, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 253 pages, Size:170 x 240 mm, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503584683.
Summary In the recent past, critical discussions concerning notions such as 'cultural area' and 'area studies', as well as their relativizations by means of conceptions that avoid splitting clearly identified areas (inter alia, 'third space', 'hybridity', 'diaspora', or 'cosmopolitism'), drew attention to the long history of cultural territorialization. This book attempts to open the history of philosophy to reflexive and globalizing tendencies elaborated in the field of 'world history'. From the seventeenth century onward, in both modern Europe and North America, historical sciences-notably philosophical historiography and cultural history-colonized both the past (or national pasts) and the 'rest' of the world. The contributions gathered in the present volume address both phenomena to the extent that they have been linked with modern historicization of philosophy, sciences, and culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS CATHERINE K NIG-PRALONG / MARIO MELIAD / ZORNITSA RADEVA (Albert-Ludwigs-Universit t Freiburg) Preface I. Continents of Thought, Global Exchanges CATHERINE K NIG-PRALONG (Albert-Ludwigs-Universit t Freiburg) How Historians of Philosophy Invented Europe's Philosophical Nature JULIE BRUMBERG-CHAUMONT (CNRS, PSL, LEM Paris) l'Est (et au Far-Ouest) de la logique, rien de nouveau ST PHANE VAN DAMME (European University Institute Firenze) Enlightenment's Frontiers: did Mohawks have a philosophy? II. Intellectual Imperialism LENA SALAYMEH (Tel Aviv University) Goldziher dans le r le du bon orientaliste. Les m thodes de l'imp rialisme intellectuel IVA MANOVA (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) The Creation of Philosophical Nations under the Soviet Regime: "Restoring the Historical Truth" about the Peoples of Asia in Philosophy III. Formations of Political and Ethnical Spaces UELI ZAHND (Universit de Gen ve) Civilized Scots? Climate, Race and the Barbarian North in Early Modern Scottish Philosophy DELPHINE ANTOINE-MAHUT (ENS de Lyon) Une philosophie fran aise sans philosophie fran aise. L' clectisme de Victor Cousin MARIO MELIAD (Universit t Siegen) G opolitique de la raison. Sur la pratique de l'histoire de la philosophie l' cole de Victor Cousin GIANLUCA BRIGUGLIA (Universit de Strasbourg) Aristot lisme politique m di val et lieu naturel de la d mocratie selon l'historiographie de Walter Ullmann IV. Intellectual Boundaries and Disciplinary Geographies CECILIA MURATORI (University of Warwick) Science or "Sad Trash"? Aristotelian Lineages in the Historiography of Animal Magnetism SAMUEL L Z (ENS de Lyon) Contr ler le territoire philosophique coups de canon. L' clipse de l'histoire compar e de Joseph-Marie Deg rando (1772-1842) l'or e d'une juridiction de l'incomparable