52 books for « de mol j »Edit

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‎Xavier Canonne, Matthijs de Ridder, Dennis Van Mol en Frank Van Eeckhout.‎

Reference : 55775

‎Cristal Palace of het verhaal van een lege ciderfles in een champagne-emmer.‎

‎Antwerp, Ronny Van de Velde, 2021 Hardcover 118 pages, Illustrated. 25x34cm .‎

‎Cristal Palace of hoe een iconisch Antwerps bordeel de inspiratiebron vormde voor diverse kunstenaars. Tentoonstelling in de Rossaert met werk van Karin Borghouts, Otto Dix, James Ensor, Andr Favory, Paul Joostens, Paul Snoek, Marcel Stobbaerts, Paul Van Ostaijen... Publicatie met teksten van Xavier Canonne, Matthijs de Ridder, Dennis Van Mol en Frank Van Eeckhout. Vertrekkend van het mythische Antwerpse Cristal Palace, schetst Xavier Canonne de geschiedenis van de prostitutie van de oudheid tot het meer recente beleid in Antwerpen. Prostitutie is een maatschappelijk fenomeen en van oudsher gaan prostitutie, macht en religie hand in hand. Ook de spanning tussen abolitionisten en zij die streven naar een menswaardige regeling is een constante. Matthijs de Ridder en Dennis Van Mol schetsen in hun korte geschiedenis van het Cristal Palace hoe prostitutie al sinds de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw verweven is met het verlangen van artistieke vernieuwers naar een nieuwe wereld. Nadat in de 19e eeuw William Turner, Vincent Van Gogh en F licien Rops het terrein al hadden verkend liet ook Paul van Ostaijen zich ? net als als Rik Wouters, James Ensor en Paul Joostens ? naar dit ?Glazen Kot? slepen. Dit inspireerde hem tot een aantal van de meest sprekende passages uit Bezette Stad. Tegelijkertijd nam de strijd tussen Goed en Kwaad hier Bijbelse proporties aan. Frank Van Eeckhout heeft het over ?Het Kristallen Paleis en de feestelijke verbeelding van Paul Joostens (1917-1925)?. Hij toont aan hoe de avant-garde in Antwerpen eerst een doorbraak kende rond de figuur van Paul van Ostaijen en in de jaren 1920 een gouden tijd beleefde. Net als voor Van Ostaijen, was de stad voor Paul Joostens een markant gegeven in zijn leven en werk. Het Cristal Palace en de buurt rond de Sint-Pauluskerk speelden voor Paul Joostens een bijzondere rol en verbonden zijn persoonlijke geschiedenis met die van de stad.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.99 (€34.99 )

‎RAETZ, Markus / PISTOLETTO / MOL, P.L.: ‎

Reference : 79147aaf

‎Materials de Construcao. Building Materials. (Modern art catalogue by Markus Raetz (Bern), Michelangelo Pistoletto, Pieter Laurens Mol)‎

‎Lisboa, Centro de Arte Moderna / José de Azeredo Perdigao, 1999, in-8vo, 154 p. richem. ill. avec des reprod. et photogr. en couleurs, reliure en toile originale.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )


Reference : M103647


‎La vie et les oeuvres de Willem de Mol, Monographie‎

‎Bruxelles-Paris, Van Oest 1923 102pp. + 12 planches hors-texte, 26cm., brochure originale, bon état, M103647‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎BAKSTEEN Dirk - [ ] tentoonstellingscatalogus - Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege te Mol 1974 :‎

Reference : 53872

‎Dirk Baksteen , 1886 - 1971. retrospectieve tentoonstelling.‎

‎.: Mol, Cultuurraad Mol, in-4°, 43 pp + ca. 20 pp met zwart/wit illustraties. Softcover. Bevat een catalogus van zijn grafisch werk.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎N/A - [ ] Mol in de Kempen :‎

Reference : 55739


‎.: Mol, Tafelronde 47, 1971, formaat in-8°, 474 pp, index, imitatie-lederen uitgeversband met transparante stofwikkel.,.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎Bart Lenaerts , Lies de Mol ‎

