".: Anvers (Antwerpen), chez la Veuve de Jean François Lucas, 1725, in-8°, 16 x 10 cm, (6) + 432 pp + (22), with 2 folding plates and 147 text engravings ( size; 65 x 80 mm), full contemporary calf, raised back with gilt compartments, fine copy. The folding engravings are signed in the plate by J.C.de Cock (inv. et del.) and engraved by H.F.Diamaer, some of the text engravings are signed by H.F.Diamaer. Not in B.C.N.I. SBA 529093. The first edition in French appeared with illustrations by Séb. Le Clerc in 1670-1675. (Cioranescu 30241). Abbé de Feller writes on this ; ''ces ouvrages ne sont guère recherchés que pour les estampes; car l'abbé était un écrivain fort médiocre''."