[No place], The Association for Symbolic Logic, 1936 & 1937. Royal8vo. Bound in red half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Journal of Symbolic Logic"", Volume 1 & 2 bound together. Barcode label pasted on to back board. Small library stamp to lower part of 16 pages. A very fine copy. [Church:] Pp. 40-1; Pp. 101-2. [Post:] Pp. 103-5. [Turing:] Pp. 153-163;"" 164. [Entire volume: (4), 218, (2), IV, 188 pp.]
First edition of this collection of seminal papers within mathematical logic, all constituting some of the most important contributions mathematical logic and computional mathematics. A NOTE ON THE ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROBLEM (+) CORRECTION TO A NOTE ON THE ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROBLEM (+) REVIEW OF """"A. M. TURING. ON COMPUTABLE NUMBERS, WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROBLEM"""":First publication of Church's seminal paper in which he proved the solution to David Hilbert's """"Entscheidungsproblem"""" from 1928, namely that it is impossible to decide algorithmically whether statements within arithmetic are true or false. In showing that there is no general algorithm for determining whether or not a given statement is true or false, he not only solved Hilbert's """"Entscheidungsproblem"""" but also laid the foundation for modern computer logic. This conclusion is now known as Church's Theorem or the Church-Turing Theorem (not to be mistaken with the Church-Turing Thesis). The present paper anticipates Turing's famous """"On Computable Numbers"""" by a few months. """"Church's paper, submitted on April 15, 1936, was the first to contain a demonstration that David Hilbert's 'Entscheidungsproblem' - i.e., the question as to whether there exists in mathematics a definite method of guaranteeing the truth or falsity of any mathematical statement - was unsolvable. Church did so by devising the 'lambda-calculus', [...] Church had earlier shown the existence of an unsolvable problem of elementary number theory, but his 1936 paper was the first to put his findings into the exact form of an answer to Hilbert's 'Entscheidungsproblem'. Church's paper bears on the question of what is computable, a problem addressed more directly by Alan Turing in his paper 'On computable numbers' published a few months later. The notion of an 'effective' or 'mechanical' computation in logic and mathematics became known as the Church-Turing thesis."""" (Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, 250) Church coined in his review of Turing's paper the phrase 'Turing machine'.FINITE COMBINATORY PROCESSES-FORMULATION I: The Polish-American mathematician Emil Post made notable contributions to the theory of recursive functions. In the 1930s, independently of Turing, Post came up with the concept of a logic automaton similar to a Turing machine, which he described in the present paper (received on October 7, 1936). Post's paper was intended to fill a conceptual gap in Alonzo Church's paper on 'An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory'. Church had answered in the negative Hilbert's 'Entscheidungsproblem' but failed to provide the assertion that any such definitive method could be expressed as a formula in Church's lambda-calculus. Post proposed that a definite method would be one written in the form of instructions to mind-less worker operating on an infinite line of 'boxes' (equivalent to the Turing machines 'tape'). The range of instructions proposed by Post corresponds exactly to those performed by a Turing machine, and Church, who edited the Journal of Symbolic Logic, felt it necessary to insert an editorial note referring to Turing's """"shortly forthcoming"""" paper on computable numbers, and asserting that """"the present article ... although bearing a later date, was written entirely independently of Turing's"""". (Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, 356).COMPUTABILITY AND LAMBDA-DEFINABILITY (+) THE Ø-FUNCTION IN LAMBDA-K-CONVERSION: The volume also contains Turing's influential """"Computability and lambda-definability"""" in which he proved that computable functions """"are identical with the lambda-definable functions of Church and the general recursive functions due to Herbrand and Gödel and developed by Kleene"""". (Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, 395).
