubens. The catalogue raisonne contains all the available information on each tapastry and painting connected with the eucharist serie. The corpus is based on the material assembled over several decades by Ludwig Burchard.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Susan J. Barnes, Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar, and Horst Vey‎

Reference : 46896

‎Van Dyck - A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings. Catalogue raisonne. Sir Anthony Van Dyck‎

‎, Yale University, 2004 Hardcover in dusjacket, 792pp, 632 b/w + 202 color illus. catalogue raissone. ISBN 9780300099287.‎

‎Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) is among the greatest portrait painters of all time. The 1990s opened and closed with major exhibitions devoted to his work, and now the long-awaited catalogue raisonne of his painted oeuvre is complete. A native of Antwerp, Van Dyck also lived and worked for long periods in Italy and England, where his brief, productive life ended. He is best known for his work at the court of Charles I. His full-length portraits of aristocrats in the Caroline court and in Genoa, Antwerp, Brussels, and The Hague influenced the history of Western portraiture into the twentieth century in the work of John Singer Sargent. Handsomely designed and illustrated, the volume includes a reproduction of every known authentic painting by the artist as well as the provenance and the significant facts and literature on each. This catalogue raisonne is, fittingly, the collaborative work of an international team devoted to the study of this major international artist. Susan J. Barnes, an independent art historian, co-curated a Van Dyck exhibit in Washington, D.C., 1990. Nora De Poorter is director of the Rubenianum, Antwerp. Oliver Millar, Surveyor Emeritus of The Queen?s Pictures, organized an exhibition of Van Dyck?s English work at the National Portrait Gallery, London, 1982-83. Horst Vey, former director of the Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, is author of the standard work on Van Dyck's drawings. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR149.90 (€149.90 )

‎Susan J. Barnes; Nora de Poorter‎

Reference : 54887

‎Van Dyck, a complete catalogue of the paintings catalogue raisonne Sir Anthony Van Dyck ENG. edition ‎

‎, YALE , 2004 Hardcover, 692 pages, English, 320 x 260 mm, fine. 632 b/w + 202 color illus. catalogue raisonne. FINE!! ISBN 9780300099287.‎

‎Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) is among the greatest portrait painters of all time. The 1990s opened and closed with major exhibitions devoted to his work, and now the long-awaited catalogue raisonne of his painted oeuvre is complete. A native of Antwerp, Van Dyck also lived and worked for long periods in Italy and England, where his brief, productive life ended. He is best known for his work at the court of Charles I. His full-length portraits of aristocrats in the Caroline court and in Genoa, Antwerp, Brussels, and The Hague influenced the history of Western portraiture into the twentieth century in the work of John Singer Sargent. Handsomely designed and illustrated, the volume includes a reproduction of every known authentic painting by the artist as well as the provenance and the significant facts and literature on each. This catalogue raisonne is, fittingly, the collaborative work of an international team devoted to the study of this major international artist. Susan J. Barnes, an independent art historian, co-curated a Van Dyck exhibit in Washington, D.C., 1990. Nora De Poorter is director of the Rubenianum, Antwerp. Oliver Millar, Surveyor Emeritus of The Queen?s Pictures, organized an exhibition of Van Dyck?s English work at the National Portrait Gallery, London, 1982?83. Horst Vey, former director of the Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, is author of the standard work on Van Dyck?s drawings. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR149.00 (€149.00 )


Reference : F107173


‎Les philosophes belges, textes et études. Volumes VIII, IX, X, XI (Les oeuvres de Siger de Courtrai, Le traité 'Eruditio Regum et Principum' de Guibert de Tournai O.F.M., Quaestiones Disputatae de B. Gauthier de Bruges, Henri Bate de Malines Speculum Divinorum et Quorundam Naturalium)‎

‎Louvain, Editions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie 1913-1931 Convolut de 4 ouvrages reliés dans un fort volume cart. (plats marbrés, peu tachés, dos en toile avec titres dorés), brochures originales conservées et reliées, texte et intérieur sont très frais, bon état, poids: 3.6kg., les études sont en français et les textes inédits sont en latin, [Contenu: Tome VIII: WALLEBRAND G., Les oeuvres de Siger de Courtrai (étude critique et textes inédits), 1913, 74 + 176pp. // Tome IX: DE POORTER A., Le traité 'Eruditio regum et principum' de Guibert de Tournai O.F.M., étude et texte inédite (1914, xiii + 92pp.) // Tome X: LONGPRE E., Quaestiones Disputatae du B. Gauthier de Bruges, texte inédit (1928, x + 243pp.) // Tome XI: WALLEBRAND G., Henri Bate de Malines Speculum Divinorum et Quorundam Naturalium, étude critique et texte inédit (1931, 34 + 239pp.)], F107173‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )


Reference : 9689


‎, Rotterdam, Museum Boymans - van Beuningen, 1990., Originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 22x27cm, 176pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9069180634.‎

‎Tekst nederlands/ english.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎DEVISSCHER, Hands (red.)/DE POORTER, Nora (red.)/ D' HULST, R.-A. en VANDENVEN, Marc.‎

