Bieri, Helen & Bernard Jacque et al.: Papiers Peints Art Nouveau. 1997. 123pp with 10 colour plates and 130 monochrome illustrations. Cloth, 27.7x25cms. Several essays examine the elaborate decorative wallpaper designs, produced by the Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau artisans c.1900; examples are drawn from the collections of MusÃe du Papier Peint de Rixheim and the Fondation Neumann, Gingins. List of artists. Text in French.
Several essays examine the elaborate decorative wallpaper designs, produced by the Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau artisans c.1900; examples are drawn from the collections of MusÃe du Papier Peint de Rixheim and the Fondation Neumann, Gingins. List of artists. Text in French