Vancouver, Toronto: UBC Press, 2010. 1 volume in-8, 285 pp., paperback, illustrated covers, one Chinese stamp on the title page, one sticker on the end page, enriched with a few phoyos and maps, very good condition.
Contents: Acknowledgements - Introduction: Where Yellow Ruled White-Harbin - Railway Frontier: North Manchuria before 1917 - The Chinese Eastern Railway: From Russian Concession to Chinese Special District - Securing the Special District - Securing the Special Distrct: Police, Courts, and Prisons - Experiments Co-Administering the Chinese Eastern Railway - Manchurian Landlords: The Struggle over the Special District's Land - Whose City Is This? Special District Municipal Governance - Making Russains Chinese: Secondary and Post-Secondary Education - Conclusion: Play Guest and Host on the Manchurian Stage - Appendix - Notes - Bibliography - Index.