"12. Paris, C. Doré, 1776, 4 parts in folio bound in three volumes. xxvi pp + 498 (error 540) pp + 514 + (14) nn pp (index) ; xxii pp + 614 pp + (1)(errata) ; xxii pp +426 pp + 145 pp + (26)nn pp (index), uniform contemporary mottled calf with gilt raised spines, two labels on spine, edges painted red. Fine set. A German Benedictine, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Salzburg, b. at Munich, in Bavaria, 13 July 1690, d. at Salzburg, 9 February, 1752. He made his religious profession at the Abbey of St. Peter, Salzburg, in 1706, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1713. Having been made a Doctor of Canon and Civil Law (1715), in 1721 he succeeded Benedict Schmier, as professor of canon law at the Benedictine University of Salzburg, where he remained for a period of twenty years. In 1729 he was appointed vice-chancellor of the university. The ""Commentarius in Jus Canonicum universum"" which Bocken published at Salzburg (1735-39), is his most important work. He had previously (1722-28) issued a number of treatises on the five books of the Decretals, these, now thoroughly revised and supplemented, were incorporated in his larger work, to the third volume of which, in an appendix, he also added a lengthy disquisition ""De praescriptionibus"". A reprint of the ""Commentarius"" appeared at Paris in 1776. Bocken's work, like that of the Salzburg canonists generally, is one of definite value. (Catholic Encyclopedia).."