Reference : 11053

‎JACOB JORDAENS (1593 - 1678). 2 DELEN.‎

‎Antwerpen, Gemeentekrediet, 1993 softcovers originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 24.3x29.6 cm., 311 pp.+140 pp., geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 905066119X.‎

‎Deel 1 : Schilderijen en Wandtapijten. Deel II : Tekeningen en Prenten.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎VAN BENEDEN, Ben en DE POORTER, Nora ( olv. );‎

Reference : 22740


‎Antwerpen, Rubenshuis/ Rubenianum, 2006 Gebonden, blauw linnen met illustratie in kleur en goudopdruk, 205 x 275mm., . ISBN 908586013X.‎

‎Een tentoonstelling in Antwerpen in 2006, getiteld Vorstelijke vluchtelingen. William en Margaret Cavendish in het Rubenshuis, besteedde aandacht aan de oversteek van de hertog en de hertogin naar de Nederlanden. Het uit Engeland verbannen koningsgezinde paar vestigde zich aanvankelijk in Rotterdam: dicht bij de hofhouding van Willem II en zijn vrouw Mary Stuart. Het stadhouderlijk vertoon werd echter spoedig te kostbaar voor de Cavendishes, zodat ze naar Antwerpen uitweken. Daar bewoonden ze van 1648 tot 1660 het huis van Rubens, door de schilder zelf ontworpen en gedecoreerd. Boek verscheen naar aanleiding van de gelijnamige tentoonstelling in het Rubenshuis : 1 oktober - 31 december 2006. Nieuw boek, dat ook verkrijgbaar is in het engels onder de titel : 'Royalist Refugees'.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - ‎ ‎Poorter, Nora de‎

Reference : 031866


ISBN : 01992101X

‎The Eucharist Series. 2 vols. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. Part 2‎

‎Poorter, Nora de: The Eucharist Series. 2 vols. Brussels: Harvey Miller, 1978. Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. Part 2. I: 408pp. II: 510pp plus 230 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 26.5x19cms. Part of the large series 'Corpus Rubenianum', this catalogue raisonnà covers all the sketches and paintings that Rubens did for the preparation of the magificent set of Brussels tapestries representing The Triumph of the Eurcharist (preserved in the Convent of the Descalzas Reales in Madrid). It also gives all available informations about each tapestries.‎

‎Part of the large series 'Corpus Rubenianum', this catalogue raisonnà covers all the sketches and paintings that Rubens did for the preparation of the magificent set of Brussels tapestries representing The Triumph of the Eurcharist (preserved in the Convent of the Descalzas Reales in Madrid). It also gives all available informations about each tapestries. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP275.00 (€304.45 )

‎De Poorter, Nora et al.‎

Reference : 4239

‎Rubens en zijn tijd - Rubens and his Age‎

‎Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Gent, 1990. In-4, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleur, 176 pp. Voorwoord - Inleiding/Introduction, Guido Jansen - Plates - Catalogus/Catalogue [75 n°], door/byNora de Poorter, G. Jansen et Jeroen Giltaij - Catalogi eigen collectie/Tentoonstellingen - Literatuur.‎

‎Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et 16 planches couleur.Catalogue bilingue en néerlandais et en anglais. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )


Reference : 025250


ISBN : 9050661157


‎. 1993 Belfius - Dexia Soft cover ‎

‎JACOB JORDAENS (1583-1678) - SCHILDERIJEN EN WANDTAPIJTEN - DEEL I tentoonstellingscatalogus zachte kaft, 295 x 245 mm, 309 blz, talloze illustraties, goede staat‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Arnout Balis ; Frans Baudouin ; Nora De Poorter; e.a.‎

Reference : 55485

‎Peinture Flamande : Au Kunsthistorisches Museum De Vienne‎

‎, Fonds Mercator , 1987 Hardcover, 301 pages, Texte en Francais, 310 x 260 x 35 mm, jaquette illustre , Comme Neuf !, illustrations en couleur / n/b ,dans un manteau solide !. ISBN 9789061531845.‎

‎La peinture flamande se d veloppe du d but du xve au xviie si cle. Les Flandres ont produit les principaux peintres de l'Europe du Nord et ont attir de nombreux jeunes peintres prometteurs des pays voisins. Ces peintres flamands taient invit s travailler dans les cours d'autres pays et ont eu une influence dans toute l'Europe. Depuis la fin de l' re napol onienne, les peintres flamands ont contribu restaurer la bonne r putation acquise avec les Vieux Ma tres‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )

‎Alexandra DE POORTER & Pierre-J. CLAEYS‎

Reference : 100120788


‎Archéologie à Bruxelles 1. Au Quartier des Riches-Claires: de la Priemspoort au couvent‎

‎Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 1995 in4. 1995. Broché.‎

‎Bon Etat de conservation bonne tenue intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : S56636


‎Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678) - Deel I: Schilderijen en wandtapijten‎

‎Antwerpen, 1993 xiii + 309pp.rijkelijk geïll., 30cm., Catalogus van gelijknamige tentoonstelling (Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 27 maart - 27 juni 1993), S56636‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : S79780


‎Rubens en zijn tijd (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, eigen collectie). Rubens and his Age (Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen. Own collection)‎

