Turnhout, Brepols, 1980 Hardback, 256 p., 155 x 245 mm._Latin_ ISBN 9782503012377.
Anonymus ? Accessus ad auctorem Bedam ( CPL 1565 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Anonymus ? De nativitate lunae (sive De initio primi mensis) ( CPL 2313, CHL 537 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Anonymus ? Argumentum ad inveniendum locum XIIII lunae paschalis per XVIIII annos (sive De initio primi mensis) ( CPL 2314, CHL 537 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Anonymus ? De ratione embolismorum ( CPL 2315, CHL 537 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis ? De temporibus liber ( CPL 2318 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis ? Epistula ad Pleguinam de aetatibus saeculi ( CPL 2319 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis ? Epistula ad Wicthedum de paschae celebratione ( CPL 2321 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis ? Magnus circulus seu Tabula paschalis annis Domini DXXXII ad MLXIII ( CPL 2321a ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis ? Epistula ad Helmwaldum de bissexto ( CPL 2322 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis (dubium) ? De cursu solis per mensem et signa qualiter bissextilem diem quarto suo compleat anno ( CPL 2323 ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Beda Venerabilis (dubium) ? Ex Bedae computo (?) ( CPL 2323a ) ? ed. C.W. Jones Anonymus ? Epistola de Pascha et cyclo ( CPL 2323b ) ? ed. C.W. Jones
Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Paperback, XLII+ 420 pages ., 50 b/w ill., 16,5 x 23,5. ISBN 9782503515991.
Table of Contents: Introduction - Malcolm Jones, Preface - Elaine C. Block, Editorial - Hugh Harrison, Technical Aspects of the Misericord Profane Imagery on Misericords and Lead Badges Charles Tracy, Misericords as an Interpretative Tool in the Study of Choir Stalls - Elaine C. Block, Misericords and the World of Bruegel - Christa Grossinger, Tutivillus - M. A. Hall, Where the Abbot Carries Dice: Gaming-Board Misericords in Context - S. J. F. S. Philips, Flying Low Down Under: Representations of Winged Mammals, Fowl, and Birds on English Misericords - Terry Pearson, The Mermaid in the Church - Jennifer Fellows, Romance among the Choir Stalls: Middle English Romance Motifs on English Misericords - Paul Hardwick, Misinterpretations in the Margins - Stefanie Stockhorst, Passionate Pilgrims: Secular Lead Badges as Precursors of Emblemata Amatoria Profane Imagery in other Marginal Media Naomi Reed Kline, Obscenity as the Woodworker's Last Laugh - Diane G. Scillia, Looking for Fun in All the Wrong Places: Humour and Comedy in Moralizing Prints - Walter S. Gibson, A Sacred Text Profaned: Seven Women Fight for the Breeches - Sylvie Bethmont-Gallerand, Iconographie des charniers, des ossuaires et des aitres a travers la France medievale - Silke Meyer, An Iconography of Shame: German Defamatory Pictures of the Early Modern Era - Mark P. McDonald, The Lost Print Collection of Ferdinand Columbus (1488-1539) The Marginal Arts in the Mainstream Brian J. Levy, Screening in the Middle Ages: Costumes and Objects as Medieval Signifiers in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Frederic Billiet, Diabolus in musica dans les stalles medievales: significations du desordre musical - Malcolm Jones, Review of Averting Demons by Ruth Mellinkoff - Sylvie Bethmont-Gallerand and Elaine C. Block, Resumes in French and English. Languages : English, French.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Hardback, XII+340 p., 8 b/w ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503522074.
This volume addresses the current fashion for research on the family and domesticity in the past. It draws together work from various disciplines - historical, art-historical and literary - with their very different source materials and from a broad geographical area, including some countries - such as Croatia and Poland - which are not usually considered in standard text books on the medieval family. This volume considers the various affective relationships within and around the family and the manner in which those relationships were regulated and ritualized in more public arenas. Despite their disparate approaches and geographical spread, these essays share many thematic concerns; the ideologies which structured gender roles, inheritance rights, incest law and the ethics of domestic violence, for example, are all considered here. This collection originates from the Leeds IMC in 2001 when the special strand was entitled Domus and Familia and attracted huge participation. This book aims to reflect that richness and variety whilst contributing to an expanding area of historical enquiry. Languages : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, XVI+486 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503522081.
This volume asks whether there was a common structure, ideology, and image of the household in the medieval Christian West. In the period under examination, noble households often exercised great power in their own right, while even quite humble households were defined as agents of government in the administration of local communities. Many of the papers therefore address the public functions and perceptions of the household, and argue that the formulation of domestic (and family) values was of essential importance in the growth and development of the medieval Christian state. Contributors to this volume of collected essays write from a number of disciplinary perspectives (archaeological, art-historical, historical, and literary). They examine socially diverse households (from peasants to kings) and use case-studies from different regions across Europe in different periods from the medieval epoch from c.850 to c.1550. The volume both includes studies from archives and collections not often covered in English-language publications, and offers new approaches to more familiar material. It is divided into thematic sections exploring the role of households in the exercise of power, in controlling the body, in the distribution of wealth and within a wider economy of possessions. The majority of the papers were first given at the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds in 2001, in a strand on 'Domus and Familia' organised by the Urban Household Group of the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York. Languages : English.
