770 planches d’insectes et de fleurs finement coloriées à la main à l’époque. London, printed for the author, 1824-1839. 16 volumes in-8 illustrés de 770 planches au total, un cahier dérelié dans le tome 16, pl. 737 reliée à l’envers, quelques discrètes rousseurs. Ensemble relié en percaline beige de l’époque, dos lisses. 231 x 147 mm.
Edition originale de ce splendide ouvrage consacré aux insectes par l’entomologiste anglais John Curtis (1791-1862). Nissen ZBI 1000 ; Brunet, II, 447. L’ouvrage, publié sous forme de livraisons mensuelles par souscription de 1824 à 1839, est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs ouvrages d’entomologie du XIXe siècle. L’auteur précise dans la préface que "the plates of several of the early volumes for the greater part, and those of the last and a considerable part of the fifteenth were entirely my own engravings, and all the others were corrected and finished by myself: the drawings also are the effort of my pencil, and the articles and descriptions are my own writing; for any errors therefore I alone am accountable". Il poursuit en expliquant qu’en décembre 1839 les planches avaient "already cost upwards of £3000". "Cuvier pronounced British Entomology to be 'the paragon of perfection'" (ODNB). L’ouvrage est orné de 770 planches hors texte (planches 1 à 769 et une planche 205*) gravées d’après nature et finement coloriées à la main à l’époque. Elles montrent les espèces d’insectes que l’on trouvait au Royaume-Uni avec les différentes parties de leur anatomie détaillées dans des dessins au trait occupant souvent le bas des planches, et les insectes présentés dans leur milieu naturel sur des plantes ou des fleurs. Précieux exemplaire bien complet de l’ensemble de ses planches, conservé dans sa reliure de l’époque.
Curtis, John: Mesopotamia and Iran in the Persian Period: Conquest and Imperialism 539-331 BC. Proceedings of a seminar in memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin. London: British Museum Press, 1997. 86 pages of text, 17 colour plates and 53 black and white illustrations. Hardback. 26 x 20cms.
Text in English
Curtis, John E. and Nigel Tallis Eds.: Forgotten Empire. The World of Ancient Persia. Exhibition: London, British Museum, 2005. 272pp with 433 colour and 50 monochrome illustrations. Wrappers. 29x22.9cms. Contents: History of the Persian Empire; Achaemenid languages and Inscriptions; The Decipherment of Achaemenid Cuneiform; the Archaeology; the Palace; the Royal Table; Jewellery and Personal Ornaments; Religion and Burial Customs; the Administration of the Achaemenid Empire; Transport and Warfare; Persia and Greece; the Legacy of Persian Art.
Contents: History of the Persian Empire; Achaemenid languages and Inscriptions; The Decipherment of Achaemenid Cuneiform; the Archaeology; the Palace; the Royal Table; Jewellery and Personal Ornaments; Religion and Burial Customs; the Administration of the Achaemenid Empire; Transport and Warfare; Persia and Greece; the Legacy of Persian Art. Text in English
Salmon. 2008. In-16. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Env. 30 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en couleur. Annotations en page de garde.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Photographed by John Curtis. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Londres, Kegan Paul International, 1988. Fort in-8, rel. pleine toile de l'éd., titre doré au dos, sous jaquette, 342 pp., 183 planches, bibliographies.
Très bon ex. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1883. In-12. Relié toilé. Etat passable, Couv. défraîchie, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 48 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
From home and school Use. 13th edition. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
1860 London, Blackie & Son, (1860) : in-8, cartonnage éditeur édition originale, xiv, 528 pp., 16 superbes planches hors-texte coloriées et gommées dont une en frontispice, 69 figures in-texte, cartonnage de l'éditeur en pleine percaline brune avec décor doré et à froid, superbe ouvrage sur les insectes des jardins et des cultures avec leur mode de destruction. Bon état, cartonnage légèrement défraichi, mors intérieurs fendus, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec son ex-libris.
[Julio Gonzalez] - Harrison, Michael, Catherine Lampert, Penelope Curtis, and John Gibbons
Reference : 099244
ISBN : 0854880879
Harrison, Michael, Catherine Lampert, Penelope Curtis, and John Gibbons: Julio Gonzalez: Sculptures & Drawings. Exhibition: Glasgow, Art Gallery & Museum; London, Whitechapel Art Gallery and Sheffield, Graves Art Gallery, 1990. 88 pages, illustrated in black & white throughout. Paperback. 22 x 27cms. Catalogue of 78 works for the travelling exhibition organised by the South Bank Centre and the Whitechapel Gallery with support from the Henry Moore Foundation. 2 essays discuss Gonzalez life and legacy, including a conversation between John Gibbons and Michael Harrison. With an errata insert.