Wisconsin, The Association for Symbolic Logic, 1936. Lev8vo. Entire volume one of ""Journal of Symbolic Logic"" (i.e. number 1-4), March, June, September, December 1936) BOUND WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS in a blue half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Crossed-out library paper-label to lower part of spine and top left corner of front board. Two library stamps (in Chinese) to back of front free end-paper. Chinese library-stamp (red) and stamped inventory-number lower part of all four front wrappers. Minor bumping to lower corner of nr. 4, otherwise internally a very fine and clean copy of the entire volume. [Church:] Pp. 40-1;"" 101-2. [Post:] Pp. 103-5. [Entire volume: 218 pp.].
First publication of Church's seminal paper in which he proved the solution to David Hilbert's """"Entscheidungsproblem"""" from 1928, namely that it is impossible to decide algorithmically whether statements within arithmetic are true or false. In showing that there is no general algorithm for determining whether or not a given statement is true or false, he not only solved Hilbert's """"Entscheidungsproblem"""" but also laid the foundation for modern computer logic. This conclusion is now known as Church's Theorem or the Church-Turing Theorem (not to be mistaken with the Church-Turing Thesis). The present paper anticipates Turing's famous """"On Computable Numbers"""" by a few months. """"Church's paper, submitted on April 15, 1936, was the first to contain a demonstration that David Hilbert's 'Entscheidungsproblem' - i.e., the question as to whether there exists in mathematics a definite method of guaranteeing the truth or falsity of any mathematical statement - was unsolvable. Church did so by devising the 'lambda-calculus', [...] Church had earlier shown the existence of an unsolvable problem of elementary number theory, but his 1936 paper was the first to put his findings into the exact form of an answer to Hilbert's 'Entscheidungsproblem'. Church's paper bears on the question of what is computable, a problem addressed more directly by Alan Turing in his paper 'On computable numbers' published a few months later. The notion of an 'effective' or 'mechanical' computation in logic and mathematics became known as the Church-Turing thesis."""" (Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, 250) The volume also contains first printing of Post's seminal paper, in which he, simultaneously with but independently of Turing, describes a logic automaton, which very much resembles the Turing machine. The Universal Turing Machine, which is presented for the first time in Turing's seminal paper in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society for 1936, is considered one of the most important innovations in the theory of computation and constitutes the most famous theoretical paper in the history of computing. """"Post [in the present paper] suggests a computation scheme by which a """"worker"""" can solve all problems in symbolic logic by performing only machinelike """"primitive acts"""". Remarkably, the instructions given to the """"worker"""" in Post's paper and to a Universal Turing Machine were identical."""" (A Computer Perspective, p. 125).""""The Polish-American mathematician Emil Post made notable contributions to the theory of recursive functions. In the 1930s, independently of Turing, Post came up with the concept of a logic automaton similar to a Turing machine, which he described in the present paper [the paper offered]. Post's paper was intended to fill a conceptual gap in Alonzo Churchs' paper on """"An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory"""" (Americ. Journ. of Math. 58, 1936). Church's paper had answered in the negative Hilbert's question as to whether a definite method existed for proving the truth or falsity of any mathematical statement (the Entscheidungsproblem), but failed to provide the assertion that any such definite method could be expressed as a formula in Church's lambda-calculus. Post proposed that a definite method would be written in the form of instructions to a mindless worker operating on an infinite line of """"boxes"""" (equivalent to Turing's machine's """"tape""""). The worker would be capable only of reading the instructions and performing the following tasks... This range of tasks corresponds exactly to those performed by a Turing machine, and Church, who edited the """"Journal of Symbolic Logic"""", felt it necessary to insert an editorial note referring to Turing's """"shortly forthcoming"""" paper on computable numbers, and ascertaining that """"the present article... although bearing a later date, was written entirely independently of Turing's"""" (p. 103)."""" (Origins of Cyberspace, pp. 111-12).Even though Post's work to some degree has been outshined by Turing's, the present paper is of seminal importance in the history of the foundation for modern computer logic and the ideological basis for the modern computer.The volume also contains the following important papers by W. V. Quine:1. Toward a Calculus of Concepts. Pp. 2-25.2. Set-theoretic Foundations for Logic. Pp. 45-57.Hook & Norman, Origins of Cyberspace, 2002: 250 + 356 Charles & Ray Eames, A Computer Perspective, 1973: 125.
