Bourgeois Victor - STYNEN Leon - Jos. SMOLDEREN - Pierre Louis Flouquet - Henry van de VELDE (contributors and subjects ) :
Reference : 41765
.: 0. Bruxelles, éditions Art et Technique, éditeur responsable Louis Vandenheuvel, (later) Emmanuel Harou. Original issues with original printed wrapper, format in-4°, ca. 40 pp per issue, texts in French. AVAILABLE: year 13 (1957) issue nr. 11, as published. Price for the one issue. This issue contains an In Memoriam by Leon Stynen pronounced at the funeral of Henry van de Velde. Firther on modern British architecture by R. Furneau Jordan. On the life and work of Henry van de Velde by Pierre Louis Flouquet, Le Quartier '' Jan de Voslei'' in Antwerpen (architect Jos. Smolderen). Belgian architectural periodical with modernist tendencies. Pierre Louis Flouquet was the main contributor and the artistic director.