‎Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen 1990 176pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd, 27cm., goede staat, [tweetalig-bilingual], S79780‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎VAN BENEDEN Ben & DE POORTER Nora (o.l.v.)‎

Reference : S85236


‎Vorstelijke vluchtelingen. William en Margaret Cavendish in het Rubenshuis 1648-1660‎

‎Antwerpen, Rubenshuis - Rubenianum 2006 263pp.geïllustreerd, 28cm., blauwe linnen uitgeversband, goede staat, S85236‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : S85377


‎Jacob Jordaens 1593-1678. Deel II: Tekeningen - prenten‎

‎Antwerpen, Gemeentekrediet 1993 xi + 140pp. rijkelijk geïllustreerd, 30cm., gebroch., catalogus van tentoonstelling (Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 27 maart - 27 juni 1993), goede staat, S85377‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : B98829


‎Catalogue des manuscrits de prédication médiévale de la Bibliothèque de Bruges‎

‎s.l., 1928 64pp., 26cm., brochure originale, extrait de la "Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique" (t.24, 1928, pp.61-124), non coupé, très bon état, B98829‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )


Reference : F108588


‎Le traité 'Eruditio Regum et Principum' de Guibert de Tournai O.F.M. (Etude et texte inédit)‎

‎Louvain, Institut Supérieur de Philosophie de l'Université 1914 xv + 91pp., 33cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Les Philosophes Belges. Textes et études" tome IX (9), 2 cachets, texte frais, bon état, peu commun, [Introduction et étude en français, édition du texte original en Latin], eF108588‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 11135

‎Régistre in-folio, 1808.‎

‎.: 10. In-folio, 42,5 x 27 cm, 148 pp (blanc, filigrane de grappe de raisin), reliure demi-basane d'époque, dos à 6 nerfs, avec étiquette rouge, avec mention de date (1808), papiers de garde marbr., tranches marbr. Reliure signé J. De Poorter, successeur de J.F.Louis, Relieur de la Bibliothèque de l'Université, rue St-Jean, N° 8 à Gand (étiquette collée à l'intérieur de la couverture supérieure). Mors avec traces d'usure, qq. feuilles enlevées. Reliure datée et signée d'un relieur Gantois, début 19-ième siècle. Dubois d'Enghien ne connait qu'un relieur de ce même nom à Gand qui était né seulement en 1808. Il signale quand-même un autre relieur de ce même nom et de la bonne période qui est mentionné dans ''French signed Bindings in the Schiff Collection... IV, 69.''.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR375.00 (€375.00 )

‎Sophie BALACE et Alexandra DE POORTER ( Sous la dir. de )‎

Reference : 025479

‎Entre Paradis et Enfer. Mourir au Moyen Age 600-1600‎

‎ Fonds Mercator / Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Anvers et Bruxelles, 2011 0 un volume in-4°, 288 pp., couverture illustrée à rabats. Catalogue d'exposition, Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, 2 déc. 2010 - 24 avril 2011. 167 numéros décris et reproduits. Bibliographie.‎

Aparté - Pézenas

Phone number : 33 04 67 98 03 04

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Onder de leiding van Sophie Balace en Alexandra De Poorter‎

Reference : 26676

‎Tussen Hemel en Hel. Sterven in de middeleeuwen ‎

‎Brussel, Mercatorfonds / Fonds Mercator,, 2010 Softcover, originele uitgeversomslag met flappen in kleur, 28 x 24 cm | 288 pp., ge llustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789061539582.‎

‎De dood: geen mens ontsnapt eraan, maar hoe we erover denken verschilt sterk naargelang van de plaats en de tijd waarin we leven. Vandaag betekent de dood voor tal van mensen het definitieve einde. Bovendien is hij in onze hedendaagse westerse samenleving zo goed als onzichtbaar. Dat was in de middeleeuwen wel anders. Toen was de dood overal aanwezig. In periodes van epidemieen, hongersnood of oorlog loerde hij zelfs om elke hoek... Sterven gebeurde toen veel vaker thuis, in familiekring. Begraafplaatsen werden gebouwd rond de kerk, midden in het dorp. Voor de middeleeuwse mens betekende de dood ook niet het einde. Op de dag van het laatste oordeel zouden de doden uit hun graven opstaan en met een nieuw verheven lichaam hun plek in de eeuwigheid innemen: de goeden in de hemel; de slechten in de hel. De middelmatigen ? de meesten dus ? stond een tijdelijk verblijf op Dantes louteringsberg te wachten.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎DELMARCEL, Guy/DE POORTER, Nora en DENYS, Luc (inl.).‎

Reference : 26915

‎Rubenstextiel / Rubens's Textiles‎

‎Antwerpen, Luc Denys, 1997 softcover originele uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x29.7 cm., 243 pp., geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, tweetalige editie Nederlands / English‎

‎Tentoonstelling georganiseerd naar aanleiding van 50 jaar Rubenshuis Antwerpen, Hessenhuis 28 juni - 5 oktober 1997. Exhibition realized to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Rubens House Antwerp, Hessenhuis June 28th - October 5th, 1997.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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