Michel Aveline Michel Aveline Editeur, 1993, 238 p., cartonnage éditeur, bon état.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Reference : 46900
[Lancaster], American Institute of Physics, 1939. Royal8vo. Bound in contemporary full red cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Entire volume of ""The Physical Review"", Volume 56, Second Series, July 1 - December 15, 1939. ""Development Department"" in small gilt lettering to lower part of spine. A very fine and clean copy. [Feynman:] Pp. 340-43. [Bohr & Wheeler:] Pp. 426-50. [Oppenheimer & Snyder:] Pp. 455-59. [Entire volume: X, 1264 pp.].
First printing of three landmark papers, all of seminal importance in history of physics: Feynman's undergraduate thesis at MIT, the intricacies of the fission process, the groundwork for atomic and hydrogen bombs and the forgotten birth of black holes: The first theoretical description of a black hole, the production of a singularity when a sufficiently large neutron star collapses.First printing of ""FORCES IN MOLECULES"" - know known as Feynman-Hellmann theorem - is Feynman's undergraduate thesis at MIT, published when he was just twenty-one, which helped to establish his name in the world of physics. ""This work treated the problem of molecular forces from a thoroughly quantum-mechanical point of view, arriving at a simple means of calculating the energy of a molecular system that continues to guide quantum chemists."" (DSB). ""As Feynman conceived the structure of molecules, forces were the natural ingredients. He saw springlike bonds with varying stiffness, atoms attracting and repelling one another. The usual energy-accounting methods seemed secondhand and euphemistic: [He demonstrated that] the force on an atom's nucleus is no more or less than the electrical force from the surrounding field of charged electrons-the electrostatic force. Once the distribution of charge has been calculated quantum mechanically, then from that point forward quantum mechanics disappears from the picture. The problem becomes classical"" the nuclei can be treated as static points of mass and charge. Feynman's approach applies to all chemical bonds"" (Gleick, The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, P. 54).Oppenheimer and Snyder's ""ON CONTINUED GRAVITATIONAL CONTRACTION"" constitute the very first theoretical prediction of a singularity when a sufficiently large neutron star collapses. This phenomenon was later to be coined as a black hole. ""Had J. Robert Oppenheimer not led the US effort to build the atomic bomb, he might still have been remembered for figuring out how a black hole could form."" (American Physical Society). The paper has by several physics historians been described as the forgotten birth of black holes. ""Oppenheimer and his graduate student George Volkoff presented the first analysis of the formation of a neutron star in a 1939 Physical Review paper titled, ""On Massive Neutron Stars"". Oppenheimer wondered what would happen to a very massive neutron star. The Schwartzschild analysis of General Relativity has a theoretical limit, called the ""Schwartzschild limit"", when the ratio of mass-to-radius of a star is 236,000 times greater than the ratio for our sun. When this limit is exceeded, the Schwartzschild analysis does not yield a solution. Oppenheimer believed that a neutron star could have sufficient mass to exceed this limit. What would happen to it? Oppenheimer and his graduate student Hartland Snyder applied General Relativity theory to a star with sufficient mass and density to exceed the Schwartzschild limit. The Schwartzschild analysis assumed that the size of the star stays constant with time. Oppenheimer and Snyder found that they could achieve a real solution from General Relativity when the Schwartzschild limit is exceeded by assuming that the diameter of the star decreases with time. They presented their analysis in a 1939 Physical Review paper, titled, ""On Continual Gravitational Contraction,"" which concluded with: ""When all thermonuclear sources of energy are exhausted, a sufficiently heavy star will collapse. Unless fission due to rotation, the radiation of mass, or the blowing off of mass by radiation, reduce the star's mass to the order of that of the sun, this contraction will continue indefinitely."" This analysis concluded that when the Schwartzschild limit is exceeded, the star must collapse indefinitely until it reaches a singularity having an infinite density of matter"" (Bjornson, Singularity Predictions of General Relativity, P. 4).The Chandrasekhar / Eddington controvery in the mid 30ies did discuss the fate of neutron stars but the first thoroughly theoretical desciption was first published here. ""THE MECHANISM OF NUCLEAR FISSION"" is the first fully worked out theory of nuclear fission, which laid the groundwork for atomic and hydrogen bombs.""Wheeler's