Aschendorff münster 1972 in8. 1972. Broché.
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PELAGIUS I (& GASSO Pius M. O.S.B. & BATTLE Columba O.S.B., ed.)
Reference : R117501
Montserrat, In Abbatio Montisserati 1956 cxvi + 260pp., added: one loose page with "Notulae codicum et sigla" & 2pp. of "Emendanda et addenda", 25cm., bound in a nice solid hardcover, in the series "Scripta et documenta" volume 8, Text in Latin, with ex-libris on blanco endpaper, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, rare, ["Pelagii I papae epistulae quae supersunt, collexit, notulis historicis adornavit dom Pius M.Gasso, ad fidem codicum recensuit, praefatione et indicibus instruxit dom Columba M. Battle"], R117501
Münster, Aschendorff 1972 xix + 340pp., 24cm., bound in a solid hardcover, spine in brown cloth with gilt title, in the series "Beiträge zur Geschichte des alten Mönchtums und des Benediktinerordens" Heft 31, text is clean and bright, good condition, R117749