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Reference : 20373


‎Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 1826 -Tome XXXIII - Volume 3 : Tome Trente-Troisieme [ Tome 33 ] : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions electriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumiere blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) ; Sur la Preparation du Nickel (Berthier) ; Deviation de l'Aiguille aimantee par le courant d'une machine electrique ordinaire, et par l'electricite des nuages (Colladon) ; De la Temperature des differentes parties de la zone torride au niveau des mers (Humboldt) ; Experiences electro-metriques du Dr. Stefano Marianini, proefesseur de physique et de mathematiques appliquees au Lycee de Venise ; Sur le Brome (Liebig) ; Sur les pouvoirs refringens de deux nouveaux fluides contenus dans les cavites de certains mineraux (Brewster) ; Memoire sur quelques points de la theorie atomistique (Dumas) ; etc...‎

‎ 1826 Chez Crochard, Paris, 1826,exemplaire en livraisons mensuelles 4 fascicules : septembre,octobre,novembre,decembre 1826 - IN8 br.- couvertures conservées -cachet bib.-non rognées: pagination continue , 448 pp.- sans la planche dépliante non annonçée (p.337-392 pour l'article de Dumas). ‎

‎Contient notamment : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions electriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumiere blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) ; Sur la Preparation du Nickel (Berthier) ; Deviation de l'Aiguille aimantee par le courant d'une machine electrique ordinaire, et par l'electricite des nuages (Colladon) ; De la Temperature des differentes parties de la zone torride au niveau des mers (Humboldt) ; Experiences electro-metriques du Dr. Stefano Marianini, proefesseur de physique et de mathematiques appliquees au Lycee de Venise ; Sur le Brome (Liebig) ; Sur les pouvoirs refringens de deux nouveaux fluides contenus dans les cavites de certains mineraux (Brewster) ; Memoire sur quelques points de la theorie atomistique (Dumas) ; etc...Contient des ouvres de Humboldt, Colladon, Brewster, Liebig et Davy. ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 42801


‎On new properties of heat, as exhibited in its propagation along plates of glass. Read January 11, 1816.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1816). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1816 - Part I. Pp. 46-114 and 4 engraved plates. A small brownspot outside image in right margin of plates. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in the history of optics describing the photoeleasticity of glass.In the paper Brewster describes numerous investigations of birefringent glass. While Seebeck related birefringence of glass to its internal structure, Brewster considered heat as the cause of birefringence. The paper is a very thorough investigation of refringence in glass with numerous examples. To illustrate, Fig. 3 shows photoelastic patterns of a thick quadratic plate. Brewster actually comes close to the real reason of birefringence in glass: ""I have discovered that glass, and all other substances that have not the property of double refraction, are capable of receiving it from mechanical pressure, and that a compressing force always produces the structure which givesthe exterior fringes in crystallized glass, while a dilating force produces the structure which develops the interior fringes."" Brewster suggests that glass should be carefully examined by polarized lightbefore it is purchased.Together with the Brewster-paper comes a paper by John Frederick W. Herschel: ""On the development of exponential functions"" together with several new theorems relating to finite differences."" Pp. 25-45.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 45239


‎Results of some recent Experiences on the Properties impressed upon Light by the Action of Glass raised to different Temperatures, and cooled under different Circumstances. In a Letter to Joseph Banks. Read May 19, 1814.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1814). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 18154 - Part II. Pp. 436-439.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper in which Brewster reveals his discovery of a new connection between light and heat: ""glass brought to a certain temperature forms two images, and polarises them in opposite manner, like all doubly refracting crystals, the one image being coincident with the other""(p. 437). Brewster was the discoverer of the law of polarization, of biaxal crystals, of optical mineralogy, and of double refraction by compression.Independently of Seebeck, in 1814 English physicist David Brewster started investigating birefringence in glass caused by inhomogeneous heating. He also investigated the effect of sudden cooling of heated glass and discovered that in broken glass birefringence vanishes. Brewster considered his discovery so important* that he hastily published a paper, in which he only verbally described the creation of birefringence in glass by heat.With 2 other notable papers by HENRY KATER ""An improved Method of dividing Astronomical Circles and other Instruments"", pp. 419-435a. 2 folded engraved plates. And JOHN W.F. HERSCHEL ""Consideration of various Points of Analysis"", pp. 440-468.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 45874