Reference : 49930

‎Ercole Spada. The story of Italian car designer Ercole Spada.‎

‎Antwerp, waft editions, 2014 Hardcover (30 x30 cm) 304 pages + 350 Fotos und Zeichnungen, mit DIN-A0-Poster des TZ 1, Text in English. ISBN 9783768838740.‎

‎A compelling book about life and works of Ercole Spada and his son Paolo. This Italian grandmaster designed Aston Martin DB4 Zagato, Alfa Romeo Codatronca, TZ1, 2600 SZ and Junior Zagato, Lancia Fulvia and Flavia Zagato, Osca Dromos and many more.Buch komplett in englischer Sprache / Fulltext in english. When he started his career in the famous Milanese studio Zagato back in 1960, Ercole Spada was absolutely unknown to car enthusiasts and the whole industry. Nevertheless, the young designer instantly was ordered to conceptualize cars for famous companies like Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, yet Bristol. Since then, companies with a mainly sporty touch relied on his creations. One reason is that Spada obviously had one important target: he wanted to combine aerodynamics ? functional efficiency and aesthetics in one form. Although he contributed to a lot of racing victories in this manner and worked for the Carrozzeria Ghia, for BMW and the design studio I.DE.A. in Turin in his long career, he didn?t become a star on the world?s boulevards. And he still is the silent foreman. For this, it is most unusual that he opened the doors to his studio, to his home and to his creative heart for the motoring journalist and photographer Bart Lenaerts and his wife Lies De Mol. The outcome of this is shown in an extraordinary illustrated book: their years of extensive work together. It is beautifully designed and gives exclusive information ? for the reader to take part in the exciting life of a truly passionate car guy. Spada is the creator of the famous Codatronca tail (Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ etc.), designed the BMW 5-series (E34) and the 7-series (E32)with his son Paolo, he is running the design studio Spadaconcept his company Spada Vetture Sport created an international stir with its Codatronca supercar ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 57813

‎Inside Valkyrie. collector's item offers a fascinating read about the fights, worries, challenges, financial issues and politics occurring when a traditional sports car brand and a leading Formula 1 team join forces to engineer the first genuine road legal Formula 1 car.‎

‎Antwerpen -, WAFT Gallery, 2021 4 hardcover books in a luxury slipcase, 30 x 30 x 10 cm, 770 pages, fine set! Strictly limited to 300 numbered copies. 35 35 14 cm : 9.5kg. ***THE PRESS SAYS BEST BOOK EVER!!!! .‎

‎It's not a Valkyrie, but it's as close as you can get? The past five years, WAFT was granted unlimited access to the development of the Aston Martin Valkyrie, spending countless hours with Adrian Newey and all other key people, to produce a compound, totally open and honest book This set of four books covers the beginning of the marriage between Aston Martin and Red Bull, yet also the entire design process, the complete engineering and all of the testing. This collector's item offers a fascinating read about the fights, worries, challenges, financial issues and politics occurring when a traditional sports car brand and a leading Formula 1 team join forces to engineer the first genuine road legal Formula 1 car. Strictly limited to 300 numbered copies. Vijf jaar lang hebben Bart Lenaerts en Lies de Mol van de Belgische boekenreeks WAFT de ontwikkeling van de Aston Martin Valkyrie gevolgd. Een bizarre hypercar die in samenwerking met Red Bull Racing wordt gemaakt. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR950.00 (€950.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 60163

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. volume 1.‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2022 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English. ISBN 9789464590029.‎

‎Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today's best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 54453

‎Garage Rock' The trivial role of the car in rock history‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT editions, 2020 Hardcover, 30 x 30cm, 228 pages, with beautiful illustrations in color and black and white. Text in English. ISBN 9789082357295.‎

‎Garage Rock is about the trivial role of the car in rock history. A funny, light-hearted book full of interesting tidbits, photos of Rock stars and their cars, QR codes that lead to the music videos and illustrations by London Graffiti artist Ryan Roadkill. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 65735

‎Spoilers, foxtails and mullets. German Tuners from the ?80s. ‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2024 Hardcover, 30 x 30cm, 336 pages, English. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. Collector item!.‎

