".: 2. Paris, Le Terrain Vague, in-8°, sewn, original wrappers, as isued, 108 pp with b/w illustrations, AVAILABLE - DISPONIBLE; Numéro 7 (Décembre 1964) (In all 8 issues were published). Nice copy."
ZERVOS Christian ( editor ) - Paul Eluard , André Breton , Man Ray , Salvator Dali , Juan Miro ( texts ) - [ ] PICASSO :
Reference : 48179
.: 12. Paris, Cahiers d'Art, 1935 , in-4°, 32 x 25 cm, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. Special issue on recent work by Picasso. With a tipped-in portrait of Picasso by Man Ray with the stamped signature in red. With a colour lithograph printed on heavier paper. A bit loose in the binding but a fine complete copy.
ZERVOS Christian ( editor ) - Paul Eluard , André Breton , Man Ray , Salvator Dali , Juan Miro ( texts ) - [ ] PICASSO :
Reference : 55255
.: Paris, Cahiers d'Art, 1935 , in-4°, 32 x 25 cm, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. Special issue on recent work by Picasso. With a tipped-in portrait of Picasso by Man Ray with the stamped signature in red. With a colour lithograph printed on heavier paper. A very fine complete copy. Le fascicule complet et en très bon état.