Chavez, Christine, Uwe Fleckner et al: Lightning Symbol and Snake Dance. Aby Warburg and Pueblo Art. Exhibition: Hamburg, Hamburgisches Museum für Völkerkundem, 2022. 400 pages, 290 colour illustrations. Hardback. 29 x 22cms. Catalogue of 176 works from the exhibtion, discusssing the Pueblo artifacts Aby Warburg collected on a journey through the southwest of the US in 1895/96 and donated to the Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg (today Museum am Rothenbaum). Referencing Warburg's famous lecture on the snake rituals of the Hopi (1923), this publication examines his guiding principles in assembling his collection as well as his reading of Pueblo art and culture.
Catalogue of 176 works from the exhibtion, discusssing the Pueblo artifacts Aby Warburg collected on a journey through the southwest of the US in 1895/96 and donated to the Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg (today Museum am Rothenbaum). Referencing Warburgs famous lecture on the snake rituals of the Hopi (1923), this publication examines his guiding principles in assembling his collection as well as his reading of Pueblo art and culture. Text in English