‎On the effects of simple pressure in producing that species of crystallization which forms two oppositely polarized images, and exhibits the complementary colours by polarized light. Read January 19, 1815.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1815). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1815 - Part I. Pp. 60-64.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper in optical mineralogy in which Brewster describes his discovery of the phenomena of double refraction caused by compression.During his investigations on the polarization of light, Brewster quite unexpectedly observed that heat and pressure could produce or change a doubly refracting structure in uncrystallized, crystallized, or organic bodies. Moreover, from the geometry of the interference patterns he deduced equations that permitted him to predict the shapes, numbers, and colors of patterns that would be produced by changes in configuration, temperature, pressure, and method of observation.Brewster was the discoverer of the law of polarization, of biaxal crystals, of optical mineralogy, and of double refraction by compression.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 348


‎Life Stories of Australian Insects. Introduction by Mr. W.B. Gurney, F.E.S., Assistant Government Entomologist, Department of Agriculture. ‎

‎Sydney, Dymocks Book Arcade, 1920 in-12, xii, 424 pp. Illustrated by A.A. and M.N. Brewster. Index., reliure éditeur. (B2)‎

Cabinet d'Expertises - Périgueux

Phone number : 33 05 53 09 53 25

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 34645


‎Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 1826 - Volume 3 : Tome Trente-Troisième [ Tome 33 - Tome XXXIII ] : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions électriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumière blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) ; Sur la Préparation du Nickel (Berthier) ; Déviation de l'Aiguille aimantée par le courant d'une machine électrique ordinaire, et par l'électricité des nuages (Colladon) ; De la Température des différentes parties de la zone torride au niveau des mers (Humboldt) ; Expériences électro-métriques du Dr. Stefano Marianini, proefesseur de physique et de mathématiques appliquées au Lycée de Venise ; Sur le Brôme (Liebig) ; Sur les pouvoirs réfringens de deux nouveaux fluides contenus dans les cavités de certains minéraux (Brewster) ; Mémoire sur quelques points de la théorie atomistique (Dumas) ; etc...‎

‎1 vol. in-8 cartonnage marbré de l'époque, Chez Crochard, Paris, 1826, 448 pp. Contient notamment : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions électriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumière blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) ; Sur la Préparation du Nickel (Berthier) ; Déviation de l'Aiguille aimantée par le courant d'une machine électrique ordinaire, et par l'électricité des nuages (Colladon) ; De la Température des différentes parties de la zone torride au niveau des mers (Humboldt) ; Expériences électro-métriques du Dr. Stefano Marianini, proefesseur de physique et de mathématiques appliquées au Lycée de Venise ; Sur le Brôme (Liebig) ; Sur les pouvoirs réfringens de deux nouveaux fluides contenus dans les cavités de certains minéraux (Brewster) ; Mémoire sur quelques points de la théorie atomistique (Dumas) ; etc...‎

‎Rare exemplaire du tome 33 des "Annales de Chimie et de Physique". Bon état (cartonnage lég. frotté)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR290.00 (€290.00 )


Reference : 42349


‎On the Affections of Light transmitted through crystallized Bodies. In a Letter to Sir Humphrey Davy. Read December 23, 1813.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1814). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1814 - Part I. Pp. 187-218 and 3 engraved plate. Fine and clean.‎

