COLLINS (Anthony), HOLBACH (Paul Thiry, baron d') traducteur et éditeur
Reference : 37205
1769 In-12, broché, couverture papier bleu d'origine, (8), 295 p., exemplaire non rogné, non coupé, tel que paru. Londres [i.e. Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey], 1769.
Première édition française probablement sortie des presses de M.-M. Rey, dans une édition et une traduction attribuées à dHolbach.Louvrage contient le recueil des pièces composées par Anthony Collins, libre-penseur, élève et ami de Locke, dans la polémique qui sétait engagée entre eux-mêmes, Samuel Clarke et Henry Dodwell, sur l'immatérialité et l'immortalité de l'âme.Selon Bréhier (II, 293) : "Collins montre lunion du matérialisme à la doctrine sensualiste de la connaissance". De très larges extraits de cet ouvrage ont été cités par Naigeon dans "lEncyclopédie Méthodique".Louvrage a été interdit et condamné au feu.(Colon, 'Siècle des Lumières', 69:676. 'Holbach et ses amis', 1553. Peignot, 'Livres condamnés', II, p.214. Vercruysse, p. 32).Exceptionnel exemplaire, tel que paru, non rogné, non coupé.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Ipswitch. Golgonooza Press. 1981. 23,3x14 cm. 3 Bl., (1) S., XIX S., (1) S., 1 Bl. Mit einem Frontispiz. Originalbroschur.
Nr. 7/100 numerierten Exemplaren mit einer signierten Lithographie von Collins. - Schönes Exemplar.
Ipswitch. Golgonooza Press. 1979. 23,3x14 cm. Titelbl., 25 S. Originalbroschur
Eines von 100 numerierten und von Raine signierten Exemplaren.. - Schönes Exemplar.
Paris Hachette 1878 1 vol. relié in-12, demi-chagrin brique, dos à nerfs orné de motifs dorés, 298 pp. Mors fendu en pied. 1 cahier détaché. Des rousseurs. En l'état.
COLLINS (Judith), WELCHMAN (John), CHANDLER (David), ANFAM (David A.).
Reference : 99200
ISBN : 2865830411
Paris Sylvie Messinger 1984 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage sous jaquette illustrée, 192 pp., nombreuses reproductions en couleurs, glossaire, index. Très bon état.
Paris, Centre national de la photographie, Barcelona, Echo Books, 1997. 28,3x28,3 cm. 98 p., 1 f. Avec de nombreuses photographies en noir. Demi-toile.
Texte en français et anglais.
Berlin, Phaidon Verlag, 2008. 4°. 483 S. Mit vielen meist farbigen Abbildungen. Originalpappband mit Schutzumschlag.
Deutsche Erstausgabe. - Schutzumschlag mit winzigem Einriss an der Rückenkante unten.
In-8, broché (couv. lég. défr.), xi, 690 p. Paris, Félix Alcan, 1911.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
London, Glasgow & Edinburgh ca. 1870. Coloured lithograph showing a bird's eye view of the city. 22 x 28 cm. Framed and matted.
Collins was a Scottish printing company founded by a Presbyterian schoolmaster, William Collins, in Glasgow in 1819, in partnership with Charles Chalmers, the younger brother of Thomas Chalmers, minister of Tron Church, Glasgow. The company had to overcome many early obstacles, and Charles Chalmers left the business in 1825. The company eventually found success in 1841 as a printer of Bibles, and in 1848 Collins's son Sir William Collins developed the firm as a publishing venture, specializing in religious and educational books. The company was renamed William Collins, Sons and Co Ltd. in 1868.
P., Mallet-Bachelier, 1856, un volume in 4 relié en demi-toile noire, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure postérieure), 15pp., 293pp., (1)
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- Babson N° 189 : "The leibnitz-Newton controversy. A very complete compilation covering this famous controversy" ---- "This is the celebrated report drawn up by order of the Royal Society and consisting of a selection from the correspondence of John Collins with some of the most celebrated mathematicians of the time, which was to substantiate Keill's charges against Leibnitz of having derived the fundamental ideas of his calculus from papers by Newton, said to have been communicated to him through Collins and Oldenbrug. Although greatly biased in Newton's favour, the work is nevertheless a repertory of the utmost value to the history of science. It was not until De morgan reviewed the case (1846) that a greater spirit of fairness was shown. Probably both these great men had the same idea independently". (Babson N° 186 1712 london ed.)**7223/K1-7224/?
Short description: In Russian. Collins, Lucas. The Iliad, as presented by Lucas Collins. V. Kovalevsky. Iliada, v izlozhenii Lukasa Kollinza. In Russian /The Iliad, as presented by Lucas Collins. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU4383776
Short description: In Russian. Collins, William Lucas. Euripides by Lucas Collins. V.O. Kovalevsky. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5213656
Short description: In Russian. Collins, Clifton Wilbraham. Plato as presented by Clifton Collins. V. Kovalevsky. Platon v izlozhenii Kliftona Kollinza. In Russian /Plato as presented by Clifton Collins. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU4604535
LE ROBERT 2019 1120 pages 12 95x19 05x5 33cm. 2019. Broché. 1120 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2019 1120 pages 12 95x19 05x5 33cm. 2019. Broché. 1120 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2020 880 pages 10 67x17 53x4 06cm. 2020. Broché. 880 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2020 880 pages 10 67x17 53x4 06cm. 2020. Broché. 880 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2019 1120 pages 12 95x19 05x5 33cm. 2019. Broché. 1120 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2019 1120 pages 12 95x19 05x5 33cm. 2019. Broché. 1120 pages.
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LE ROBERT 2019 1120 pages 12 95x19 05x5 33cm. 2019. Broché. 1120 pages.
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