[IRONS, William Joseph]. Attributed. A Member of the Protestant Reformed Church of England
Reference : 1731
London: John Lee, 1843
A pamphlet (once bound in with other pamphlets). Complete. Title page, Introduction, text. The pamphlet now appears disbound, as it has been removed from a collection - but is complete in itself. A touch of darkening to the covers, and a small stain to the bottom of pages 4/5 but otherwise in good clean condition. Now held in an archival wallet. 24 pp. A scarce item, Copac shows holdings only at BL, Oxford & Cambridge. William Joseph Irons (1812-1883) was an Anglican priest and Theolgian. He was a strong defender of Church of England as the Established Church, and argued against seceding from the church (whether to Rome or to the more Protestant churches). He was the vicar of Brompton at the time of the publication of this work, and the introduction is dated Brompton April 1843. He is names by Lawrence Crumb (in "The Oxford Movement and its leaders, a bibliography of Secondary and Lesser Primary Sources") as the probable author of this work.
(No place), The Association for Symbolic Logic, 1940 & 1941. Lev8vo. Bound in red half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Journal of Symbolic Logic"", Volume 5 & 6. Barcode label pasted on to back board. Small library stamp to lower part of 6 pages. A very fine copy. Pp. 56-68. [Entire copy: IV, 188, IV, 184 pp.).
First printing of Church's seminal paper in which he introduced his Type Theory: A simpler and more general Type Theory than the one introduced by Bertrand Russell in 1908 and Whitehead & Russell in 1927.""Church's type theory is a formal logical language which includes first-order logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. A great wealth of technical knowledge can be expressed very naturally in it. With possible enhancements, Church's type theory constitutes an excellent formal language for representing the knowledge in automated information systems, sophisticated automated reasoning systems, systems for verifying the correctness of mathematical proofs, and certain projects involving logic and artificial intelligence."" (SEP)
Reference : 49686
(City of the Regent (St. Petersburg), November 7303 (= 1795)). 4to. Contemp. full calf over wood, remains of clasps. The covers bent. A crack in the wood and leather on the backcover. 82 leaves (164 pp). Printed on thick paper, internally clean. A small nick to margin on the first leaf.
First edition of Catherine's Church Ritual for the Old Believers.
SUARES (André) - ELUARD (Paul) - SUPERVIELLE (Jules) - MICHAUX (Henri) - RIVIERE (Jacques) - GARCIA LORCA (Federico) - MACLEISH (Archibald) - CHURCH (Henry) - GIDE (André) - ZIMMER (Henri) - VAUTIBAULT (Elisabeth) -
Reference : 43700
Paris, directeur Henry Church - Un volume 18,8 x 23,7cm broché, de 208 pages - exemplaire sur papier alfa numéroté. Manque de 3x2,5cm dans le coin inférieur et intérieur de la première de couverture en bon état - Au sommaire de cette seconde livraison : André Suarès : Deux poèmes de la Passion, Jacques Rivière : Histoire de Noé Sarambuca, Federico Lorca [Federico Garcia Lorca] : La femme adultère, Henri Michaux : Voyage en grande Garabagne, Archibald MacLeish: Lettre d’Amérique, Fernando Gonzalez : Pages choisies, Paul Éluard : L’Entente, André Gide : Le treizième arbre, Jules Supervielle : Le galop incertain, Henri Zimmer : Bouddha, Elisabeth de Vautibault : Poèmes, [Léon] Tolstoï : Journal pour moi seul (1910). Traductions. : Germain Landier (A. Macleish), B.M. (L. Tolstoï), Jean Prévost (F. Garcia Lorca), Mme Str. H. (H. Zimmer).