‎First printing of pioneer paper in which Brewster laid the foundations of new fields of investigations. by showing that in a large class of crystals there are two axes along which there is no double refraction. Such crystals he calls BIAXAL, the simpler type to which Iceland spar belongs being called UNIAXAL.""Brewster created new fields of optical mineralogy and photoelasticity. In 1813, while studying the ""depolarising"" action of Topaz, he observed two sets of elliptical rings (interference patterns) centered on axes in the Topaz that were apparently inclined at 65 degr.. He interpreted this to mean that Topaz must have two axes, not one, of double refraction, an entirely unexpected result. After many laborious experiments he was able in 1819 to group all but a few of hundreds of minerals and crystals into mutually consistent optical and mineralogical categories: the primitive form determined the number of axes of double refraction.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 42800


‎Experiments on the dipolarisation of light as exhibited by various mineral, animal, and vegetable bodies, with a reference of the phenomena to the general principles of polarisation. Read December 15, 1814.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1815). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1815 - Part I. Pp. 29-53 a. 1 engraved plate‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper in the history of optics in which Brewster further investigates polarization phenomena, here describing the polarisation of light by reflexion. Brewster was the discoverer of the law of polarization, of biaxal crystals, of optical mineralogy, and of double refraction by compression.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 42804


‎On new Properties of Light exhibited in the optical Phenomena of Mother of Pearl, and other Bodies to which the superficial structure of that Substance can be communicated. Read April, 28, 1814.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1814). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1814 - Part II. Pp. 397-418 a. 1 engraved plate. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of a remarkable paper in which Brewster investigates new optical phenomena in relation to mother-of-pearl and explains the optical properties peculiar to it, the communication of these properties to other bodies, the causes by which these phenomena are produced and explaining a new species of polarisation peculiar to mother-of-pearl.The theory presented in the paper is called ""Brewster’s theory"" r, it attributed the iridescent colors of mother-of-pearl to light diffraction from the surface structure.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 44240


‎On the Connexion between the Phenomena of the Absorption of Light, and the Colours of thin Plates. Received May 9, - Read May 11, 1837. (+) On the Colours of ixed Plates. Received october 25, - Read December 14, 1837. (2 Papers).‎

‎(London, Richard and John E. Taylor, 1837 a. 1838). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1837 - Part II. Pp. 245-252 and 1838 - Part I. Pp. 73-77.‎

‎First printing of 2 papers in which Brewster discusses the phenomena of light absorption, Newton's rings and Youngs wave theory of light. Brewster still adhered to the emission theory of Newton.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )


Reference : 44241


‎Additional observations on the optical properties and structure of heated glass and unannealed glas drops. In a Letter addressed to Joseph Banks. Read November 10, 1814.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1813). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1815 - Part I. Pp. 1-8 a. 1 engraved plate.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper in optics in which Brewster describes some of the experiments that lead him, in the next two years, to his discoveries of ""Brewster's Law"" and to his distinction between Biaxial and Uniaxial crystalline structures.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 60814


‎Gotama le Bouddha sa vie, d'après les écritures palies choisies par :‎

‎ 1951 Paris, Payot , 1951, in huit ,251 pp, broché,très bon état, ‎

‎trad.par G.Lepage, avec 8 planches. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎Beaudot (Alain), ed. - Bernadette Grandcolas,J.P. Guilford, et E.P. Torrance, eds. - J.W. Getzels et P.W. Jackson - M.A. Wallach et N. Kogan - Brewster Ghiselin, Roger Rompel et Calvin M. Taylor - F. Barron - D.W. Mac Kinnon - L.S. Kubie - D.C. Mc Clelland - S.J. Parnes - P.S. Weisberg et K.J. Springer - D.C. Dauw - J.S. Bruner‎