1993 xvii, 724 p., num. figs, hardbound. Review Copy stamp on first free end-paper, else an as new copy.
1992 78 p., 2 col. photographs, 14 figs, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Crisp new copy.
1992 ix, 498 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound. Developments in Hydrobiology 79. Crisp copy, as new.
1992 ix, 498 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound. Developments in Hydrobiology 79. Crisp copy, as new.
1992 300 p., num. figs, hardbound. Crisp new copy of the hard cover edition.
1992 78 p., 2 col. photographs, 14 figs, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Very good copy.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xvi + 455 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:6 b/w, 20 tables b/w., Languages: English, Middle English, Latin. ISBN 9782503583495.
Summary The chronicles of medieval Wales are a rich body of source material offering an array of perspectives on historical developments in Wales and beyond. Preserving unique records of events from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries, these chronicles form the essential narrative backbone of all modern accounts of medieval Welsh history. Most celebrated of all are the chronicles belonging to the Annales Cambriae and Brut y Tywysogyon families, which document the tumultuous struggles between the Welsh princes and their Norman and English neighbours for control over Wales. Building on foundational studies of these chronicles by J. E. Lloyd, Thomas Jones, Kathleen Hughes, and others, this book seeks to enhance understanding of the texts by refining and complicating the ways in which they should be read as deliberate literary and historical productions. The studies in this volume make significant advances in this direction through fresh analyses of well-known texts, as well as through full studies, editions, and translations of five chronicles that had hitherto escaped notice. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations Preface Chronicling and its Contexts in Medieval Wales - HUW PRYCE Historical Writing in Europe, c. 1100-1300 - BJ RN WEILER Historical Scholars and Dishonest Charlatans: Studying the Chronicles of Medieval Wales - BEN GUY Meet the Ancestors? Evidence for Antecedent Texts in the Late Thirteenth-Century Welsh Latin Chronicles - HENRY GOUGH-COOPER Bonedd y Saint, Brenhinedd y Saesson, and Historical Scholarship at Valle Crucis Abbey - BARRY J. LEWIS The Continuation of Brut y Tywysogyon in NLW, Peniarth MS 20 Re-visited - DAVID STEPHENSON O Oes Gwrtheyrn: A Medieval Welsh Chronicle - OWAIN WYN JONES The Cardiff Chronicle in London, British Library, MS Royal 6 B XI - GEORGIA HENLEY The Chronicle of Gregory of Caerwent - JOSHUA BYRON SMITH A Forgotten Welsh Chronology in Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MSS 5267B, Peniarth 50, and the Red Book of Hergest - REBECCA TRY * Brut Ieuan Brechfa: A Welsh Poet Writes the Early Middle Ages - BEN GUY Appendix: List of the Chronicles of Medieval Wales and the March
C..W. Jones, C.B. Kendall, M.H. King, C..W. Jones, F.. Lipp (eds.);
Reference : 36254
Turnhout, Brepols, 1975 Hardback, XXVI+237 pages ., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503012339.
Languages: Latin.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Paperback, 200 p., 25 b/w ill., 15,6 x 23,4. ISBN 9782503542522.
Le doigt sur la bouche, Harpocrate, l'enfant-dieu egyptien, ordonne aux hommes de la Renaissance de se taire. On parle donc beaucoup de silence a l'aube de la modernite. Car la rhetorique des humanistes et ses jeux donne des arguments au scepticisme et la coherence du monde en est ebranlee. Pantagruel convoque le muet Nazdecabre contre ? les amphibologies, equivocques et obscuritez des mots ? , et Cordelia et Hamlet se taisent pour toujours pour dire l'amour et la mort. Dans ce monde ou la Reforme a desacralise les cloitres, le silence se refugie dans le mystere des temples antiques qui renaissent pour sauver le sacre des souillures des guerres de religion. Mais le silence est ambivalent comme le langage qu'il tente de combattre et peut signifier aussi bien lachete, surdite ou censure que verite indicible. Alors c'est dans la poesie muette de la peinture que l'on peut encore en savourer le mystere. Avant-propos, Margaret Jones-Davies, Le silence a la Renaissance dans la tradition hermetiste et pythagoricienne et dans la pratique de l'intersubjectivite, Jean-Claude Margolin, Adages, apophtegmes et emblemes du silence a la Renaissance, Jean Ceard, Priere et silence, Daniel Menager, La voix du silence de la creation artistique, de Leonard de Vinci au Titien, Jean Lacroix, Poesie silencieuse et peinture parlante, Marie-Madeleine Martinet, Dire le silence : aspects du motif du silence dans l??uvre de Du Bellay, Edith Karagiannis-Mazeaud, Voices of silence and Silence of Voices in some English literary Texts of the Renaissance, Eloisa Paganelli, Silence and the Audience in Renaissance Drama : The Case of G. A. Bredero's Dumb Knight (1618), Ton Hoenselaars, The Picture of Nobody : Shakespeare?s paperless Person, Richard Wilson, La ? reduction au silence ? . Politiques du silence dans l'oeuvre de Shakespeare, Margaret Jones-Davies, ? I like your silence ? : Theatre and Audience in Shakespeare's Plays, James Ronald Mulryne, ? The rest is silence ? : Productions of Hamlet and the Politics of Silence, Margaret Shewring. Languages : English, French.
