P., Hachette, 1907, un volume in 8 relié en demi-maroquin bleu marine à coins (reliure de l'époque), 30pp., (1), 576pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE, second tirage ---- RARE ---- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Influenced by LEIBNIZ'thoughts on the construction of a logical universal language, COUTURAT became a prime mover in the development of an auxiliary internatonal language. On 1 October 1907 delegates from 310 societies throughout the world met and elected a committee to modify Esperanto. COUTURAT and LEAU were the secretaries. With the collaboration of the Akademie di la Lingue Internaciona Ido, COUTURAT constructed the complete vocabulary of Ido, a language derived from Esperanto with reformes growing out of scientific linguistic principles. Couturat stood firmly for the application of this own logical principles, despite opposition from many quarters to changes in the already established forms of Esperanto . (DSB III p. 456)**6623/K6
Coulommiers, 1907, in-8, 32pp, broché, Très bel exemplaire! 32pp