Reference : Cyb-6960


‎La créativité - Recherches américaines présentées par Alain Beaudot , Textes traduits par Bernadette Grandcolas, avec un avant-propos de J.P. Guilford, une préface et un texte inédit de E.P. Torrance (1. Identification de la créativité : L'adolescent créatif et l'adolescent intelligent - Nouvelle appréhension du problème de la distinction, intelligence-créativité - La validité prédictive des tests de pensée créative - Check-list du processus créatif - 2. La personnalité créative : Disposition pour l'originalité - Nature et culture du talent créatif - Le préconscient et la créativité - Psychodynamique des physiciens créatifs - 3. Education et environnement : Education et créativité - Le milieu familial dans la fonction créative - Rêves et aspîrations de trois groupes d'adolescents créatifs et d'un groupe témoin comparable - Conditions de la créativité - La créativité, rétrospective et prospective - Annexe : Le test de créativité de M.A. Wallach et N. Kogan)‎

‎Dunod , Organisation et Sciences Humaines Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1973 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée à rabats éditeur, bleu, noir et blanc grand In-8 1 vol. - 300 pages‎

‎ 1ere traduction en français, 1973 Contents, Chapitres : Avant-propos, préface, table, xii, Texte, 288 pages - Introduction de J.P. Guilford : La créativité - 1. Identification de la créativité : J.W. Getzels et P.W. Jackson : L'adolescent créatif et l'adolescent intelligent - M.A. Wallach et N. Kogan : Nouvelle appréhension du problème de la distinction, intelligence-créativité - E.P. Torrance : La validité prédictive des tests de pensée créative - Brewster Ghiselin, Roger Rompel et Calvin M. Taylor : Check-list du processus créatif - 2. La personnalité créative : F. Barron : Disposition pour l'originalité - D.W. Mac Kinnon : Nature et culture du talent créatif - L.S. Kubie : Le préconscient et la créativité - D.C. Mc Clelland : Psychodynamique des physiciens créatifs - 3. Education et environnement : S.J. Parnes : Education et créativité - P.S. Weisberg et K.J. Springer : Le milieu familial dans la fonction créative - E.P. Torrance et D.C. Dauw : Rêves et aspîrations de trois groupes d'adolescents créatifs et d'un groupe témoin comparable - J.S. Bruner : Conditions de la créativité - J.P. Guilford : La créativité, rétrospective et prospective - Annexe : Le test de créativité de M.A. Wallach et N. Kogan - Bibliographie générale et index couverture à peine jaunie, sinon très bon état, intérieur frais et propre‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎[Chez Crochard] - ‎ ‎GAY-LUSSAC ; ARAGO ; DAVY ; BREWSTER‎

Reference : 19953


‎Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 1826 - Volume 3 : Tome XXXIII : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions électriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumière blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) - ‎

‎Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Tome Trente-Troisième, contient notamment : Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions électriques et les actions chimiques (Davy) - Sur l'aimantation de l'acier par la lumière blanche directe du soleil (Baumgartner) ; 1 vol. in-8 relié , rel. d'époque demi-basane marron, Chez Crochard, Paris, 1826, 448 pp. ‎

‎Etat satisfaisant (mouill. marginales, dos lég. frotté). Contient aussi, notamment : Sur la Préparation du Nickel (Berthier) ; Déviation de l'Aiguille aimantée par le courant d'une machine électrique ordinaire, et par l'électricité des nuages (Colladon) ; Sur les pouvoirs réfringens de deux nouveaux fluides contenus dans les cavités de certains minéraux (Brewster) ; Mémoire sur quelques points de la théorie atomistique (Dumas)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 112014


‎Manuel d'optique, ou Traité complet et simplifié de cette science. / par M. Brewster,... traduit par M. P. Vergnaud...‎

‎Paris, à la Librairie encyclopédique Roret 1833 In-18 14,5 x 8,5 cm. Reliures de l’époque demi-basane brune, dos lisses ornés de petits fers à froid encadrés de filets dorés, IV-268-V-289 pp., table analytique et 5 planches repliées in fine vol. II. Reliures frottées, accrocs en pied de dos, intérieur en bon état, rousseurs éparses. Ouvrage peu courant.‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR157.00 (€157.00 )

‎Brewster, David:‎

Reference : 118126aaf

‎Briefe über die natürliche Magie, an Sir Walter Scott. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen von Friedrich Wolff. ‎