‎Cool as Snoop Dog, fascinating as nature: German tuners were hot in the wild ?80s, and they?re again hotter than ever. From Abt to Zender, from SGS to Alpina, from Golfs to Ferraris: Foxtails, spoilers and mullets describes all the highs and lows ? yet mainly the extreme width ? of this most peculiar, highly colourful phenomenon which hardly knew any limits. Often funny, sometimes weird, always mesmerising: this book describes all the mayor players of German tuning in the ?80s ? how they began, how far they went, how only few survived. ** Abt, Alpina, AMG, Arden, Brabus, Buchmann & Buchmann, Carlsson, DP Motorsport, Gemballa, Hartge, Irmscher, Kamei, Koenig Specials, Mattig, Nothelle, Oettinger, Rieger, Ruf, Schacht, Schulz, SGS, Strosek, Treser, Zender‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎ Iris Van der Kerken , Dennis Van Mol (Voorwoord door)‎

Reference : 62723

‎Tussen twee werelden. Schilderijen en tekeningen ‎

‎, Iris Van der Kerken, 2023 softcover, 120 pag. 27x 22cm Met tekeningen van Iris Van der Kerken. ISBN 9789464943870.‎

‎Tussen twee werelden is een uitnodiging om een ogenblik af te dwalen in het serene universum van Iris Van der Kerken. De bedachtzaam opgebouwde schilderijen en tekeningen onthullen voortdurende innerlijke conversaties, zelfonderzoek en overwegingen die door middel van de rijke traditie van de schilderkunst vertaald worden in een hedendaagse beeldtaal. Haar werk vraagt niet om antwoorden op eigen, persoonlijke vragen, maar ontrafelt herkenbare gevoelens. Het is haar manier om te bevatten wat en waar haar plaats is als kunstenaar en als individu. Iris Van der Kerken studeerde schilderkunst aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen. Schilderijen en tekeningen ontwikkelen zich sindsdien tot een uitgesproken figuratief en verhalend oeuvre. De inhoud is van bij het begin vaak van autobiografische oorsprong, maar po zie blijkt ook steeds vaker een bron van inspiratie. Gedichten van Sven Cooremans uit Het is dat of stoppen met zingen en Zonder is het licht niet zacht genoeg? inspireerden tot schilderijen, waarvan er twee als coverafbeelding voor deze dichtbundels werden gekozen. Enkele gedichten uit deze werken, alsook het gedicht -The Great Garden- van Edith S dergran, zijn opgenomen in dit boek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Ewald Peters, Dennis Van Mol‎

Reference : 64617

‎Museum To Scale 1/7‎

‎Antwerpen, University Press Antwerp, 2023 Hardcover, 126 pagina's, 31 x 25 cm, kleurenillustraties. ISBN 9789461174024.‎

‎Museum to scale 1/7 telt meer dan honderd minimuseumzalen, uitgewerkt door evenveel Belgische kunstenaars. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 64067

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. 1 + Restomods 2. More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. 2 VOLS‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2023-2024 Hardcovers, 30 x 30 cm, 504 pages, English FINE. 2 volumes 1+2 ISBN 9789464590050.‎

‎Restomods 1 Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today's best restomods + +++ Restomods 2 - More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are another 13 of today?s best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 64001

‎Restomods 2. More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2024 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English FINE. ISBN 9789464590050.‎

‎Restomods 2 - More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are another 13 of today?s best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 63881

‎Tomaso. ---- De Tomaso. The Archive Edition ---- Rise and fall. The De Tomaso Automobili A timeless tribute‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, Cloth. 30x30 centimetres, 276 pages, illustrated. English *** ONLY 250 NUMBERD COPIES !!! ISBN 9789464590012.‎

‎The tantalising story of Alejandro de Tomaso. His earliest years, his racing endeavours, his complicated character, his lavish cravings, his beautiful automobiles, his many successes, his numerous defeats, his daring adventures, his mergers and acquisitions, his countless friends, his uncountable enemies, his rise and fall yet mainly all the nuances. Researched and written by professor Paolo Tumminelli, illustrated with an abundance of archive pictures. ****** This book de Tomaso. Rise and fall won the first prize at the highly regarded Motorworld Buchpreis in Munic !!!!! De Tomaso. The Archive Edition The archive edition comes in a luxury box, limited to 250 numbered copies only. Aside from the book, this box includes a folder with 5 genuine documents from the de Tomaso archive ? invoices, telexes, internal notes, engine adjustment notes,?. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 62664

