(Paris, Moutard, Panckoucke, 1780). 4to. Extract from ""Mémoires fe Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés à l'Academie des Sciences par divers Savans"", Tome IX. Pp. 563-575 and pp. 576-592.
First printing of two chemical papers. ""In a research on sal ammoniac (the first paper offered), Bucquet, who criticised Black's experiments, found that dry carbon dioxide is not absorbed by quicklime, and concluded that fixed air and lime do not combine without intermediate, which is water. This is an early recognition of the effect of moisture on chemical reactions. Bucquet's work on gases overlaps Lavoisier's early researches...and probably provided him with much information.""(Partington III, p. 103-4). The second paper offered deals with the mineral Zeolite.
Paris Imprimerie Royale 1778 petit in-8 demi-percaline verte du XIXe siècle, dos lisse orné de filets dorés
xv pp., 93 pp.Édition originale (l'ouvrage fut réédité en 1783 et 1786). Jean-Baptiste-Michel Bucquet (1746-1780) avait entrepris l'étude de la chimie de l'air avec Lavoisier, et il présenta en 1773 la première contribution de la chimie française à la chimie de l'air fixe (dioxyde de carbone)
(Paris, Moutard, Panckoucke, 1780). 4to. Extract from ""Mémoires fe Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés à l'Academie des Sciences par divers Savans"", Tome IX. Pp. 643-672.
""In a memoir on arsenic (the paper offered) he described the preparation of crystalline arsenic acid (nitre d'arsenic) from a solution made by boiling arsenious oxide with nitric acid, and showed that it formed with potash the same salt (potassium arsenate) as Macquer had obtained by heating arsenious oxide with nitre.""(Partington III, p. 103).