‎Berlin, Enslin, 1833, in-8vo (17:11,5 cm), VIII + 415 S. + 1 w.Bl. Mit 79 Kupfern auf 22 Tafeln (2 mit beweglichen Applikationen). Etwas stockfleckig, Titel mit Namenszug von alter Hand. Orig. Verlags-Pappband,. Rücken mit kl. Bezugsfehlstellen, Ecken bestoßen. ‎

‎Erste deutsche Ausgabe, gegenüber der englischen Originalausgabe um weitere Anmerkungen ergänzt. Schildert optische u. akustische Illusionen, kuriose Maschinen u. Automaten (darunter "Baron Kempeles Sprechmaschine") sowie verschiedene Zaubertricks. Brewster (1781-1868) ist der Erfinder des Kaleidoskops und eines dioptrischen Stereoskops.First German edition. - With 79 engr. illustrations on 22 plates, two with moveable parts. - Foxing, ownership inscription to title. Original boards, some dusting, rubbing to edges and corners. Graesse, BMP 116; vgl. DSB II, 451 ff. (zum Autor). Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF750.00 (€803.90 )

‎Brewster Lepage‎

Reference : 100087740


‎Gotama le Bouddha sa vie d'après les écritures palies choises par E.H. Brewster avec une préface de C.A.F. Rhys Davids‎

‎Payot 1929 in4. 1929. Broché. iconographie en noir et blanc‎

‎couverture défraîchie dos recollé trace de scotch bords frottés intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )


Reference : 97859


‎Manuel d'optique, ou Traité complet et simplifié de cette science.‎

‎Paris Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, coll. "Manuels-Roret" 1833 2 vol. relié 2 vol. in-16, reliés demi-basane fauve, dos lisses ornés de frises et fleurons dorés, IV + 268 et V + 289 pp., 5 planches dépliantes (l'une volante). Edition originale française traduite par Paul Vergnaud.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎BREWSTER (David).‎

Reference : 97774


‎Manuel d'optique, ou Traité complet et simplifié de cette science.‎

‎Paris Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, coll. "Manuels-Roret" 1833 1 vol. relié Sans les 5 planches. 2 tomes en 1 vol. in-16, relié demi-basane havane, dos lisse orné de frises dorées et fleurons à froid, IV + 268 et V + 289 pp. Sans les 5 planches dépliantes. Edition originale française traduite par Paul Vergnaud.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎Glyn Andrew, Sutcliffe Bob, Magri Lucio, Brewster‎

Reference : RO60147879


‎New left Review n°66- March-April 1971-Sommaire: The critical condition of British Capital par Andrew Glyn and Bob Sutcliffe- Italian communism in the sixties par Lucio Magri- Interview apropos Oman and Dhofar par Fred Halliday- Armed insurrection and dua‎

‎Balding & Mansell/ New left review ltd. 1971. In-8. Broché. Etat passable, Coins frottés, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 96 pages. Texte en anglais. Quelques rousseurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Sommaire: The critical condition of British Capital par Andrew Glyn and Bob Sutcliffe- Italian communism in the sixties par Lucio Magri- Interview apropos Oman and Dhofar par Fred Halliday- Armed insurrection and dual power par Ben Brewster- Sex politics: class politics. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )


Reference : 42350


‎On the Polarisation of Light by oblique transmission through all Bodies, whether crystallized or uncrystallized. In a Letter addressed to Taylor Combe. Read January 27, 1814.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1814). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1814 - Part I. Pp. 219-230 and 1 engraved plate. Fine and clean.‎

‎First appearance of this pioneer work in the optical theory of polarization and double refraction by ""The discoverer of the law of polarization, of biaxal crystals, of optical mineralogy, and of double refraction by compression.""""Since Brewster had found that light was partially polarized by oblique refraction in mica, he attempted to determine the law of this polarization in he simpler case of successive refractions by a pile of thin glass plates. By the end of 1813 he had concluded that ""the number of plates in any parcel, multiplied by the tangent of the angle, at which it (completely) polarises light, is a constant quantity"" (in the paper offered here p. 221). More importent, since ""the pencil of light polarised by transmission (comports) itself, in every respect like one of the pencils former by double refracting crystals"" (the paper offered p. 219), study of the physical optics of transparent ought to enable philosophers ""to unfold the secrets of double refraction, to explain the forms and structure of crystallised bodies....""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 42803