technical mastery of physics is best seen in the classic paper of Bohr and Wheeler. Bohr and Wheeler wrote the paper in Princeton, where Bohr was visiting in the spring of 1939, a few months after the discovery of fission. The paper is a masterpiece of clear thinking and lucid writing. It reveals, at the center of the mystery of fission, a tiny world where everything can be calculated and everything understood. The tiny world is a nucleus of uranium 236, formed when a neutron is freshly captured by a nucleus of uranium 235. The uranium 236 nucleus sits precisely on the border between classical and quantum physics. Seen from the classical point of view, it is a liquid drop composed of a positively charged fluid. The electrostatic force that is trying to split it apart is balanced by the nuclear surface tension that is holding it together. The energy supplied by the captured neutron causes the drop to oscillate in various normal modes that can be calculated classically. Seen from the quantum point of view, the nucleus is a superposition of a variety of quantum states leading to different final outcomes. The final outcome may be a uranium 235 nucleus with a re-emitted neutron, or a uranium 236 nucleus with an emitted gamma-ray, or a pair of fission-fragment nuclei with one or more free neutrons. Bohr and Wheeler calculate the cross-section for fission of uranium 235 by a slow neutron and get the right answer within a factor of two. Their calculation is a marvelous demonstration of the power of classical mechanics and quantum mechanics working together. By studying this process in detail, they show how the complementary views provided by classical and quantum pictures are both essential to the understanding of nature. Without the combined power of classical and quantum concepts, the intricacies of the fission process could never have been understood. Bohr's notion of complementarity is triumphantly vindicated"" (John Archibald Wheeler, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 154 (2010)).
Reference : 54015
Lancaster, American Institute of Physics, 1939. Royal8vo. In the original green printed wrappers. In ""The Physical Review"", Volume 56, Second Series, Number 5, September 1. With cloth back-strip. A quire, affecting both papers, detached but without any loss of paper. A few minor tear throughout, far from affecting text. [Bohr & Wheeler:] Pp. 426-50. [Oppenheimer & Snyder:] Pp. 455-59. [Entire volume: Pp. 387-486].
First printing of two landmark papers, all of seminal importance in history of physics: The intricacies of the fission process, the groundwork for atomic and hydrogen bombs and the forgotten birth of black holes: The first theoretical description of a black hole, the production of a singularity when a sufficiently large neutron star collapses.Oppenheimer and Snyder's ""ON CONTINUED GRAVITATIONAL CONTRACTION"" constitute the very first theoretical prediction of a singularity when a sufficiently large neutron star collapses. This phenomenon was later to be coined as a black hole. ""Had J. Robert Oppenheimer not led the US effort to build the atomic bomb, he might still have been remembered for figuring out how a black hole could form."" (American Physical Society). The paper has by several physics historians been described as the forgotten birth of black holes. ""Oppenheimer and his graduate student George Volkoff presented the first analysis of the formation of a neutron star in a 1939 Physical Review paper titled, ""On Massive Neutron Stars"". Oppenheimer wondered what would happen to a very massive neutron star. The Schwartzschild analysis of General Relativity has a theoretical limit, called the ""Schwartzschild limit"", when the ratio of mass-to-radius of a star is 236,000 times greater than the ratio for our sun. When this limit is exceeded, the Schwartzschild analysis does not yield a solution. Oppenheimer believed that a neutron star could have sufficient mass to exceed this limit. What would happen to it? Oppenheimer and his graduate student Hartland Snyder applied General Relativity theory to a star with sufficient mass and density to exceed the Schwartzschild limit. The Schwartzschild analysis assumed that the size of the star stays constant with time. Oppenheimer and Snyder found that they could achieve a real solution from General Relativity when the Schwartzschild limit is exceeded by assuming that the diameter of the star decreases with time. They presented their analysis in a 1939 Physical Review paper, titled, ""On Continual Gravitational Contraction,"" which concluded with: ""When all thermonuclear sources of energy are exhausted, a sufficiently heavy star will collapse. Unless fission due to rotation, the radiation of mass, or the blowing off of mass by radiation, reduce the star's mass to the order of that of the sun, this contraction will continue indefinitely."" This