Dawe, George: The life of George Morland, (1763-1804). London: Dickinsons, 1904. One of 175 copies of the deluxe edition. xxviii, 222pp with 1 colour plate and 55 monochrome illustrations. Quarter vellum. 33.5x27cms. Appendices: A. Extract from 'Memoirs of a painter,' by W. Collins.--B. An alphabetical list of engravings after G. Morland.--C. List of the principal paintings by or attributed to G. Morland, sold at Messrs. Christie's, 1893-1903.--D. A list of engravings after G. Morland, sold at Messrs. Christie's from 1893-July 1909.
Appendices: A. Extract from 'Memoirs of a painter,' by W. Collins.--B. An alphabetical list of engravings after G. Morland.--C. List of the principal paintings by or attributed to G. Morland, sold at Messrs. Christie's, 1893-1903.--D. A list of engravings after G. Morland, sold at Messrs. Christie's from 1893-July 1909.