‎Tomaso. Rise and fall. The De Tomaso Automobili A timeless tribute‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, Cloth. 30x30 centimetres, 276 pages, illustrated. English . FINE! ISBN 9789464590012.‎

‎The tantalising story of Alejandro de Tomaso. His earliest years, his racing endeavours, his complicated character, his lavish cravings, his beautiful automobiles, his many successes, his numerous defeats, his daring adventures, his mergers and acquisitions, his countless friends, his uncountable enemies, his rise and fall yet mainly all the nuances. Researched and written by professor Paolo Tumminelli, illustrated with an abundance of archive pictures. ****** This book ?de Tomaso. Rise and fall? won the first prize at the highly regarded Motorworld Buchpreis in Munic !!!!! ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 62594

‎Ruf, it's a family affair. ‎

‎, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, 30x30 cm, 312 pages, illustrated , English. ISBN 9789464590043.‎

‎This books tells the heart-warming story of Alois Ruf, his family, his dying love for Porsche, the cars he created, the friends he made along the way. This book is a reduced, more affordable version of our previous 2-part book on Ruf. / Ruf Automobile is a family- owned car manufacturer based in the heart of Bavaria, Germany. Ruf is not only the family name of the founder Alois Ruf Sr. who founded the company in 1939, but it is also a name that stands for engineering excellence, authenticity, passion and raw driving. The family business does not only stand out due to their in-house manufactured high performance and elegant vehicles, yet also due to the attention to detail and craftsmanship that is embodied in each and every Ruf car that leaves Pfaffenhausen. In addition to the headquarters of Ruf Automobile GmbH and its subsidiary Ruf Service Center in Pfaffenhausen, the company is also represented in Canada, Chile, Great Britain, China, Thailand and Japan.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎LONGÉ G. DE - [ ] Herentals - Kasterlee - Mol - Balen - Dessel - Geel - Hoogstraten - Putte :‎

Reference : 57302

‎Coutumes du Pays et Duché de Brabant. Quartier d'Anvers. Tome Septième. Coutumes d'Herenthals , de Casterlé , de Moll , Balen et Desschel , de Gheel , de Hoogstraten , de Befferen et de Putte et Féodales du Pays de Malines.‎

‎".: #Bruxelles , Fr. Gobbaerts, Imprimeur du Roi, 1878, in-4°, 28,5 x 22 cm, 593 pp , moderne halflinnen band, titel in goud op de rug. ex-bibliotheek met etiket op de rug (of sporen ervan), kleine stempel op titel. Originele omslag méé ingebonden. Dit zevende deel bevat het Gewoonterecht van de heerlijkheden Herentals - Kasterlee - Mol - Balen - Dessel - Geel - Hoogstraten - Putte en de feodaliteit van het Land van Mechelen. De wetteksten en ordonnanties worden in hun oorspronkelijke taal weergeven (Nederlands) met commentaar en transcripties in het Frans. Dit is een uitgave van ; ''la Commission Spéciale pour la publication des Anciennes Coutumes de la Belgique''. Coutumes de Brabant. Marquisat d'Anvers. Tome VII.."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )


Reference : S85130


‎Kent, en versint Eer datje mint. Vrijen en trouwen 1500-1800‎

‎Zwolle, Waanders 1989 208pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd, in-4, gebroch., goede staat, S85130‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Lenaerts, Bart. / Lies de Mol.‎

Reference : 60943

‎Inside Valkyrie - Aston Martin Valkyrie A Wild Ride / The making of Valkyrie. ‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT galery, 2023 Hardcover, 326 pages, English, 30x30cm, throughout colour illustrations. . FINE!!! ***THE PRESS SAYS; ***BEST BOOK EVER!!!! . ISBN 9789464590036.‎