‎On the communication of the structure of double refracting crystals to glass, muriate of soda, fluor spar, and other substances, by mechanical compression and dilatation. Read Febraury 29, 1816.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1816). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1816 - Part I. Pp. 156-178 a. 2 engraved plates.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper in optical theory in which Brewster describes his discovery that double refraction phenomena can be induced by mechanical means on different kinds of crystals by compression and deflection.Together with Brewsters paper comes a paper by Everard Home ""Some account of the feet of those animals whose progressive motion can be carried on in opposition to gravity."" Pp. 149-155 and 2 engraved plates.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 44824


‎On the Action of crystallized surfaces upon light. In a Letter addressed to Joseph Banks. Read February 25, 1819.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1819). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1819 - Part I. Pp. 145-160.‎

‎First appearance of one of Brewsters importent paper in the field of optical mineralogy, a field he himself created. In the paper he investigates the polarization-force of double refracting crystals. In 1819 he was able to group all but a few of hundreds of minerals and crystals into mutually consistent optical and mineralogical categories: the primitive form determined the number of axes of double refraction.""He regarded ""all the various phenomena of polarisation of light by reflexion and refraction as brought under the dominion of laws as well determined as those which regulate the motions of the planets."" In 1816 he received the Copley Medal, in 1819 two Rumford Medals, and in 1831 a Royal Medal for the papers in which he announced these discoveries. On the popular level, Brewster’s reputation was established in 1816 by the fad for his kaleidoscope. Its invention was a direct result of his studies of the ory of polarization by multiple reflections.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 46467


‎On the laws which regulate the Absorption of polarised Light by Double Refracting Crystals. In a Letter addressed to ... Sir Joseph Banks. read November 12, 1818.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1819). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1819 - Part I. Pp. 11-27, 1 textillustr.‎

‎First appearance of one of Brewsters importent paper in the field of optical mineralogy, a field he himself created. In the paper he investigates the polarization-force of double refracting crystals. In 1819 he was able to group all but a few of hundreds of minerals and crystals into mutually consistent optical and mineralogical categories: the primitive form determined the number of axes of double refraction.""He regarded ""all the various phenomena of polarisation of light by reflexion and refraction as brought under the dominion of laws as well determined as those which regulate the motions of the planets."" In 1816 he received the Copley Medal, in 1819 two Rumford Medals, and in 1831 a Royal Medal for the papers in which he announced these discoveries. On the popular level, Brewster’s reputation was established in 1816 by the fad for his kaleidoscope. Its invention was a direct result of his studies of the ory of polarization by multiple reflections.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 46547


‎On the Action of crystallized surfaces upon light. In a Letter addressed to Joseph Banks. Read February 25, 1819.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1819). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1819 - Part I. Pp. 145-160.‎

‎First appearance of one of Brewsters importent paper in the field of optical mineralogy, a field he himself created. In the paper he investigates the polarization-force of double refracting crystals. In 1819 he was able to group all but a few of hundreds of minerals and crystals into mutually consistent optical and mineralogical categories: the primitive form determined the number of axes of double refraction.""He regarded ""all the various phenomena of polarisation of light by reflexion and refraction as brought under the dominion of laws as well determined as those which regulate the motions of the planets."" In 1816 he received the Copley Medal, in 1819 two Rumford Medals, and in 1831 a Royal Medal for the papers in which he announced these discoveries. On the popular level, Brewster’s reputation was established in 1816 by the fad for his kaleidoscope. Its invention was a direct result of his studies of the ory of polarization by multiple reflections.""(DSB).‎


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