New York, Breslauer, s.d. (ca. 1995 ?), in-4°, 155 pp, 140 items, colour and b/w ills. Original softcover. Price-list loosely inserted..
2. Berlin, Breslauer (Französische Strasse), (1919), in-8°, 22 x 14,5 cm, 329 pp, 2716 nrs, sewn, orig. wrappers (printed on rather poor paper) With a section on Bodoni, Marcus Manilius, Incunables, etc.
5. Berlin, Breslauer, 1908, in-8°, 581 pp, indices, bibliography, describes 556 items, sewn, orig. wrappers. (Important catalogue of antiquarian books on the German music and the song, with complete collations and interesting notes) Original imprint.
2. Berlin, Breslauer, s.d. (ca. 1928), in-8°, stapled in-8°, 329 pp, orig. wrappers (loose) & second part of the catalogue printed on poor quality paper.