A New Edition. published by William Collins, Glasgow / London, s.d. (1848). In-8 p. (mm. 223x142), tela editoriale con decorazione in oro ai piatti (lievi tracce duso; abrasione al dorso), pp. 367, con 11 bellissime inc. su acciaio, fuori testo, tratte dai disegni di William Henry Bartlett ed eseguite da artisti quali D. Burckle, S.T. Davies, W. Hill, Robert, e altri. Testo entro graziosa cornice floreale rossa. A new edition aumentata della descrizione della Jungfrau (dalla pag. 167) e arricchita di magnifiche tavole (la prima edizione, 1845-1846 venne pubblicata senza tavole e la seconda, 1847, con 1 sola tavola). Cfr. Perret,971 (in nota): Ouvrage descriptif de la vallée de Chamonix et des Alpes bernoises. Lédition 1848, augmentée et joliment illustrée, est plus recherchée que la première - Peyrot,I,368. Cerniere interne leggermente allentate; pagine uniformemente ingiallite per la qualità della carta, altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.
Glasgow and London, William Collins, n.d. (1849), in-8°, engraved front ‘Mont Blanc’ + 367 p. + 1 p. white, publisher’s clothbound. (Inside cover with rests of a papercover).
Second edition of a voyage held in 1845. Waeber BSL III/138 (1st ed. 1848, new ed. 1849). Perret 0971 (avec remarque: seconde éd. ‘sans doute 1847’). Cf. De Beer, Travellers 230. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Glasgow and London, William Collins, n.d. (1849), in-8°, engraved front ‘Mont Blanc’ + 367 p. + 1 p. white, exlibris: From the Library of Robert Arthur Johndon / + Exlibris Peter E. Obergfell, publisher’s clothbound.
Second edition of a voyage done in 1845. Waeber BSL III/138 (1st ed. 1848, new ed. 1849). Perret 0971 (avec remarque: seconde éd. ‘sans doute 1847’). Cf. De Beer, Travellers 230. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Glasgow & London, William Collins, n.d. (1847), pt. in-8°, frontispice gravé (engraved front: Mont-Blanc from Chamoni - small inkspot on image) + X + 367 p., armorial bookplate Benjamin Gray / small booksellers ticket ‘Godwin Bath’, hw. notice on first fly by Benjamin Gray, original publisher's clothbound, spine ends a bit used.
First edition of a voyage held in 1845. Wäber III, 138; Perret 0971 (avec remarque: seconde éd. ‘sans doute 1847’).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, James Blackwood, MDCCCLV, (1855), sm. in-8vo, 396 p., illustrated with 5 plates, (p. 299/300 with small loss of paper, margin only), Exlibris Peter E. Obergfell, full leatherbinding, spine richly gilt with red title piece, First cover with paperstrip with number „10“.
Not in Perret (cf. 971. Author of the famous Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc, 1845). Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808