1869-1870 [4], 4, 20 (+ 2 handwritten pages (Société archéologique de Sens. Séance du 2 Novembre 1868) p., 21 plates (photogravures), 14 engraved plates in red (drawn and engraved by the author E. Daudin), royal 4to, contemporary half morocco with marble boards, five raised bands and title in gilt on spine (also on lower end previous owner’s initials: F.C). Marbled endpapers. Second work was published in: L'Annuaire de l'Yonne. Ex libris of F. Chandenier on first pastedown. On the margin of the first plate is a dedication by the author (Daudin) reading: A Monsieur L. Fremy, Député de l’Yonne, Hommage très respectueux, Eug. Daudin.