Typis J. Barbou, Paris, M.DCC.LXI (1761). In-16, p. xxxvi, 346. With engraved frontispiece and 2 more illustrations by Fessard, drawn by Cochin, along with engraved headings. Contemporary full calf binding with roulettes on spine and red title label with gilt lettering; rubbed and bumped mainly along edges. Marbled end papers, gilt edges, slight foxing and a few pencil underlinings, but tight througout.
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Parisiis, Typis J. Barbou, 1761. In-16o, XXXVI+348 p. avec 3 grav. hors texte par Cochin et en-tetes xylogr. Rel. contemp. plein veau, dos droit dore. Humidite sur la partie haute des titres, qq notes au crayon aux p. de garde. Cohen 4, p. 455, Graesse VI, 241.