La revue Mesures parait de 1935 à 1940 et compte 23 numéros + en avril 1948, un numéro spécial "Hommage à Henry Church". Célèbre revue de littérature, aux somptueux sommaires, financée et dirigée par Henry Church avec l'étroite collaboration de Jean Paulhan. Henri Michaux, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Bernard Groethuysen font également partie du comité de rédaction. Adrienne Monnier en assure la commercialisation, puis José Corti.
(No place), The Association for Symbolic Logic, 1940. Large 8vo. Bound in blue half cloth with silver lettering to spine. In ""Journal of Symbolic Logic"", Volume 5. Small paper label to lower part of spine and upper inner margin of front board. Stamp to title-page and last leaf, otherwise internally fine. Pp. 56-68. (Entire copy: IV, 188 pp.).
First printing of Church's seminal paper in which he introduced his Type Theory: A simpler and more general Type Theory than the one introduced by Bertrand Russell in 1908 and Whitehead & Russell in 1927.""Church's type theory is a formal logical language which includes first-order logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. A great wealth of technical knowledge can be expressed very naturally in it. With possible enhancements, Church's type theory constitutes an excellent formal language for representing the knowledge in automated information systems, sophisticated automated reasoning systems, systems for verifying the correctness of mathematical proofs, and certain projects involving logic and artificial intelligence."" (SEP) Order-nr.: 48379
Franckfurt am Mayn, Thomas Fritsch, 1700. Folio. Bound in one contemp. full calf. Spine worn. lacks leather at upper compartment and wear to lower compartment. Corners bumped and worn. (20),411:695,(36) pp. Woodcut on titlepage. A few scattered brownspots. A faint dampstain to lower margins on a few leaves. Oth3rwise internally fine.
Scarce second edition of Arnold's influential ""Impartial History of the Church and of Heresy"".""In this major revision of church history, Arnold directed his sharpest criticism against those who wrote deeply biased apologetic ""orthodox"" histories instead of trying to understand where substantial religious differences actually came from. In his view,""heresy making"" was usually the defensive reaction of those in authority, rather than a true indictment of unconventional thinkers. He thought that the worst calamity in Church history was its establishment as the accepted and orthodox faith by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century. Arnold evinced a remarkable sympathy for a huge variety of ""heretics."" This ""impartial history"" exercised a wide influence on the German Enlightenment and won approval from such thinkers as Johann Wolfgang Goethe in addition to Leo Tolstoy.""
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1793. (+) London, M. Brown, 1793. Small 8vo. Contemp. full red morocco. Richly gilt spine. Gilt border on covers with gilt cornerpieces, large gilt centerpieces. Inner gilt borders. All edges gilt. Well preserved.
Paris Éditions des Deux Amis 1922 Première édition, numérotée. Signée avec une chaleureuse inscription par l'auteur. Avec 3 phototypes coloriés à la main d'après Georges Rouault reproduits et coloriés par Jacomet. Reliure privée en demi-vélin de l'époque, couverture originale illustrée avec la reliure, les plats sont recouverts d'un joli papier calicot imprimé. Un des 240 exemplaires sur papier vélin (sur un tirage total de 250). Cet exemplaire n'est pas numéroté, mais il est indiqué qu'il s'agit de l'exemplaire de l'Auteur. Nous avons vu d'autres exemplaires également désignés comme exemplaire de l'auteur ; il s'agit donc vraisemblablement d'un petit nombre d'exemplaires remis à l'auteur pour distribution plutôt que de L'EXEMPLAIRE. En très bon état, propre. L'intérieur est impeccable. Rouault (1871-1958) était l'un des artistes du livre les plus accomplis de son époque. Il s'intéressait particulièrement aux clowns et ces illustrations du texte d'Henry Church anticipent son Cirque (1931) et le Cirque de l'Etoile filante (1938). L'expression des figures et le lyrisme font de Rouault le premier des expressionnistes. Chapon 210, 244. 38 pages. 190 x 140 mm.
