Gent, Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde 1923 291pp., onopengesneden, 23cm., Uitgave van het Salsmans-Fonds nr.1
Hasselt, Michel Ceyssens 1899 87 + [2] pp., geïllustreerd met enkele tabellen, 20cm., originele omslag (rug licht hersteld), zeldzaam, B97793
Collectif (DE CORSWAREM ridder, GESSLER Jean, PAQUAY Jan et HUYBRIGTS Francois)
Reference : L82411
Tongres, Imprim. Collée 1921 143pp., 24cm., brochure originale, bon état, [contient e.a. DE CORSWAREM: Liturgie der kollegiale kerk van Tongeren in de 14e en 15e eeuw. De vastentijd (pp.5-38), PAQUAY J.: De parochiënwording in Limburg (pp.51-108), GESSLER J.: La première Halle aux draps de Hasselt (pp.109-124 avec un plan)], L82411
.: 3. Gent, Vlaamse Academie, 1923, in-8°, 22,5 x 14 cm, 291 pp, sewn, orig. wrappers. Study on the medieaval liturgical manuscripts of the church of Our Lady in Tongres. Most of the manuscripts, already in use in the 13th-15th century, i.e. before the Coucil of Trent, could be traced by the author either being still in the church library or other obvious archives. He analyses their liturgical contents and meaning in relation with mediaeval liturgical usage. Interesting codicological study on an aspect which tends to be neglected. Text in Dutch.