Reference : 45045
Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1750. 4to. Extract from ""Mémoires de Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés à l'Academie des Sciences par divers Savans"", Tome I. Pp. 478-529 pp. and 2 engraved plats. With titlepage to Volume I. A small wormhole to inner margin.
First appearance of this classic study of the tapeworm (Taenia), being the first accurate description of the Proglottids.""In 1741 he began to study reproduction by fusion and the regeneration of lost parts in the freshwater hydra and other animals. The following year he discovered that the respiration of caterpillars and butterflies is performed by pores, to which the name of stigmata has since been given. He also studied tapeworms. These investigations earned him a membership of the Royal Society of London in 1743, the same year he became a doctor of laws.""""Bonnet is considered one of the fathers of modern biology. He is distinguished for both his experimental research and his philosophy, which exerted a profound influence upon the naturalists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. "" (D.S.B. II: 286).With: M. Geer ""Observation sur la propriété singulière qu'ont les grandes Chenilles á quatorze jambes & à double queue, du Saule, de seringuer de la liqueur"". Pp. 530-638 a. 1 engraved plate.