First edition, numbered edition. Signed with a warm inscription by the author. With 3 hand-coloured Phototypes after Georges Rouault reproduced and pattern-coloured by Jacomet. Private half vellum binding of the time, illustrated original cover with binding, the covers with pretty calico printed paper. One of 240 copies on velin paper (from a total edition of 250). This copy is not numbered, but is stated that it is the Author's copy. We have seen other copies also designated as Author's copy so this is presumably one of a small number given to the author for distribution rather than THE copy. In very nice, clean condition. Internally spotless. Rouault (1871-1958) was one of the most accomplished book artists of his period. He had a particular interest in clowns and these illustrations to Henry Church's text anticipate his Cirque (1931) and Cirque de l'Etoile filante (1938). Their expression of figures and lyricism make Rouault the first of the Expressionists. Chapon 210, 244. 38 pages. 190 by 140mm (7œ by 5œ inches). .
# AUTEUR: Church - Groethuysen - Michaux - Paulhan - Ungaretti (comité de rédaction) - gérant
Reference : 2827
# AUTEUR: Church - Groethuysen - Michaux - Paulhan - Ungaretti (comité de rédaction) - gérant # ÉDITEUR: Adrienne Monnier - José Corti (administration)s # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 1936 # ENVOI, BEAUX PAPIERS: Hollande Van Gelder # COUVERTURE: Souple bleue - titre blanc - en long au dos # DÉTAILS: In 8° broché 204pp.+ 1ff. N°6 des 10 exemplaires sur Hollande Van Gelder. Texte de Léon-Paul-Fargue, Audiberti, Henri Church, James Joyce, Rémizov, Alain, Michel Leiris... # PHOTOS visibles sur www.latourinfernal.com
# ÉTAT: Bon état,
Church Wardens Saint James Church Antwerp ( editors - publishers ) - Kerkmeesters van de Sint-Jakobskerk te Antwerpen - [ ] LIEDEKENS :
Reference : 47832
".: S.l. ( Antwerpen ) , no printer ( Gilles van den Rade ) , 1574, in-8°, 88 unnumbered pp, bound in full leather with blindtooling on both covers, raised spine, leather with some use, interior fine. With a ( contemporary ?) manuscript ex-libris of an Antwerp monastery. The title page contains a manuscript number within a typographical border. The publication served as a lottery ticket. The title page has also in the lower margin a diamond shaped blindstamp. Nice copy of a very rare publication with texts of the chambers of rethoric of the Southern Netherlands published by the church wardens to finance the finishing of their new church in ''Late Gothic Style''. F. Kossmann gives a detailed description of the few remaining copies of this lottery ticket in the form of a book (De Guld. Passer, 1924, pp. 1-18 - periodical published by the ''Antwerpsche Bibliophilen''). He describes 9 copies in Dutch collections. The USTC (2017) describes 7 copies. Our copy belongs to the ''Group I''. This group has no printer's name and no quire signatures. Most known copies have each a different composition. The rethorical texts ( songs ) are answers to 9 propositions made by the wardens. We give here the texts of our copy as listed by Kossmann. I (1,5,4,). II (2,1,) III (3,4,1,2,5,6,7,8,). IV (7,8,9,10,11,12,). V (1,2,). VI (2,1,). VII (4,5,). VIII (4,5,). Our copy contains thus 4 songs with printed score. It is complete with the title, the dedication , the table with the propositions, the full page woodcut of the arms of Philip II , and Salomons Gebed, bound in at the end. This makes it the only complete copy of group I ( compared with items LR , Sch , H , A , W , which all lack one or another item) (;sixteenth century printed music;songs;poetry;dutch;literature;lottery;)."
