, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 268 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:19 b/w, 91 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503568607.
Summary The joint ideas of imagery and ingenuity are meant to represent the variety of topics and questions explored by Jeffrey Chipps Smith throughout his career. The term ingenuity, in particular, encompasses the creative genius of the artist and the resourcefulness of acquirers in the use and display of art objects. This collection of essays brings together new scholarship on European art from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries by a range of artists such as Albrecht Altdorfer, Hans Backoffen, Hans Baldung Grien, Sebald Beham, Gerard David, Albrecht D rer, Juan de Flandes, Hans Holbein the Elder, Hans Schwarz, Joos van Cleve, Lucas van Leyden, Rembrandt van Rijn, Benedetto da Rovezzano, Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostzanen, and Nicolaus Gerhaert von Leyden. Topics include the training of artists and the practices of making; the communicative importance of particular subjects, iconographies, and artistic processes; the shifting meanings of objects due to re-use; and the importance of location and tradition in the creation and reception of artworks. Imagery and Ingenuity is an innovative and instructional collection for students and scholars of Early Modern art. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Multivalence in Religious Themes Andrea Pearson, American University, Consumption as Eroticism in Early Netherlandish Devotional Art Jane L. Carroll, Dartmouth College, Addressing Power. 1506-1508 and Burgundian Politics Larry Silver, University of Pennsylvania, ReChristening Altdorfer's Regensburg J rgen M ller, University of Dresden, The Cloak of Mercy: Thoughts on Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print Section 2: Artists and Their Practices Hanns Hubach, Kunsthistorisches Institut, University of Zurich, Nicolaus Gerhaert von Leyden - The Strasbourg Self-Portrait of 1464: New Contexts Maryan W. Ainsworth, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gerard David in Antwerp Annette LeZotte, Kauffman Museum at Bethel College, Eyes are the Window to the Soul: Joos van Cleve's Husband-and-Wife Portraits Alisa McCusker, Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri, Hans Schwarz and Hans Holbein the Elder: Training a Portraitist in Early Sixteenth-Century Augsburg Shira Brisman, University of Wisconsin-Madison, The Worth of a Ring, Rewriten: D rer's Letter of April 6,1506 Birgit Ulrike M nch, University of Trier, Gr nhan , or How Hans Baldung Became a 'Green Artist' Alison G. Stewart, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Sebald Beham and the Augsburg Printer Niclas vom Sand. New Documents on Printing and Frankfurt before 1550 Section 3: Patronage and Display Jessica Weiss, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Relics of Los Reyes Cat licos: The Retablo de Isabel and Spanish-Hapsburg Dynastic Heirlooms Catharine Ingersoll, Virginia Military Institute, The Battle of Sch nberg as a Pictorial Subject at the Hapsburg and Wittelsbach Courts, c. 1504-1518 Miriam Hall Kirch, University of North Alabama, Faith Embodied: Jacob Heller, Catharina von Melem, and their Altarpiece Andrew Morrall, Bard Graduate Center, Art, Geometry, and the Landscape of Ruin in the Sixteenth-Century German Kunstkabinett Section 4: Places, Spaces, and Traditions Sally Whitman Coleman, Independent Scholar, The Dirty Work of Fifteenth-Century Landscape Painting in Northern Europe Anne Proctor, Roger Williams University, The Fragmentation and Restoration of the Tomb for San Giovanni Gualberto in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany Dagmar Eichberger, University of Heidelberg, Moving Between Competing Courts: Jean Lemaire de Belges (1473-1515), Historiographer and Connoisseur Thomas Schauerte, Albrecht-D rer-Haus, Growing Distance: The High Altars of the Augustinian Collegiate Churches of Die en and Rohr