, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 440 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:240 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503594439.
Summary On the evening of 9 December 1496, Princess Joanna, Infanta of Castile, reaches the outskirts of Brussels where a procession of secular and ecclesiastical dignitaries welcomes her. After having been married to Philip the Fair in Lier, Joanna travelled to Brussels by herself. Equipped with torches and processional crosses, the citizens accompany her all the way to the heart of the city, the large market square with its magnificent town hall. The Berlin manuscript 78 D5 is the first illustrated report of an entry concentrating on one single lady. The manuscript is a treasure to all those interested in urban culture of the Early Modern period. The author of the festival booklet compares the well-lit city with the splendours of Troy and Carthage. Twenty-eight stage sets, or Tableaux Vivants, and an elaborate procession mirror the costly intellectual program presented to the sixteen-year-old princess. The carefully planned theatrical productions underscore themes of marriage, female virtues and the politics of war and peace. The program includes entertainments, soundscapes, and pyrotechnic amusements. The Latin texts are made available in English translation. The entire manuscript, with its sixty-three folios, is reproduced in colour. Eleven leading scholars present their new findings on this spectacular entry from an interdisciplinary approach. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Contributors Acknowledgements 1. Introduction. A Spectacle for a Spanish Princess (Dagmar Eichberger) 2. Joanna of Castile's first Residence in the Low Countries (1496-1501): the Transformation of a Trast mara Princess (Raymond Fagel) 3. Joanna, Infanta of Castile and Habsburg Archduchess. Recreating a Lost Wardrobe and Trousseau in 1496 (Annemarie Jordan Gschwend) 4. The Self-representation of Brussels in Times of Uncertainty (Claire Billen & Chlo Deligne) 5. 'In unam pacis accordantiam'. The Role of City Poet Jan Smeken and other Rhetoricians in Organizing the Brussels Entry (Remco Sleiderink and Amber Souleymane) 6. Role Models for a Queen?s Daughter (Wim Blockmans) 7. Arguing with the Old Testament. Moral and Political Lessons for Princess Joanna of Castile (Dagmar Eichberger) 8. 'Pour esmouvoir les cuers et coraiges des hommes a Joye et Recreation:' the Entry of Joanna of Castile as Entertainment (Laura Weigert) 9. The Brussels Town Hall. A Worthy Emblem for a Capital City (Sascha K hl) 10. Illustrating Contemporary Events in Watercolour on Paper. The Entry of Joanna of Castile as an Example for a new Genre of Memorial Books (Anne-Marie Legar ) 11. Ms 78 D5. A Codicological Description (Dagmar Eichberger) 12. Ms 78 D5. Short Descriptions of the Miniatures (Helga Kaiser-Minn) 13. Ms 78 D5. The Latin Text: Transcription and Translation (Verena Demoed) 14. Ms 78 D5 (fols 1r - 63v). Reproduction of Text and Images 15. Bibliography 16. Keywords
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XXI 182 p., 39 b/w ill. 26 colour ill., 178 x 254 mm. ISBN 9782503522883.
This collection of essays charts the role of women at the Burgundian court by analysing the ways in which medieval women, such as Isabella of Portugal, Margaret of York, Mary of Burgundy, Margaret of Austria made an impact through their physical, moral and spiritual presence at court. During the absence of the prince these well-educated and internationally experienced spouses, mothers and aunts were put in charge of the courtly household or were in some cases appointed regent of the Netherlandish territories for a limited period of time. The youngest generation of women represented by the sisters and consorts of Charles V and Ferdinand I - now forming part of the extended family network ? continued this tradition and took it to Germany, Spain, France and Portugal. The court developed into a kind of 'gender laboratory', in which women actively negotiated their position of power, thus consolidating their influence in politics, diplomacy, education and art. Burgundica (BURG 17). Bilingual edition Eng/ Fr. New.
2005 Uitgeverij Davidsfonds NV Hardcover
Hardcover, 30 x 26 cm, 366 blz., Nederlands, 1 volumes, Illustraties, staat: Als Nieuw.
Borchert Till-Holger Beyer Andreas Eichberger Dagmar Huvenne Paul
Reference : 100125937
Graphic Matter/Uitgeverij Ludion 2002 280 pages 24 6x2 6x30 6cm. 2002. Cartonné jaquette. 280 pages.
Comme neuf encore sous son plastique d'emballage
Cambridge University Press (6 août 1998)
Relié, jaquette illustrée, nombreuses illustrations, comme neuf.
Borchert, Till-Holger; Beyer, Andreas; Eichberger, Dagmar; Huvenne, Paul
Reference : 017688
ISBN : 905544393x
2002 Graphic Matter/Uitgeverij Ludion Hardcover Fine
De eeuw van Van Eyck 1430-1530: de Vlaamse primitieven en het Zuiden Hardcover, grijze linnen uitgeversband met stofwikkel , 310 x 245 mm, 280 pp ,in zeer goede staat
Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Paperback, 527 p., 139 b/w ill. + 12 colour ill., 180 x 250 m. ISBN 9782503991290.
