1 vol. petit in-8 reliure de l'époque plein veau marbré, dos à 5 nerf orné, reliure vernissée, toutes tranches marbrées, Apud Christ Frid. Weygand , Helmstadt, 1737, 32-160 pp. et 6 ff. n. ch. avec une planche dépliante ("Abacus numeralis" d'Athanase Kircher).
Rare exemplaire de l'ouvrage de Christian Breithaupt (1689-1749) consacré à l'art du déchiffrement des écritures cachées. Parmi les auteurs cités, on relèvera les noms de Jérôme Cardan, Athanase Kircher, Gustavus Selenus (Auguste II de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel) et John Wallis. Les spécimens d'écriture reproduits dans l'ouvrage sont assez remarquables. C'est à partir de la Renaissance que la cryptographie devient un art véritable, "ars occulte scribendi". Dans sa belle étude sur la "Cryptographie militaire", Auguste Kerckhoffs donne une liste chronologique des ouvrages ayant les premiers traités de principes de déchiffrement : tout d'abord l'ouvrage de Porta "De furtivis litterarum notis", puis "L'Interprétation des Chiffres" tiré de l'italien de Cospi par le Père Nicéron (1641) et enfin les ouvrages de Breithaupt, de Gravezande (Introduction à la philosophie) et de John Davys (An Essay on the art of decyphering), tous trois parus en 1737. Bon exemplaire. Cf Kerckhoffs, "La Cryptographie militaire" in Journal des Sciences Militaires, vol. IX, 1883, pp. 5-38. 968 / 5 000Scarce copy of the work of Christian Breithaupt (1689-1749) devoted to the art of deciphering hidden writings. Among the authors cited, we note the names of Jerome Cardan, Athanasius Kircher, Gustavus Selenus (August II of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel) and John Wallis. The writing specimens reproduced in the work are quite remarkable. It was from the Renaissance onwards that cryptography became a true art, “ars occulte scribendi”. In his beautiful study on "Military Cryptography", Auguste Kerckhoffs gives a chronological list of works having the first treatises on deciphering principles: first of all Porta's work "De furtivis litterarum notis", then "The Interpretation of Ciphers" taken from the Italian of Cospi by Father Niceron (1641) and finally the works of Breithaupt, Gravezande (Introduction to Philosophy) and John Davys (An Essay on the art of decyphering), all three published in 1737. Good copy.
Halle, Waysenhauses, 1729. 4to. Bound in a very nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. All edges of boards with blindstamped ornamentation. All edges of book block marbled. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Spine-ends with a wear, boards with a few scratches, internally very fine, fresh and clean - a very fine and well kept copy. (10), 24, (8), 95, (17), 384, (24), 352, (16) pp.
Beautiful copy in essentially unread condition of Breithaupt’s famous religious work focusing on the duties and responsibilities of Christian teachers and their congregations, inspired by the biblical verse Matthew 5:13, where Jesus refers to his followers as ""the salt of the earth.""This present 1729-edition being the third and final edition expanded with numerous ordination sermons from both Halle and Magdeburg and with an index, not present in the first and second edition. The print and the size (4to) makes this essentially a luxury edition as opposed to the much more modest print of the second edition from 1726 in 8vo. OCLC list none of the alleged first edition from 1725. Just one copy of the second edition from 1726 and five copies of this present third expanded edition. ""Das Saltz der Erden"": This phrase means ""The Salt of the Earth,"" which is a reference to Matthew 5:13, a verse from the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus says, ""You are the salt of the earth."" The metaphor suggests that Christians, like salt, are meant to have a preserving, purifying, and flavorful influence on the world. The book discusses the mutual responsibilities of those who teach the Christian faith and those who listen, being the congregation or followers. Joachim Justus Breithaupt (1658 – 1732) was a German Lutheran theologian and hymn writer. Born in Northeim to Superintendent Christian Breithaupt he began his studies in Helmstedt in 1676 and became vice-principal in Wolfenbüttel in 1680. Following a plague, he continued his theological studies under Christian Kortholt the Elder at the University of Kiel and later lectured in Frankfurt am Main. He progressed when he became court preacher and consistory councilor in Meiningen in 1685 and later pastor at the Predigerkirche in Erfurt, senior of the spiritual ministry, and professor of theology at the University of Erfurt in 1687. In 1705 he was appointed General Superintendent of the Duchy of Magdeburg and in 1709, became abbot of the Magdeburg Foundation and the Monastery of Berge.
