CERN and ECFA Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's green wrappers, illustrated by a castle of the University of Orsay In-4 2 vol. - 732 pages
1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Volume 1. Abstract, List of members with general photography, Foreword, Contents, xvi, Text, 342 pages - Volume 2. Abstract, Contents, viii, Text, pages 343 to 708 - Invited papers - Semi-conventional high-frequency linacs - Transformer acceleration mechanisms - Acceleration using plasma - e+e- sources, low emittance production and preservation - Final focus and interaction point - New ideas - Closing round-table discussion near fine copy, light decoloration of the wrappers on the border, inside is clean, few paper-clip tracks on the top of 3-4 pages, the top corner of volume 2 is lightly folded, it remains a near fine set