4 books for « cochlaeus johannes »Edit

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‎COCHLAEUS (Johannes).‎

Reference : 96599

‎Speculum Antiquae Devotionis circa Missam, et omnem alium Cultum Dei: Ex Antiquis, et antea nunquam evulgatis per Typographos Autoribus…‎

‎Moguntiae, Apud S. Victorem extra muros, ex Officina Francisci Behem, 1549. 8 feuillets. 251 pages. (31x20 Cm). Vélin de l'époque. Titre manuscrit au dos. Quelques salissures aux plats. Edition très rare de cet ouvrage imprimé à l'abbaye de St. Victor, près de Mayence, où de nombreux livres de propagande catholique étaient imprimés pendant la Réforme. En 1552, un incendie ravagea l'imprimerie, ce qui contribua à la grande rareté de cet ouvrage qui est principalement consacré aux rites du christianisme primitif et à ses rapports avec ceux des anciennes religions. Le volume est agrémenté de belles lettrines ornées et d'un grand bois gravé au dernier feuillet. Cachet d'une bibliothèque à la page de titre, qui fut légèrement réparée dans les marges. Mouillures et rousseurs éparses. Bon exemplaire. ‎

Ultimo Capitulo S.L. - Barcelona

Phone number : +33 973 037 007

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )


Reference : 60875


‎Summi disertissimi theologi, sacris dutaxat literis omnia probantis, in XII. prophetas minores, commentariorum libri XXXII. (...).‎

‎Cologne, Fran. Byrckman (Birckmann), 1527. Folio (310 x 210 mm). In a lovely contemporary full calf binding with four raised bands and blindtooled boards and spine. Paper title-label pasted on to spine. Outer margin of boards with traces from clasps. Author and title in contemporary hand to fore-edge. Title-page with Birckmann's two-part printer's mark showing his initials in the right medallion with the motto ""Fortuna cum blanditur tunc vel maxime metuenda est"" (When Fortuna flatters, she is the most to be feared"") and in the left medallion showing a hen and chicks, which was also on Birckmann's House in Cologne. Annotation in neat contemporary hand to pasted down front end-paper, title-page, and occasionally in margins. Leaf N3 with small loss of paper in margin, not affecting text. Vague dampstain in upper margin and lower outer margin of last leaves, but generally a very nice and clean copy. (2 blanks), (5), CCXLII, (3 blanks) ff. Leaf B4 erroneously paginated as VII instead of X. Complete. ‎

‎Editio princeps of Rupert of Deutz' commentaries on the Book of the Twelve Prophets edited by the influential Luther opposer Johannes Cochlaeus (1479-1552). “Rupert of Deutz (ca. 1075-1129) is widely recognised as one of the most prolific writers of the Middle Ages. Along with other Church Fathers such as Augustine of Hippo, his work occupies more than three volumes of the Patrologia Latina. During his lifetime, he devoted more than twenty years to tireless commentary on the Scriptures and was involved in many theological debates. His writings touched almost all of the genres of religious literature for that period: numerous biblical commentaries (on all the historical books in the Old Testament, on the twelve Prophets, on the Gospels of Mathew and John, and on the Apocalypse), commentaries on the Rule of St. Benedict, two Lives of Saints and more apologetic works. The fact that his works are preserved in more than 250 manuscripts is a testament to his popularity, especially across the German Empire (and more specifically, the ecclesiastical provinces of Cologne and Salzburg). More than half of these manuscripts date from the middle of the twelfth century, and thereafter his influence appears to have dwindled dramatically. This noticeable phenomenon witnesses the vicissitudes of traditional Benedictine monasticism during the transformative period of the first half of the twelfth century.” (Teng Li, The Holy Spirit in Twelfth-Century Thoughts: Rupert of Deutz (ca 1075-1129) and Anselm of Havelberg (ca 1095-1158). Johannes Cochlaeus, a Deacon of the Church of the Blessed Virgin in Frankfurt, lived in exile in Cologne where he became acquainted with the Abbot of Deutz through his host George Lauer. Cochlaeus learned that certain works of Rupert were to be published by Lutherans in Nuremberg. He strongly opposed and tried to obstruct this effort because the Lutherans had previously struggled to find medieval authors who supported Luther's doctrines. When a book by Rupert was discovered and favored by Lutherans, they sought more of his works. Osiander, a married priest and preacher, added Lutheran ideas to Rupert's writings before their publication. Cochlaeus persuaded publishers Peter Quentell and Arnold Birckmann to print Rupert's works and promised to oversee the edition. As demand grew, Cochlaeus and the Abbot of Deutz gathered more volumes of Rupert's writings from various sources. Rupert of Deutz influenced theologians and thinkers in the medieval period and particularly within the Benedictine tradition. His writings were widely read and respected during his time and in the centuries that followed. Adams R-935.Graesse VI, 193.BM STC German, 1455-1600, P. 762.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )

‎CLICTHOVE Josse - [ Josse van CLICHTHOVE ] - [ Jodocus CLICHTOVEUS ] - ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS - Johannes Cochlaeus (secondary author ) :‎

Reference : 44914

‎Collection of three postincunables. [1] Josse Clicthove De Sacramento Eucharistiae . [2] Josse Clicthove De Laudibus trium antiquorum patrum...[3] Isidorus Hispalensis De Officiis Ecclesiasticis Libri duo.‎

‎" Collection of three postincunables bound in a dated 16th century binding. Large in-8° (1,2) / small in-4° (3), 222 x 142 mm, blindtooled leather over wooden boards, skilfully rebacked, endpapers renewed, the intricate blindtooling in very fine condition, with copper clasps (attachments are still present, clasps are missing). All edges painted blue, on the fore edge gilt lettering with date ( 1590 ), title (Clytho Varia ) ; and the inintials D.S.C.N.M.. Two manuscript library markings and one old library stamp. Apart from the missing clasps and the rebacking this binding is exceptionally well preserved. [1] De sacramento Eucharistiae contra Oecolampadium opusculum duos libris complectens. Paris, ex officina Simon de Colines, 1526. In-8°, ff. 165+ ff (16) + ff(1)(blank)(complete). First edition, USTC 145759. Treatise against Oecolampadius' metaphorical interpretation of the bodily presence in the Eucharist. [2] De laudibus trium antiquaorum patrum Joseph patriarchae , David regis , et Tobiae, trifidum opusculum. Paris, apud Simon de Colines, 1533. In-8°, ff. 94 (complete). First and only edition. USTC 146564. [3] Beati isidori Hispalensis quondam archiepiscopi de officiis ecclesiasticis libri duo, ante annos d CCCC. Ab eo editi , et nunc ex vesturo codice in lucem restituti. Leipzig, excudebat Michael Blum, 1534, ff.[47] (complete). USTC 615361. First edition. Edited by Johannes Cochlaeus (1479 - 1552).."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR3,000.00 (€3,000.00 )

‎Johannes Cochlaeus‎

Reference : LAN105C21GAR


‎1960 / 198 pages. Relié. Editions Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.‎

‎gute zustand‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )
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