analysis concluded that when the Schwartzschild limit is exceeded, the star must collapse indefinitely until it reaches a singularity having an infinite density of matter"" (Bjornson, Singularity Predictions of General Relativity, P. 4).The Chandrasekhar / Eddington controvery in the mid 30ies did discuss the fate of neutron stars but the first thoroughly theoretical desciption was first published here. ""THE MECHANISM OF NUCLEAR FISSION"" is the first fully worked out theory of nuclear fission, which laid the groundwork for atomic and hydrogen bombs.""Wheeler's technical mastery of physics is best seen in the classic paper of Bohr and Wheeler. Bohr and Wheeler wrote the paper in Princeton, where Bohr was visiting in the spring of 1939, a few months after the discovery of fission. The paper is a masterpiece of clear thinking and lucid writing. It reveals, at the center of the mystery of fission, a tiny world where everything can be calculated and everything understood. The tiny world is a nucleus of uranium 236, formed when a neutron is freshly captured by a nucleus of uranium 235. The uranium 236 nucleus sits precisely on the border between classical and quantum physics. Seen from the classical point of view, it is a liquid drop composed of a positively charged fluid. The electrostatic force that is trying to split it apart is balanced by the nuclear surface tension that is holding it together. The energy supplied by the captured neutron causes the drop to oscillate in various normal modes that can be calculated classically. Seen from the quantum point of view, the nucleus is a superposition of a variety of quantum states leading to different final outcomes. The final outcome may be a uranium 235 nucleus with a re-emitted neutron, or a uranium 236 nucleus with an emitted gamma-ray, or a pair of fission-fragment nuclei with one or more free neutrons. Bohr and Wheeler calculate the cross-section for fission of uranium 235 by a slow neutron and get the right answer within a factor of two. Their calculation is a marvelous demonstration of the power of classical mechanics and quantum mechanics working together. By studying this process in detail, they show how the complementary views provided by classical and quantum pictures are both essential to the understanding of nature. Without the combined power of classical and quantum concepts, the intricacies of the fission process could never have been understood. Bohr's notion of complementarity is triumphantly vindicated"" (John Archibald Wheeler, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 154 (2010)).
1960 Plon 1960, collection "Civilisations d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui", IX+232pp., petit in-8, 16 cartes in texte, broché.
Bon État
Richard Wilson Webb et Hugh Callingham Wheeler sous le pseudonyme de Patrick Quentin - Maurice-Bernard Endrèbe.
Reference : 1772
Editions Presses de la Cité / Collection Cosmopolis ( ancêtre de la collection " Un Mystère " ) 1949. In-12 broché de 250 pages au format 12 x 19 cm. Couverture avec titre imprimé. Dos carré. Plats et intérieur parfaits. Exemplaire non coupé. Complet de la belle jaquette illustrée. Rarissime édition originale surtout dans un tél état de fraicheur. Précieux exemplaire orné de 3 dédicaces autographes signées, non nominatives, de Patrick Quentin alias, Richard Wilson Webb et Hugh Callingham Wheeler et du traducteur, Maurice-Bernard Endrèbe.
. Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
1963 viii, 326 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound. Library stamps, else good copy of the original, not a low quality modern print on demand reprint.
LAFFONT 1960 IN8 br.,couv.ill;leg.accroc 2eme plat,249p.;ht;n.c.
P , Carrousel, 1999 , in4° br , 174 pp , abondantes illustrations Langue: Français
New York, Vantage Press, (1958). In-16 (20.2 cm) 93, (3) pages. Reliure toile bleue d'édition en très bel état. Jaquette défraîchie de petits accrocs, dont 2 réparés au ruban gommé, coin supérieur du rabat coupé. Édition originale signée par l'auteure au titre.
Frances Wheeler, née à St-Jovite dans les Laurentides, fille de pionniers du Mont Tremblant, première femme à gravir cette montagne.
2007 Paris, Lonely planet, 2007, 14x22, 348pp., couverture souple, très bon état, nouveauté rentrée 2007,
traduit de l'anglais par Nathalie Berthet et Anne Caron,.
GALLIMARD NRF. 1955. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Quelques rousseurs. 589 pages. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
WHEELER BENNETT JOHN W. - COLLIN LEMERCIER JEANNE (traduction) Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
1973 New York, Westport, Lawrence Hill and Co,1973, in huit, 174 pp,
Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1952 in-8, VIII-342 pp., index, bradel toile grise et rouge sous jaquette illustrée (reliure de l'éditeur). Jaquette défraîchie.
