Paris, J.P. Costard, 1771. xxiv, 496 pp. Small 8vo (11,5 x 17 cm.). Contemporary full marbled calf, spine with 5 raised bands, in compartments gilt decorated, gilt letterd on morocco label (top and bottom of spine slightly damaged; corners slightly bumped), marbled end-papers, edges red.
First edition and very rare. This work is mainly based on author's "Mdecine rurale et pratique of 1768". The preface comprises i.a. a polemic with Tissot. 361-425 includes i.a.: Memoire sur l'IIlcebra ou Petite Joubarbe, par M. Marquet & Mmoire sur le Putiet, par M. Gerard. Buchoz, physician to King Stanislas and dmonstrateur en botanique au collge royal des mdecins de Nancy, claimed to be the author of over 500 books, which were published during his life, and for which he spend the incredible amount of 220.000,00 livres. "The greater part of his numerous works was indeed compiled from the writings of others: an indiscriminate and often unauthorized procedure. L'Hritier established (not validly) a genus B u c h o z i a "to take revenge". The species inquestion, Lucium foetidum L.f., had a bad odor and was - according to L'Hitier - excellently suited for that particular purpose" (Stafleu/Cowan 1976). The bibliography of the Buchoz publications is difficult and complicated because of the rarity of m
MERIAN, Marie Sybille de (1647-1717) & BUC'HOZ (Buchoz), (Pierre Joseph) (1731-1807):
Reference : 67644aaf
Paris, L.C. Desnos, 1771, gr. in-folio, Avec 116 gravures de fleurs dans un brillant coloris plus récent. 1 f. + 69 p.; 1 f. + 72 p., Maroquin rouge du XIXème siècle, dos refait.
Contient le 3ème volume de la dernière édition du fameux ouvrage de Sybille Merian sur les insectes et les fleurs. Ce 3ème volume (en 2 parties) a été rajouté ici pour la première fois, Dunthorne et Nissen n’ont pas vu d’exemplaire. Contient des planches spectaculaires de fleurs, de papillons et d’autres insectes, toutes coloriées à la main.Avec 2 pages de titre: Partie 1: Des plantes bulbeuses, liliacées, caryophyllées. / Partie 2: Des plantes de l’Europe.Richly illustrated with altogether 116 splendid handcoloured (of more recent date) engraved plates.Part 1 ( with titlepage) Des plantes bulbeuses, liliacées, caryophyllées. Part 2 (with the 2nd. titlepage): Des plantes et insectes de l’Europe. These 2 parts published by Buchoz are added as the 3rd volume of the last edition of the work by Merian, (the rarest of the 3 volumes): With altogether 184 engr. compositions (copper plates) numbered 1-182, incl. 1bis and 51bis: 43 plates with 4 engr. compositions each, and 4 plates with 3 engr. compositions each, showing one or more plants, flowers and fruits, a few plates show a decorative ring of flowers, and an arrangement in a vase or a basket. Many of the compositions include one or more decorative insects such as butterflies, caterpillars, moths, snakes, lizzards, occasionally a bird or a spider in its spider web; compos. nr. 152 to 182 are of larger size than the preceeding ones. Red morocco binding, rebacked.Der vorliegende sehr seltene 3. Band (in 2 Abt.) der letzten Ausgabe des berühmten Insektenwerkes der Merian wurde hier erstmalig dem Werk beigegeben. Er enthält dekorative Blumentafeln tlw. mit hinzugefügten Darstellungen von Schmetterlingen u. Insekten darunter Alpenveilchen, Iris, Krokusse, Narzissen, Nelken, Rosen, Tulpen usw. Weinroter Maroquinband d. 19. Jhdts mit goldgepr. Fileten u. Innenkantenverg. Rücken erneuert. cf. Pfeiffer A, 10 et B, 7; Sitwell 119; Dunthorne 205 (1st part: «Des plantes de Surinam»; 2nd part: «Des plantes de l'Europe»; avec indication "Third volume not seen", (here on offer ! ) «Des plantes bulbeuses ...», Dunthorne sans la collation de notre partie); Nissen BBI 1342 et cf. 1341 (comme Dunthorn, Nissen note seulement le volume de Surinam, avec 72 pl., et de l’ Europe, avec 47 pl.). Image disp.
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