Fonds Mercator, 2009. 28 x 25 cm, 272 pp. Broché en bon état.
Fonds Mercator, 1977. 28 x 25 cm, 272 pp. Broché en bon état.
Galerie des Gobelins, Fonds Mercator, 1977, in-4 broché, 270 pp. Illustrations, catalogue d'exposition.. TRES BON ETAT.
Anvers, Ludion, 2008. In-4, rel. éd. pleine toile bleue nuit, titre doré sous jaquette ill. en coul., 223 pp., très nb. reprod. en coul., biographie, appendice, note bibliographique, bibliographie, index topographique, index des oeuvres, index des noms propres in fine.
Cet ouvrage est le quatrième volume de la collection " Les Classiques de l'art " qui, marchant sur les traces de son illustre prédécesseur, la série "Klassiker der Kunst", présente un catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre de quelques-uns des artistes qui ont fait l'histoire de l'art. Très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Catalogue exposition, Galerie des Gobelins, Paris, 15 avril-4 juillet 2010. CHECA Fernando
Reference : 13871
Bruxelles, 2010 256 p., 120 illustrations couleur, broché. 25 x 28
Reference : RO60095252
ISBN : 8437608201
Catedra. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 426 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans le texte. Texte sur 2 colonnes. Tranche légèrement salie.. . . . Classification Dewey : 460-Langues espagnole et portugaise
'Manuales Arte Catedra'. Classification Dewey : 460-Langues espagnole et portugaise
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 268 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:45 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595948.
Summary Starting from a political reality, which is, at the same time, artistic and cultural, the book Ars Hasburgica aims to review the still so common historiographical conception of the Renaissance that conceives this period from a geographically Italocentric, artistically classicist and politically centered the idea of "national" arts and schools. But Renaissance is a more global and complex phenomenon. What this book aims to offer is an idea of the art of that period that considers the role played by the Habsburg dynasty and its various courts in this period, trying to verify whether, by applying other historiographic models, and having the art of the Casa de Austria as a focus, traditional ideas can continue to be maintained well into the twenty-first century. We refer to the so-called "Vasari paradigm", on which art history of the sixteenth century has largely been built over the last centuries. It is also intended to structure concepts about the art of the period not so much around nationalist considerations and identities of the arts, but to raise these issues throughout ideas such as that of the court as a political, artistic and cultural sphere, in the wake of the classical studies by Norbert Elias, Amedeo Quondam or Carlo Ossola. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Ars Habsburgica, or New Perspectives on Sixteenth-Century European Art Fernando Checa and Miguel ngel Zalama Habsburg Politics and Cultures in the Sixteenth Century: the Cosmopolitan Iberian Experience of Empires and Kingdoms Fernando Bouza A Theory of Art for the Habsburg Renaissance Fernando Checa Rethinking Vasari: Art and Arts in the Sixteenth Century Miguel ngel Zalama The Antithesis between the Vasarian Canon and the Habsburg Model of the Arts: Defining National Identity in the Italian Risorgimento Matteo Mancini Luxury and Identity in the Sixteenth-Century Habsburg Courts Jes s F. Pascual Molina Food as a Strategy of Power: the Political Role of Banquets in Prince Philips's Felic simo Viaje (1548-1551) Vanessa Quintanar Cabello His Polis: The Habsburg Naval Epic in the Mediterranean V ctor M nguez Habsburg Mars: The House of Austria and the Artistic Representation of Land Warfare Antonio Gozalbo Nadal Sixteenth-Century Notions on Spolia and Triumph Representation Antonio Urqu zar-Herrera The Armamentarium Heroicum of Archduke Ferdinand of Tyrol Christian Beaufort-Spontin The Habsburgs and Emblematic Literature: a Historiographical Assessment Patricia Andr s Gonz lez Books and Libraries in the Construction of the Habsburg Dynasty's Image during the Sixteenth Century Jos Luis Gonzalo S nchez-Molero Epic and Truth: Writing for the Habsburgs in Sixteenth-Century Spain Mar a Jos Vega Philip II as Rex Pacificus: Belligerence and Pacifism in Epic Versions of the Battle of Saint-Quentin (1557) Lara Vil Notes on the Contributors Index of Names
Checa Cremades, Fernando: Los inventarios de Carlos V y la familia imperial = The inventories of Charles V and the Imperial family. 3 volumes. Madrid: 2010. Volume 1. Carlos V ; Juana I de Castilla -- Volume 2. Isabel de Portugal -- Volume 3. Margarita de Austria ; Leonor de Austria ; Isabel de Austria ; Fernando I ; MarÃa de HungrÃa ; Catalina de Austria. 3237 pages. Text in Spanish and English.
Text in Spanish and English
Checa Cremades, Fernando: Inventarios de Felipe II : Inventario post mortem. Almoneda y Libro de Remates. Inventario de Tapices = Inventories of Philip II: Post-mortem Inventory. Inventory of sale items and record of sales. Tapestries Inventory. Madrid: Fernando Villaverde Ediciones, 2018. Hardback. These inventories, are the most important testaments to the very considerable collecting activity of Philip II. They introduce readers to a place, the Royal Alcázar of Madrid, which was the king's main residence and the seat of the councils and, accordingly, the centre of government of the largest and most powerful monarchy of the day. The first and most important of these documents, the post-mortem Inventory of Philip II's possessions, was published in part by Sánchez CantÃn between 1956 and 1959. As well as using current palaeographic criteria, the present work is the first complete edition, as it includes the record of the sale of most of these possessions to raise money to alleviate the kingdom's financial woes. This document contains valuable information about the destination and dispersal of many of the inventory items. The other document, the Inventory of Philip II's tapestries, was known only to scholars, who have mentioned a few of the entries. However, it had never been published in full and as a valuable document in its own right. This is the first complete and reliable edition of a set of documents that are essential to understanding the art collecting of the Prudent King, as Philip II was known.
These inventories, are the most important testaments to the very considerable collecting activity of Philip II. They introduce readers to a place, the Royal Alcázar of Madrid, which was the king's main residence and the seat of the councils and, accordingly, the centre of government of the largest and most powerful monarchy of the day. The first and most important of these documents, the post-mortem Inventory of Philip II's possessions, was published in part by Sánchez CantÃn between 1956 and 1959. As well as using current palaeographic criteria, the present work is the first complete edition, as it includes the record of the sale of most of these possessions to raise money to alleviate the kingdom's financial woes. This document contains valuable information about the destination and dispersal of many of the inventory items. The other document, the Inventory of Philip II's tapestries, was known only to scholars, who have mentioned a few of the entries. However, it had never been published in full and as a valuable document in its own right. This is the first complete and reliable edition of a set of documents that are essential to understanding the art collecting of the Prudent King, as Philip II was known