Van Der Stighelen, Katlijne; Van Cauteren, Katharina; De Clippel, Karolien
Reference : 022681
ISBN : 9782503535692
2011 Brepols Soft cover Fine
The Nude and the Norm in the Early Modern Low Countries Softcover , 300 x 210 mm, 220 pp, numerous color illustrations, in very good condition,
.: Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, ( treatise of the Royal Belgian Acadamy ) , 2004, in-8°, 26 x 18 cm, 183 pp + 79 black/white ills. , index, bibliography, sewn, original stiff wrapper, published as treatise no. 11, new series of the Royal Academy. Text in Dutch. With an English summary. Contains the oeuvre catalogue. Boek in het Nederlands..
[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - Vermeylen, Filip, Karolien de Clippel, Nadine M. Orenstein et al.
Reference : 124699
ISBN : 9783777443522
Vermeylen, Filip, Karolien de Clippel, Nadine M. Orenstein et al.: Careers by Design: Hendrick Goltzius & Peter Paul Rubens. 2024. 304 pages, over 100 illustrations. Hardback. A consideration of how printmaking facilitated the international success of Goltzius and Rubens. Three essays discuss their individual printmaking as well as putting their work and self-marketing strategies into a contextual dialogue. Followed by a catalogue of 160 copperplate engravings accompanied by texts discussing the workshop system, publishers, Rubens' and Goltzius' engraving techniques, their interest in antique subjects and contemporary portraits, and inspiration from Renaissance masters. Text in English and German.
A consideration of how printmaking facilitated the international success of Goltzius and Rubens. Three essays discuss their individual printmaking as well as putting their work and self-marketing strategies into a contextual dialogue. Followed by a catalogue of 160 copperplate engravings accompanied by texts discussing the workshop system, publishers, Rubensâ and Goltziusâ engraving techniques, their interest in antique subjects and contemporary portraits, and inspiration from Renaissance masters. Text in English and German
Hasselt, Mode museum, 2021 Paperback, illustraties, 230 x 300 mm, 600 gr. Taal:NL . ISBN 9789077207949.
Meer dan ooit laat de mode zich inspireren door de sportwereld. Wielershorts, hoody?s en sneakers veroveren de catwalk. Ontwerpers experimenteren met tule en met technische materialen als neopreen en elastaan. Modehuizen gaan lucratieve collabs aan met atleten en sportlabels. Activewear exploreert deze spannende relatie tussen mode en sport. Het onderzoekt de boeiende scheidingslijn tussen sportswear, streetwear en activewear, en nodigt de lezer uit om na te denken over het waarom van dit succesverhaal. Elodie Ou draogo en Olivia Borl e, Belgische atletieksterren en gastcuratoren van de tentoonstelling die deze publicatie begeleidt, verenigden in 2016 hun passie voor mode en sport en lanceerden hun eigen activewearlabel: 42|54. Vereeuwigd voor de lens van Ronald Stoops zijn zij niet alleen het gezicht van activewear in Belgi , maar ook van de expo en van dit rijk ge llustreerde magazine. Samen met andere ontwerpers, modebewuste muzikanten, modeactoren en internationale onderzoekers en journalisten bieden ze een inkijk in de wondere wereld van de activewear. In samenwerking met Modemuseum Hasselt Bookdesign: Elisabeth Mestdagh, Studio M in samenwerking met Inge Rylant..
Hasselt, Mode museum, 2021 Paperback, illustraties, 230 x 300 mm, 600 gr. English edition. ISBN 9789077207949.
More than ever before, fashion is finding inspiration in the world of sports. Cycling shorts, hoodies and sneakers are conquering the catwalk. Designers experiment with tulle and with technical materials such as neoprene and elastane. Fashion houses enter into lucrative collabs with athletes and sports labels. Activewear explores this exciting relationship between fashion and sports. It examines the fascinating divide between sports clothing, streetwear and activewear, and invites the reader to reflect on why this success story is taking place. Elodie Ou draogo and Olivia Borl e, Belgian athletics stars and guest curators of the exhibition that accompanies this publication, united their passion for fashion and sports in 2016, launching their 42|54 label. Immortalized by the camera lens of Ronald Stoops, they are not only the face of activewear in Belgium, but also of the exhibition and this richly illustrated magazine. Together with other designers, fashion-conscious musicians, fashion actors and international researchers and journalists, they offer a glimpse into the wonderful world of activewear.