‎This unique book covers the coming together of the world's fastest hypercar, from the first sketches to the final production version. Including insights from the major protagonists, the earliest design drawings, magnificent technical renderings, the first metres, behind the curtain pictures and lots of drama. This book is a condensed version of our chef d'oeuvre Inside Valkyrie, which we could make after following the entire process for five intensive years.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Ernst Mar chal ; Dennis van Mol ; Sofie Heyens ; vertaling : Silvain Verboven‎

Reference : 62016

‎Wouter Stan van der Hallen‎

‎, Verbeke Foundation, 2023 Hardcover, 160 pag. NL / ENG, 250 x 180 x 20 mm, NIEUW / NEW, illustr. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789464448146.‎

‎Familie van der Hallen, Helena van der Hallen, Katelijne van der Hallen, Teresa van der Hallen, Begga van der Hallen, Kristien van der Hallen, Dirk van der Hallen(?), Inge van Looveren, Sofie Heyens, Ernst Mar chal, Carla Verbeke-Lens, Geert Verbeke, Paul Verbraeken, Dirk Boumans (?), Rita van Pelt‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Ray Liotta Joseph Fiennes Gretchen Mol Vincent Laresca Myk Watford Lindsey Connell Paul Schrader Ray Liotta Joseph Fiennes‎

Reference : 28483


ISBN : 3475001009418

‎Vengeance intime‎

‎M6 Vidéo 2017 18x14x1cm. 2017. DVD.‎

‎Zone 2 Europe - encore sous blister - idéal pour offrir . - Envoi rapide et soigné dans une enveloppe à bulle depuis France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : 009642



‎LE PUY EN VELAY EDITIONS JEANNE D' ARC 2010 Un volume in-4 de 112 pages sur papier glacé , couverture à rabats en couleurs , très importante et belle iconographie principalement en couleurs , texte bilingue français-anglais , bon exemplaire . Bon Couverture souple ‎

Phone number :

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 60164

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. / LIMITED EDITION and 13 gorgeous art prints!!!!‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2022 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English. LIMITED EDITION This version comes with a bespoke cover and 13 gorgeous art prints on luxury paper (50 x 70 centimetre). ISBN 9789464590029.‎

‎ This limited edition is numbered and restricted to 250 numbered copies only. !!!! Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today?s best restomods. LIMITED EDITION . This version comes with a bespoke cover and 13 gorgeous art prints on luxury paper (50 x 70 centimetre). ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR190.00 (€190.00 )

‎Bart Lenaerts (text). Lies de Mol.‎

Reference : 49699

‎Waft 4. Music was my first love. A musical tribute to car culture. Moving stories, inside views, exclusive drives.‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT galery, 2016 English. Hardcover (25x25 centimetre), 256 pages.WAFT4 is door het gezaghebbende Octane magazine UK werd gekozen tot ?book of the month 02-2017 ISBN 9783667109712.‎

‎A musical tribute to car culture. Moving stories, inside views, exclusive drives, inspiring talks and artworks with a twist. Jaguar D-Type - Ed Welburn - Bugatti Brescia - Amko Leenarts - BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage - Unique & Limited - Mercedes AMG GT - Bucciali - Buchmann & Buchmann - Ford Mustang - Porsche 911 SC-RS - Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus - Cadillac Cyclone - Ferrari Testarossa - Isdera - Karim Habib - Mercedes C111 - Paolo Martin and much more. A musical tribute to car culture. Moving stories, inside views, exclusive drives, inspiring talks and artworks with a twist: ?Ride with a Jaguar D-Type ?Interview with car designer Ed Welburn ?Photo Story Bugatti Brescia ?Concept Car BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage ?Presentation of Motor Racing Artwork by ?Unique & Limited? ?Ride with a Mercedes AMG GT ?Portrait of the famous 80?s car tuner Buchmann & Buchmann ?Some weeks with a new Ford Mustang ?Portrait of the Porsche 911 SC-RS ?News from the Racing Team Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus ?The famous Concept Car Cadillac Cyclone ?Ride with a Ferrari Testarossa ?Portrait of the Car Manufacturer Isdera ?BMW Chief Designer Karim Habib ?Motoring Legend Mercedes C111 ?Car Designer Paolo Martin (Michelotti / Bertone / Pininfarina / Carrozzeria Ghia) and much more. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )
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