Cambridge, John Baskerville, 1760. Royal 8vo.(23,5 x 15,7 cm.). Bound in fine red full longgrained morocco. Spine divided in 5 compartments, each richly gilt and with a blindtooled stamp in the middle. Covers with broad gilt borders and blindtooled cornerpieces. Inside gilt borders. Edges of covers also gilt, Edges of leaves gilt. Faint discolouring at upper compartment. Unpaginated. (272) pp. Last leaf is L I2. Title-page laid down. Inner upper corner of title-page gone, but repaired, shaving the ""C"" in ""Common"". Brownspots to title-page. B7 with marginal repairs. Some rather faint scattered brownspots.
Second edition (the same year as the first). Text printed in double columns and leaves without borders around the text.- Gaskell,13.
Église catholique , Roman Catholic Church Missale Romanum RELIURE ANIMEE plaques romantique
Reference : 24603
1853 P. J. Hanicq, Mechliniae [Malines Mechelen, Flanders, Belgium], 1853,IN FOLIO reliure plein chagrin rouge (posterieure),plats decorés (cartonnage fers dorés,monogramme MM ,2e plat)),tranches dorées,dos à caissons dorés,signets tissus multicolores à fleurs de lys,11 planches gravées ht (bois et litho) - Title vignette; illustrated initials; printed in red and black; text in double columns.[40], 484, cxxxvj,+ [1]-[1-1bl]-2-2-2-20-[1-1bl-2] p.,pages datées posterieures : , 11 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations, music ; 36 x 26 cm, RELIURE ANIMEE plaques romantique, bon état .Missale Romanum is a highly important text in the Roman Catholic Church and contains within it the texts and rubrics relating to the Catholic Rite of Mass, considered an essential part of Catholic doctrine. This particular version of the Roman Missal contains the changes made by Pope Clement VIII in 1604 which include corrections to the previous standard edition created by Pope Pius V and the further corrections made by Pop Urban VIII in 1634. The work is an unusual edition of a highly important and still widely recognised part of Catholic Dogma,with last corrections.
In all an impressive good copy in a fine binding.A nice typographical specimen of a 19th century missal illustrated, printed and bound with fine craftmanship by the famous Hanicq press in Mechelen.Liturgy.
2010 Paris, Seuil - Policiers, 2010 14x22.5cm, 336pp Etat neuf car service de presse
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1944. 8vo. Original stiff wrappers. IV,118,(2) pp. A fine copy.
First edition. The forerunner to Church's classic text book 'Introduction to Mathematical Logic, 1956'.
Paris, Revue Mesures, 1938. plaquette in-8 carré, 28 pages. Brochée.
Pièce en un acte. Extrait de la revue Mesures du 15 juillet 1938. - Envoi autographe de l'auteur à Raymond Queneau. Couverture salie, papier légèrement jauni.
London William Pickering 1853 Première édition. Une réimpression ornée du livre de prières communes de la reine Élisabeth. Il s'agit d'une réimpression du livre de prières de 1569, mais mise à jour, avec des prières pour la restauration de la famille royale, des prières pour Charles le Martyr et des prières pour la reine Victoria. La reliure ornée est un peu ternie et frottée, mais reste attrayante. L'étiquette est manquante et ne montre donc que l'empreinte. Malheureusement, la page de titre et la gravure frontispice d'Elizabeth manquent également (les deux sont fournies en photocopie). Le livre commence donc par la page de garde. La page de garde est marquée et comporte des crayons de couleur. Sinon, les pages sont propres, mais il y a un peu de noircissement. Hormis la perte du titre, le livre est en bon état. Le dernier feuillet présente quelques taches d'encre. Il semblerait que le livre ait été ré-encadré sans les feuilles manquantes, car il n'y a pas de signe de perte. Porte l'ex-libris de Stephen Lewin de Boston. Peut-être l'architecte et urbaniste de Boston (Lincolnshire). Mary Byfield, de la Chiswick Press, a découpé les blocs de ce livre de prière commune orné et attrayant. Non paginé. a-AA5. 180 x 130 mm.
