Paris, Dondey-Dupré, Bachelier, 1822.
L'exposition du théorème sur les racines d'une équation algébrique de Budan et Fourier. Seconde édition, plus complète que la première de 1808, avec un long "Appendice". "Budan is known in the theory of equations as one of the independent discoverers of the rule of Budan and Fourier, which gives necessary conditions for a polynomial equation to have n real roots between two given real numbers. (...) In 1811 Budan presented a proof for his rule to the Institut; he published the proof, along with a reprint of his original article, as 'Appendice à la nouvelle méthode, in 1822." DSB II, 573. /// In-4 de VIII, 121 pp. Cartonnage moderne. //// /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET