, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2008 Hardcover. 191 p., 165 x 240 mm, Languages: English, French, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503530147.
This volume explores the question of continuities and disruptions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Rather than addressing the question in a general way, it brings together a number of case studies, dealing with the changing interest in, and knowledge of Stoicism, the variations in the manuscripts of medical texts, the changing emphases within the penitential genres of 'Mirrors', developments in the philosophy of love and in attitudes towards pagans, and the transformation of the art of disputation between the Middle Ages and Renaissance. One article considers the interpretation by a Renaissance scholar (Girolamo Cardano) of the ideas of a medieval scholar (Pietro d'Abano) concerning nature and demons, while another looks at the 16th-century School of Salamanca as a synthesis of the two periods. These papers were originally presented at the second colloquium of the Federation Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes Medievales with the same title, organised jointly by two institutes that embody between them Renaissance and Medieval Studies: the Warburg Institute of London, and the Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval of Porto.