[BOERHAAVE, Herman (1668-1738) ; Gerard VAN SWIETEN].-- STOLL, Maximilian (1741-1787).
Reference : 2283
Paris, Gabon; J.-A. Brosson, 1809. vi, [ii], 240 pp. 8vo (13,6 x 21,3 cm.). Original contemporary blue wrappers (spine slightly rubbed), entirely uncut and unopened (reliure d'attente la barbe d'originale.).
Rare, not in Lindeboom, Bibliographia. Boerhaaviana. "The Viennese professor Stoll used Borhaave's Aphorisms on febrile diseases for his lectures. He adapted Boerhaave's text to newer views and insights"(Lindeboom). The first edition of this Mahon translation was published in 1801, the last edition in 1837. (Cette oeuvre est inspire des "Aphorismes" de Boerhaave. D'aprs le "Dictionnaire de Dezeimeris", Corvisart aurait galement traduit ce texte. Trad. de : "Aphorismi de cognoscendis et curandis febribus").-- First 60 pages have a light clear waterstain in the upper inner marging, but a fine copy in its pure state.