(No place, nor printer), 1677. 12mo. In contemporary full vellum. Small paper-label to upper part of spine. Extremities with soiling. Annotations to free back end-paper. Internally nice and clean. (2), 164, 3-113 pp. + frontispiece and 1 plate.
Uncommon first edition of this early account of the life of Christina of Sweden (1626-1689), daughter of the Swedish King Gustav II Adolf (1594-1632) “Christina (born Dec. 8, 1626, Stockholm, Swed.—died April 19, 1689, Rome [Italy]) was the queen of Sweden (1644–54) who stunned all Europe by abdicating her throne. She subsequently attempted, without success, to gain the crowns of Naples and of Poland. One of the wittiest and most learned women of her age, Christina is best remembered for her lavish sponsorship of the arts and her influence on European culture.” (Encyclopedia Britannica).