Compendium of Compulsory Social Insurance for Occupational Accidents and Diseases. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sbornik dokumentov po voprosam obyazatel'nogo sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya ot neschastnykh sluchaev na proizvodstve i professional'nykh zabolevaniy.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Moscow. Typography of ZAO Inform-Znanie. 1999. 96 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb04338419b4253d8d
Nechaev N.P. Old and New Gunpowder. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nechaev N.P.. Report read at the Moscow Branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. Moscow 1892. 14s. SKUalb8cde6544f54fb570.