12 books for « bossuyt ignace »Edit

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‎Bossuyt, Ignace.‎

Reference : 31917

‎Vlaamse polyfonie.‎

‎Leuven, Davidsfonds, 1994 Gebonden, linnen mets stofomslag, 174pp., 22.5x28.5cm., rijkelijk geillustr. in kleur en z/w., goede staat. ISBN 9789061528432.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎BOSSUYT Ignace‎

Reference : M72085


‎W.A. Mozart (1756-1791) en het pianoconcerto (Actief luisteren naar muziek, Deel 2)‎

‎Leuven, Universitaire Pers 1989 155pp. met los toegevoegd: 63pp. partituren, 24cm., gebroch., in de reeks "Ancorae" vol.7, mooie staat, M72085‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎Bossuyt Ignace‎

Reference : 100121050


ISBN : 9061864836

‎Ancorae 11: Heinrich Schütz 1585-1672 en de historia - actief naar muziek DEEL 3‎

‎Universitaire Pers Leuven 1992 216 pages in8. 1992. Broché. 216 pages.‎

‎très bon état de conservation intérieur propre avec son livret‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )


Reference : T74587


‎Cui dono lepidum novum libellum ? Dedicating Latin works and motets in the sixteenth century‎

‎Leuven, Leuven University Press 2008 viii + 326pp.with ills., 24cm., in the series "Supplementa humanistica Lovaniensia" volume 23, softcover, fine condition, T74587‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎WILLAERT Adriaan, a.o., (& BOSSUYT Ignace, introd.)‎

Reference : M95236


‎Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci di M. Adriano & de altri autori appropriati per cantare & sonare d'ogui forti di stromenti, etc. [Facsimile-edition]‎

‎Peer, Alamire 1986 Facsimile edition of the original 1559 (2nd) edition by Antonio Gardano in Venice, 4 volumes (introduction, Bassus, Tenor, Cantus), [20] + [32] + [28] + [32] pp. with music scores, in oblong (21x16cm.), softcovers, in publisher's cart. slipcase, good condition, the first volume contains an introduction in English and in Dutch, ISBN 90-6853-013-6, M95236‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎WERRECORE Mathias (& BOSSUYT Ignace, introd.)‎

Reference : M95238


‎La Bataglia Taliana, etc., con alcune vilotte, A quatro voci [Facsimile edition]‎

‎Peer, Alamire 1987 Facsimile edition of the original 1549-edition by Antonio Gardane in Venice, 4 volumes (one for each voice: Bassus, Tenor, Altus, Superius), [27] + [27] + [27] + 16,25 + pp., softcovers, in oblong (15x22cm.), in publisher's cart. slipcase, good condition, [Interesting collection of music by M. Werrecore, a Flemish composer who spent most of his life in Italy. It contains the 4-part "La Bataglia Taliana" which celebrates the defeat of the French in the battle of Pavia in 1525, and some villotas. With an introduction in English], ISBN 90-6853-026-7, M95238‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎BOSSUYT Ignace‎

Reference : M97962


‎Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672) en de Historia‎

‎Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven 1992 216pp. + losse bijlage met 54 muziekvoorbeelden, 24cm., gebroch., in de reeks "Anchorae" volume 11 (actief luisteren naar muziek, deel 3), mooie staat, ISBN 90-6186-483-6, M97962‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Bossuyt Ignace‎

Reference : 100092917


ISBN : 9061864836

‎Heinrich Schütz 1585-1672 en de historia actief luisteren naar muziek DEEL 3 --- Ancorae 11 (avec son livret de partition)‎

‎Universitaire Pers Leuven 1992 216 pages in8. 1992. Broché. 216 pages.‎

‎Très bon état intérieur propre ternissures sur tranche bords un peu frottés‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )

‎Ignace Bossuyt‎

Reference : 49637

‎Johann Sebastian Bach Christmas Oratorio.‎

‎, , 2004 Softcover, 188 pages Book language: English. ISBN 9789058674210.‎

‎This book is intended to provide the inquisitive listener with a guide to exploring the many layers of meaning found in Bach's Christmas Oratorio. The first section offers a general sketch of the specific context in which this composition was created at the end of 1734, shedding light on the work's liturgical function and taking a closer look at the biblical and broader religious themes. This first section will also focus on the contemporary textual and musical components of the oratorio genre, of which Bach's composition is a prime example. The second section is a detailed discussion of the 64 movements making up the work, with a focus on three aspects: the text, the music and the relation between the two. The nature of the musical setting and its structure depends on the nature of the text, be it prose (the Bible story) or poetry (the chorales and the inserted commentary), narrative or dramatic (indirect or direct speech). Moreover, the music was governed by the particular musical canons of the day, which largely determined and regulated the structure of each section and the coherence between successive sections or those at a greater remove from one another. In order to get to the essence of Bach's oeuvre, the reader-listener must be prepared to become immersed in the literary and musical idiom, the specific terminology and 'grammar' of the day.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎VENS Werner ( verantwoordelijke uitgever van het tijdschrift VLAANDEREN ) - Ignace BOSSUYT e.a. :‎

Reference : 41041

‎Adriaan Willaert (1490 - 1562). Thema-nummer van het tijdschrift Vlaanderen. Nr. 206, mei-juni 1985, Jrg. 34 Nr. 3.‎

‎.: 2. Tielt, Lannoo, 1985, in-4°, pp. 137-199, gelijmd, originele omslag. Kompleet nummer, zoals gepubliceerd. Thema-nummer gewijd aan de Vlaamse polyphonist Adriaan Willaert.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎UTENDAL Alexander - Ignace BOSSUYT :‎

Reference : 18426

‎De componist Alexander Utendal (ca 1543/1545-1581). Een bijdrage tot de studie van de Nederlandse polyfonie in de tweede helft van de zestiende eeuw.‎

‎.: Brussel, Paleis der Academiën, 1983, large in-8°, 200 pp, orig. wrappers, b/w ills, index, bibl..(Verhandelingen van de Kon. Academie van Wetenschappen, Lett. en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Sch. K. jrg. 45 nr. 36).(Treatise of the Belgian Academy).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )

‎UTENDAL Alexander - Ignace BOSSUYT :‎

Reference : 50807

‎De componist Alexander Utendal (ca 1543/1545-1581). Een bijdrage tot de studie van de Nederlandse polyfonie in de tweede helft van de zestiende eeuw.‎

‎.: 2. Brussel, Paleis der Academiën, 1983, large in-8°, 200 pp, orig. wrappers, b/w ills, index, bibl..(Verhandelingen van de Kon. Academie van Wetenschappen, Lett. en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Sch. K. jrg. 45 nr. 36).(Treatise of the Belgian Academy). Ex-library copy with label on spine. cover slightly discolored. Text in Dutch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )
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