London, Anglo-Norman Text Society 1990 xxxvii + 87pp.+ frontispice, hardcover, cm., in the series "Anglo-Norman texts" volume 46, [Text in Old French, introduction in English. "La novele cirurgerie" is a 13th century medical compendium of recipes for potions, ointments and the like], very good condition, P79572
Woodbridge, The Boydell Press 2010 xvi + 267pp., with a few bl/w ills., 24cm., publisher's illustrated hardcover, in the series "Studies in Modern British Religious History" volume 24, very good condition, ISBN 978-1-84383-547-9, R101198
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Paperback, 192 p., 5 b/w ill., 15,6 x 23,4. ISBN 9782503532479.
Le Plaisir est-il le Bien ? La Renaissance reprend a son compte cette question debattue depuis le Philebe et le livre X de l' Ethique a Nicomaque. Au XVe siecle, Lorenzo Valla, dans son dialogue Sur le Plaisir de 1430 tranche dans le sens d'une identification entre le plaisir et le Bien suivi un siecle plus tard par Erasme qui n'hesite pas dans l'Epicurien (1533) d'assimiler le Christ a Epicure. Et Montaigne dans sa critique du stoicisme stigmatise le danger des vertus immoderees qui excluent le plaisir. Le probleme que posait Platon de la possibilite d?un faux plaisir a nouveau fascine les esprits. Et si le plaisir pense, imagine, reve pouvait reveiller les sens, toucher le corps ? Et si les barrieres s?effacaient entre le corps et l?ame ? Rehabiliter le plaisir, c?est pouvoir assumer sa part d?ombre, le deplaisir, refuser l?abstraction de leur dissociation. Accepter le plaisir, c?est accepter la mort. C?est l?une des lecons paradoxales de Peines d?Amour Perdues que la pensee baroque ne cessera d?illustrer. La Renaissance reste vigilante, comme l?avaient ete les periodes precedentes, car il est un plaisir auquel il ne convient pas de laisser libre cours : le bon plaisir du monarque absolutiste. Languages : English, French.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Paperback, 200 p., 25 b/w ill., 15,6 x 23,4. ISBN 9782503542515.
Preface Certitude et pensee moderne, Annarita Angelini, Un savoir-operer sujet a la regle. Certitude et incertitude dans la theorie de l?architecture de Brunelleschi-Alberti, Annarita Angelini, Les relations d?incertitude de Heisenberg a travers les yeux de Leonard, Rossella Lupacchini, Construire la certitude dans le discours scientifique, Myriam Marrache-Gouraud, La preuve artificielle, entre rhetorique et droit, de Ramus a Althusius, Bruno Meniel, L?histoire, calcul des probabilites : de la rationalite du prince, Jean Lacroix, Se prononcer dans l'incertitude. ? Je ne serais pas si hardi a parler, s?il m?appartenait d?en etre cru ? , Andre Tournon, Certain, un certain, bien incertainement, de certains, trop incertain, tres-certaines : incertitude du discours et discours de l?incertitude chez Montaigne, Bruno Roger-Vasselin, Du couple magister-discipulus au couple Salomon-Marcoul : de la certitude pour l?autre a la certitude pour soi, Stephan Geonget, Of Power and Subjectivity : Sites of Uncertainty in English Renaissance Drama, and the Case of Sir Thomas More, Ton Hoenselaars, Modes of certitude and incertitude in Shakespearian tragic heroes, Eloisa Paganelli, Espaces de l?incertitude, Marie-Madeleine Martinet. Languages : English, French.
1972 70 p., several figs, 2 pls, 4to, paperbound.
1884 xxiii, 353 p., 12 pls, new cloth (original covers bound in). Library stamps (Peabody Library, Mass.). Bull. US National Museum.Contributions on geology, botany, mammals, birds, reptiles and annelids.
1973-1977 2 volumes. xvi, 410, xx, 337 p., num. figs & pls, folded map, cloth (dust jacket). The Geology parts of this series (= volumes I & IV).
1984 xxiv, 600 p., num. figs, publisher's cloth. Library stamps (Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam). Scarce.