125 lettres écrites entre 1809 et 1828. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Stone (Williard E.), ed. - Norton M. Bedford - John T. Wheeler - Louis Goldberg - Stephen A. Zeff - R.J. Chambers - Kermit D. Larson - Robert T. Sprouse - Alfred Rapaport - Harvey T. Deinzer - Robert R. Sterling - C. West Chruchman - Robert E. Jensen
Reference : Cyb-7020
University of Florida Press , University of Florida Accounting Series, n° 7 Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's full blue printed binding, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 175 pages
a photography of Bill Paton 1st edition, 1971 "Contents, Chapitres : Foreword, Contributors, Contents, Introduction by William A. Paton, xi, Text, 164 pages - Norton M. Bedford : Information, business, and society - John T. Wheeler : Discussion on Norton Bedford paper, Information, business, and society - Louis Goldberg : Varieties of accounting theory - Stephen A. Zeff : Comments on Varieties of Accounting Theory - R.J. Chambers : The commercial foundations of accounting theory - Kermit D. Larson : Are there commercial foundations of accounting theory ? - Robert T. Sprouse : The balance sheet embodiment of the most fundamental elements of accounting theory - Alfred Rapaport : Discussion of the ""Balance sheet-embodiment..."" - Harvey T. Deinzer : What is the measure of A statement of basic accounting - Robert R. Sterling : A response - C. West Chruchman : The past's future - Robert E. Jensen : Discussion on the Past's future" editor's binding in very good condition, minor wear on the top of the spine, inside is fine, no markings
R. LaffontLagny-sur-Marne impr. E. Grevin et fils 1960 253 pages 1960. 253 pages.
Tony Wheeler, Jean-Bernard Carillet, ...
Reference : RO40060558
ISBN : 2840700921
Lonely Planet. 1999. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 335 pages - texte sur deux colonnes - quelques illustrations noir/blanc et couleurs, dans et hors texte, dont cartes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 53-Guide
Tony Wheeler, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Olivier Cirendini, Christophe Corbel, Laurence Billiet Classification Dewey : 53-Guide
Paris, Flammarion, [d.l. 1992] 1 volume 22,1 x 29cm Cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette noire illustrée couleurs. 344p.; très nombreuses vignettes in texte, en noir et en couleurs. Très bon état.
Traduction (par une équipe de traducteurs) de "Art since Mid-Century, 1945 to the Present", publié en 1991 par l'historien d'art états-unien Daniel WHEELER; synthèse sur les grands courants internationaux de l'art de la 2nde moitié du XXè siècle (expressionnisme abstrait, pop art et nouveau réalisme, assemblages, environnements, happenings, abstraction post-picturale, minimalisme et sculpture formaliste, op art, cinétisme et art luminocinétique, art conceptuel, performances et process art, land art, nouveau réalisme, photoréalisme, hyperréalisme, pattern and decoration, "new image", néo-expressionnisme, nouvelle abstraction...), avec analyse de l'oeuvre des grands artistes; index; bibliographie; "plus de 650 illustrations" annoncées. Exemplaire bien complet de sa jaquette.
Spring books. 1966. In-4. Relié. Etat passable, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 159 pages. Texte en anglais, français et allemand. Jaquette correcte. Frontispice illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc, in/hors texte. Texte sur trois colonnes.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Photos par Jan Lukas. Introduction par Sir Mortimer Wheeler. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889. 4to. Orig. full cloth. Spine with gilt lettering. Light wear along edges. Stamps on title-page. 780 pp., 38 lithographed plates (tinted lithography and chromolithography), 3 folded maps. Internally clean and fine. With printet presentation slip on inside frontcover.
Kummerly+Frey. 1988. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 211 pages illustrées de 218 photographies et de cartes couleur dans le texte et hors texte; couverture cartonnée souple rempliée illustrée d'une photographie couleur. Photographies par Nik Wheeler.. . . . Classification Dewey : 915-Géographie de l'Asie
Classification Dewey : 915-Géographie de l'Asie
Fischer, Son & Co.. 1834. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Quelques rousseurs. 908 pages. Gravures en noir et blanc en frontispice et en page de titre. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc sur planches hors texte. Texte sur 2 colonnes. Pièce de titre noire sur le dos, avec titre et filets dorés. Mors fendus, avec 1er plat et 1re page de garde détachés. Manque et annotations en 1re page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
With Glossarial notes, a Sketch oh his life, and an estimate of his writings. Newly arranged and edited by Charles Henry Wheeler. Illustrations comprised in 230 vignette engravings. By Thompson, from designs by Thurtson. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
FRANCE LOISIRS / TIME LIFE BOOKS. 1986. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 168 pages - nombreuses photographies en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 909-Civilisation
Photographies par Nik Wheeler . Classification Dewey : 909-Civilisation