Servestae, Goeckingiana, 1738. 4to. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Traces from old paper-label to upper part of spine. Boards with a few scratches and part of the gilt ornamentation to spine worn off. Internally with occassional light brownspotting. Last few leaves with wormtract in lower outer margin. (8), 414, (74), (8), 430, (58), (8), 592, (64) pp.
The exceedingly rare first (only?) edition of Breithaupt’s examination of faith and ethics and morals. We have not been able to trace a single copy in the trade, nor does OCLC list any copies. Joachim Justus Breithaupt (1658 – 1732) was a German Lutheran theologian, preacher and hymn writer.
Reference : 9176
Bray-sur-Seine, Imprimerie Lucquin, Revue mensuelle de Topographie, Topométrie, Phototopographie, Economie Foncière et Rurale, Améliorations Agricoles, Levers Urbains et Ruraux, Arpentage, Cadastre, Remembrements, Livre Foncier, Expertises et Administrations des Immeubles, Lotissements, Plans de Villes ( Aménagement, Extension, Alignement ), Organisation Professionnelle et Corporative, 1932, ensemble de 12 numéros, du numéro 135 au 146, format 245x160mm, environ 50 pages par numéro, quelques feuillets publicitaires imprimés sur un papier orange, couvertures un peu usagées et insolées, sans atteinte au texte, sinon l'état est correct.
Chroniques professionnelles, Remembrement urbain à Vittel, La Photographie aérienne au Service de l'Urbanisme colonial, Le Remembrement en Alsace-Lorraine, Les Théodolites modernes, Auto-Réducteur Blanc ( Grand modèle ), De l'utilisation de la T.S.F. pour la détermination des méridiennes géographiques, Considérations techniques sur le régime foncier de l'ile de Cuba, La Constitution des Cartes géotechniques souterraines appliquée à la géologie pétrolifère, Calculs à la Machine Double, Précision de la Détermination d'une direction avec les problèmes de Hansen et de Pothenot, Plans de villes et Zoning, Le rôle de la Photogrammétrie dans l'art du géomètre, Lettre de Shanghaï ( Chine ), Voyage en Pologne, Note sur le Vernier, Le Tachéomètre Universel Auto Réducteur " Breithaupt ", La Géométrie minière, Les Travaux cartographiques et cadastraux dans les Colonies portugaises, Comité permanent de la Fédération Internationale des Géomètres - Varsovie les 2 et 3 Septembre 1932, récréations mathématiques, jurisprudence, législation, etc...etc...
Genève, Breithaupt, [sans date]. Photographie (15,5x10,5), montée sur carton crème, bordée d'un filet rouge, adresse au verso.
Jolie image qui pourrait avoir été prise vers 1857, car le pont de la Coulouvrenière ne semble par encore en fonction, le trafic passe sur une passerelle juste à côté. On peut appercevoir les lavandières derrière le pont.
Traduite de l'allemand par le Général B. Ravichio de Péretsdorff, Attaché au Ministère de la Guerre. A la Direction du Spectateur Militaire, Paris, 1837. In-8 p. (mm. 220x145), brossura orig., pp. (4),63. Diviso in 4 sezioni: Mobilité et effets de l'artillerie - Fusées incendiaires - Rapport numérique de l'artillerie avec les autres armes - Personnel et chevaux. Esemplare con barbe, ben conservato.
Winnenden bei Stuttgart, Kosten des Verfassers, 1835. Snall 8vo. Contemp. hcalf, gilt. Back slightly rubbed and a paperlabel pasted on upper part of back. Stamp on titlepage. 258,(1) pp. and 2 large folded maps.
Stuttgart, Löflund und Sohn, 1826. Small 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spine. Gilt lettering. Light wear along edges. Stamp on title-page. 144,(2) pp.
Winnenden bei Stuttgart, Auf Kosten Verfassers,1835. Small 8vo. Cont. hcalf. Gilt spine. Gilt lettering. A paperlabel on lower part of spine. Stamp on halftitle.. 258,(1) pp. and 2 folded engraved maps. F aint scattered brownspots.
Baden-Baden - Hambourg, Haendcke & Lehmkuhl no year, 245x160mm, VIII - 777 + 574pages, shagreen half-binding. Nice binding. Belle reliure. Book in good condition.
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