This study aims at reconstructing the courtly environment in which art was collected, studied and displayed during the first half of the sixteenth century. Much research has been undertaken to date on Netherlandish art and culture, however, little attention has been paid to the ways in which artefacts were arranged within noble residences. Where were paintings such as Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Wedding and Jan Gossaert's Salamacis and Hermaphrodite kept? What can the reconstruction of the original location contribute to our understanding of such important works of art? The court of Margaret of Austria (1480-1530) in Mechelen is used as a case study for this new approach which combines the methods of art history, history and museum studies. Given the wealth of documentary evidence, including inventories, civic records, court accounts, ordinances, etc., it is possible to bring to life Margaret of Austria's encyclopaedic collection and to reconstruct the residence in which she lived and held court for more than twenty years. The regent owned an outstanding array of artefacts: Netherlandish art from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as well as Italian, Spanish, German and French paintings, sculptures and decorative art objects. By determining the original functions of the regent's personal chambers and cabinets, new light is shed on the context in which her collection was presented to visitors and high-ranking courtiers. In addition to her apartment on the first floor, Margaret set up a new collection cabinet on the ground floor. In this room, close to her palace garden, Margaret of Austria put on display a wide range of objects including Naturalia, Exotica, technical instruments and works of art. The so-called 'coral cabinet' is one of the first genuine display spaces north of the Alps which is well documented. Unser Wissen uber burgundisch-niederlandische Kultur ist im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte betrachtlich gewachsen. Dennoch ist bisher zu wenig uber das raumliche Umfeld bekannt, in dem die Gemalde eines Jan van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch oder Jan Gossaert aufgestellt und betrachtet wurden. Die hier vorliegende Studie hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, das hofische Milieu zu rekonstruieren, in dem Kunstwerke und andere Wertgegenstande gesammelt und in Szene gesetzt wurden. Aus dem Blickwinkel neuzeitlicher Sammlungsgeschichte betrachtet, wird der Mechelner Hof der Margarete von Osterreich (1480-1530) als Fallstudie analysiert. Margarete, eine weitgereiste Mazenin und Sammlerin, hatte sich in den Niederlanden eine stattliche Residenz eingerichtet, die sie mit einer Vielzahl von Artefakten ausstattete. Ihre personliche Sammlung bestand aus fruhniederlandischen Kunstwerken ersten Ranges, wie etwa Jan van Eycks Arnolfini Hochzeit oder Michel Sittows Diptychon mit der Himmelfahrt Mariens. Bernard van Orley, Jan Gossaert, Joos van Cleve, Jan Vermeyen und Gerard Horenbout reprasentieren die zeitgenossische Kunst aus dem Herrschaftsgebiet der Regentin. Daruber hinaus besass Margarete zahlreiche italienische, spanische, deutsche und franzosische Objekte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Die uberaus reiche Quellenlage hat es moglich gemacht, den ursprunglichen Wohnbereich und die Anlage des sogenannten "Hofs von Savoyen" zu rekonstruieren und damit die Funktion der einzelnen Raumlichkeiten naher zu bestimmen. Zusatzlich zu den eigentlichen Wohnraumen und der Bibliothek richtete die weltoffene Regentin einen autonomen Sammlungsraum in Gartennahe ein. In diesem Kontext wird Kunst nicht mehr ausschliesslich fur dynastische und religiose Zwecke eingesetzt, sondern erhalt einen neuen Stellenwert. Sobald Kunstgegenstande auch nach asthetischen Kriterien beurteilt werden, konnen sie in einen neuen Sinnzusammenhang gestellt werden wie es in Mechelen der Fall war. Languages: German.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XXI+182 p., 39 b/w ill. + 26 colour ill., 178 x 254 mm. ISBN 9782503522883.
This collection of essays charts the role of women at the Burgundian court by analysing the ways in which medieval women, such as Isabella of Portugal, Margaret of York, Mary of Burgundy, Margaret of Austria made an impact through their physical, moral and spiritual presence at court. During the absence of the prince these well-educated and internationally experienced spouses, mothers and aunts were put in charge of the courtly household or were in some cases appointed regent of the Netherlandish territories for a limited period of time. The youngest generation of women represented by the sisters and consorts of Charles V and Ferdinand I - now forming part of the extended family network - continued this tradition and took it to Germany, Spain, France and Portugal. The court developed into a kind of 'gender laboratory', in which women actively negotiated their position of power, thus consolidating their influence in politics, diplomacy, education and art. Languages: French, English.