Catalogue of 78 works for the travelling exhibition organised by the South Bank Centre and the Whitechapel Gallery with support from the Henry Moore Foundation. 2 essays discuss Gonzalez life and legacy, including a conversation between John Gibbons and Michael Harrison. With an errata insert.
Helen Adam, Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Jim Brodey, Otis Brown, William S. Burroughs, Jackie Curtis, Mona DaVinci, Kenward Elmslie, The Fugs, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Ted Greenwald, Steve Hamilton, Bernard Heidsieck, Joe Johnson, Michael Lally, Denise Levertov, Robert Lowell, Meredith Monk, Eileen, Myles, Frank O'Hara, Claes Oldenburg, Joel Oppenheimer, Ron Padget, Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders, Harris Schift, Patti Smith, Lorenzo Thomas, Steve & Gloria Tropp, Anne Waldman, Larry Wendt, Robert Wolson & Christopher Knowles
Reference : 103164
1978 disque Etats Uis, 1978, Giorno Poetry System GPS 012-013, 2 disques 33trs, 30cm, sous pochette ouvrante, conception et photographies de Les Levine.The Dial-a-Poem poets Big Ego.Avec, Helen Adam, Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Jim Brodey, Otis Brown, William S. Burroughs, Jackie Curtis, Mona DaVinci, Kenward Elmslie, The Fugs, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Ted Greenwald, Steve Hamilton, Bernard Heidsieck, Joe Johnson, Michael Lally, Denise Levertov, Robert Lowell, Meredith Monk, Eileen, Myles, Frank O'Hara, Claes Oldenburg, Joel Oppenheimer, Ron Padget, Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders, Harris Schift, Patti Smith, Lorenzo Thomas, Steve & Gloria Tropp, Anne Waldman, Larry Wendt, Robert Wolson & Christopher Knowles. (103164)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
Harris (Cyril M.), ed. - Charles E. Crede - Ralph E. Blake - Harry Himmelblau - Sheldon Rubin - H. Norman Abramson - Frederick F. Ehrich - P. Everett Reed - William F. Stokey - Robert S. Ayre - William H. Hoppmann - Elmer S. Hixson - John W. Miles - William T. Thomson - Eldon E. Eller - Robert B. Whittier - Robert B. Randall - John E. Judd - John D. Ramboz - Joelle Courrech - Earl J. Wilson - Robert W. Lally - Paul H. Maedel - Ronald L. Eshleman - Charles T. Morrow - Randall J. Allemang - David L. Brown - Allen J. Curtis and alii
Reference : 100185
McGraw-Hill Book Company Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1988 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's black binding, red title, no D.J. as issued fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 1312 pages
1060 illustrations in black and white 3rd Edition, 1988 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Preface, , xiii, Text, 1312 pages - Introduction - Basic vibration theory - Vibration of a resilient supported rigid body - Nonlinear vibration - Self-excited vibration - Dynamic vibration absorbers and auxiliary mass dampers - Vibration of systems having distributed mass and elasticity - Transient response to step and pulse functions - Effects of impact on structures - Mechanical dependance - Statistical concepts in vibration - Piezoelectric and piezoresistive transducers - Vibration measurement equipment and signal analyzers - Special-purpose transducers - Measurement techniques - Condition monitoring of machinery - Strain-gage instrumentation - Calibration of pickups - Vibration standards - Introduction to data reduction, testing, and specifications - Experimental modal analysis - Concepts in vibration data analysis - Concepts in shock data analysis - Vibration of structures induced by ground motion - Seismic qualification of equipment - Vibration testing machines - Application of digital computers - Matrix methods of analysis - Vibration of structures induced by fluid flow - Vibration of structures induced by wind - Theory of vibration isolation - Theory of shock isolation - Types and characteristics of vibration isolators - Air suspension and active vibration-isolation systems - Application of isolators - Properties of rubber - Material damping and slip damping - Application of damping treatments - Torsional vibration in reciprocating and rotating machines - Balance of rotative machinery - Machine-tool vibration - Packaging design - Theory of equipment design - Practice of equipment design - Effects of shock and vibration on man - Index - cf : Manuel des chocs et vibrations near fine copy, editor's binding clean and unmarked, no D.J. as issued, inside is fine, no markings except the name of the former owner on the top of the first page, private collection, a rather nice copy of this monument on shock and vibration
British Museum Press; 1er édition (1 mai 2012)
Livre à l'état de neuf, très frais sans annotations ni défauts dissmulés.