Venetia, Appresso Michiel'Angelo Barboni, 1669. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with four raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities, back-board with parts of leather detached. Dampstain to lower half of leaves throughout, paper creased. Last leaves moulded. (16), 311, (45), (32), 270, (24), 92 pp.
Later edition of this political and social satire by Traiano Boccalini, opposing Spanish rule in Italy and criticizing Italian princes who sought foreign solutions for domestic issues. Anti-Jesuit and anti-Spanish, Boccalini denounced court life and depicted the known world including the Indies and the Americas. Originally circulated as a manuscript around 1605, Boccalini left the Papal States for the free state of Venice, where his work first published in 1612.
Lanciano, R. Carabba, Editore 1910, 190x125mm, 141pagine, in brossura. Buono stato.
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".: Venetia, Guerigli, 1680, in-8°, 15,5 x 10 cm, three parts in one volume, title with woodengraved vignette + (62) pp with full-page engraved portrait of the author + 312 pp ; title with woodengraved vignette + (30) + 270 pp + (2)(blank); title with wood engraved vignette +(18)nn pp + 92 pp + (2)(bl), +contemporary full vellum, two clasps, sprinkled edges, fine copy. Main work of this Italian satirist. Graesse I 456."