"CAMBIER Nestor - [ ] Salon Catalogue; ''Cercle Artistique Brugeois, XXXVIe Salon 1913-1914 ::"
Reference : 9891
".: 2. Vivid portrait sketch made by the artist while visiting the Bruges Salon of 1913-14, made on the fly-leave of the Salon Catalogue; ''Cercle Artistique Brugeois, XXXVIe Salon, in-8°, 21,5 x 11 cm, stapled , original stiff wrapper. Nestor Cambier was represented with 5 paintings. Of these 4 were marked by him with the remark that they were stolen by the Krauts. (Les tableaux marqués en rouge furent exposés et volés par les Boches à Blankenbergues)."