First edition thus. An ornate reprint of the book of Common Prayer of Queen Elizabeth. This is a reprint of the 1569 prayer book, but brought up to date, with prayers for the Restoration of the Royal Family, Prayers for Charles the Martyr and prayers for Queen Victoria included. The Ornate binding is a little dulled and rubbed, but still attractive. Label lacking, so only shows the imprint. Unfortunately, the title page and frontis engraving of Elizabeth are also lacking (both are supplied in photocopy). The book thus begins with the contents page. The contents page is marked and with crayon. Otherwise the pages are clean, but a touch of darkening. Apart from the loss of title, the book is in decent condition. The final leaf has some ink staining. It would seem that the book has been re-cased without the missing leaves, as there is no sign of loss. Bears the bookplate of Stephen Lewin of Boston. Possibly the architect and town planner from Boston Lincolnshire. Mary Byfield of the Chiswick Press cut the blocks of this ornate and attractive book of Common Prayer. Unpaginated. a-AA5. 180 by 130mm (7 by 5 inches). .
Paris, Hors Commerce [imprimé par Ernest Aulard], 1929, in-8, br., 79 p. Edition originale tirée uniquement à 101 exemplaires, celui-ci num. sur Hollande, après un exemplaire unique sur Japon. Envoi autographe signé à Madame Boris de Schloezer daté de 1934. Henry Church fut l’éditeur et le mécène de la revue Mesures.
Phone number : 33 01 48 04 82 15
London: Seeleys 1828
All published of this Anti-Catholic journal. Begun in July 1827, it ceased in 1828. Brown buckram boards with gilt titles to the spine. Volumes I & 2 bound as one. Bookplate of the Law Society to the inside board. Contemporary owner's signature to the half title. Contents to the beginning of volume I. The boards are in excellent condition. The pages of the journals are very clean and tidy, with only a touch of foxing or edge wear to them. The contents are a variety of articles and letters aimed at proving the superiority of the the Protestant Faith over Popish Superstition. There is even an article on Prophecies showing the overthrow of the Roman Church in volume II. It seems that the editors didn't prophecies the demise of the journal, as it ends at the end of the final issue without any comment. ii, 1-380. 1-288 pp.
Londres, Rivingtons, 1901 in-8, xii pp., 207 pp., avec 16 planches hors texte (dont un frontispice en photogravure sous serpente), et une carte dépliante "in fine", toile Bradel de l'éditeur.
Edition originale de cette relation peu commune en France. L'expédition de Church avait une finalité surtout cynégétique (wapiti, ibex) et l'aspect humain ou géographique est relativement moins développé.Un seul exemplaire au CCF (Muséum). Cordier, Sinica, 2863. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Oxford, International Exhibitions Foundation, 1972, in-4, br., 70 pp. de texte, 118 reproductions. (S2B0B)
Catalogue d'exposition, 1972/1973. Texte en anglais.
Longmans Relié D'occasion bon état 01/01/1959 150 pages
# AUTEUR: Church - Groethuysen - Michaux - Paulhan - Ungaretti (comité de rédaction) - gérant
Reference : 2828
# AUTEUR: Church - Groethuysen - Michaux - Paulhan - Ungaretti (comité de rédaction) - gérant # ÉDITEUR: Adrienne Monnier - José Corti (administration) # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 1937 # ENVOI, BEAUX PAPIERS: alfa # COUVERTURE: Souple verte - titre blanc # DÉTAILS: In 8° broché 188pp.+1ff. N° 355 des 1185 exemplaires sur Alfa. Texte de Claudel, Ungaretti, Rémizov, Jean-Jouve, Melville, Breton, Eluard.... # PHOTOS visibles sur www.latourinfernal.com
# ÉTAT: D'usage,