Nuova edizione a cura di Geremia D'Erasmo. Napoli, 1937. In-8 p., brossura orig., pp. (6),326, ben illustrato nel t. da 143 figure a p. pagina (foto e disegni). Vi sono trattati: I terreni cristallini fondamentali - Le montagne mesozoiche - Le frane del Flysch eo-niocenico - I depositi del mare pliocenico e pleistocenico - Ghiacciai, laghi e diluvi quaternari - I vulcani - Formazioni e trasformazioni - Rivolgimento.Esemplare intonso, molto ben conservato.
Nicola zanichelli 1920 60 pages in12. 1920. Broché. 60 pages.
Etat Correct petite étiquette haut 1er plat taches rousseurs couverture
Pierre Lévêque Giuseppe Nenci Roland Martin Luigi Moretti Bernhard Schweitzer Adelmo Barigazzi Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli Lorenzo Braccesi Tonio Hölscher Domenico Musti Francesco Adorno
Reference : 100126976
Bompiani 1990 616 pages in8. 1990. Broché. 616 pages.
Bon état bonne tenue intérieur propre couverture un peu défraîchie
HACHETTE JEUNESSE. 1987. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Quelques rousseurs. Environ 50 pages illustrées en couleur - coins frottés - exemplaire de bibliotheque avec divers tampons, annotations, etiquettes sans conséquence sur la lecture + recouvert d'un film plastique adhésif - coiffes frottées. . . . Classification Dewey : 597.9-Reptiles
Classification Dewey : 597.9-Reptiles
CASAREGI, Giuseppe Lorenzo Maria ( 1670 - 1737 ) - Quintyn WEYTSEN ( 1518 - 1565 ) ( co-author ) :
Reference : 40515
"11. Venezia, Ex typographia Balleoniana, 1740, in-folio, xii pp + 440 pp + clvi pp (index), bound in contemporary full vellum, sprinkled edges, spine slightly damaged with some loss of vellum but on the whole a very good copy. With some small unobtrusive library stamps in the margin of some pages (D.F. Romualdi). This is the second edition of Casaregi's work on commercial and maritime law ( average, bills of exchange , inheritance etc.). It was published in 4 parts ; this is only the second part. The work contains the treatise on average as developped by Quintyn Weytsen ( Tractaet van Avarien, Leiden 1617 - Tractatus de Avariis ) . Casaregi reworks the subject and divides it into '' Discursii - Discursus''. This second part contains the ''discursii'' CXXI -> CCXXVI ( 121 - 226 ). At the end is an elaborate index covering the first and the second part. ( See Kress Library item 3093 - a Florentine edition of 1719)."